Nin Spellcast

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Nin spellcast
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Wakabo
Posts: 467
By Bahamut.Wakabo 2011-02-28 05:53:52
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Recently taken nin up and lazy as *** to find a decent spellcast so nabbed this one off windower website and had messed around with it. What I can't get to work is put tp set back on after a ws, it stays in ws gear. Halp.

edit: and Varangian helm wont equip on ws wut.

Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Leoheart
Posts: 565
By Unicorn.Leoheart 2011-02-28 06:25:54
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Bahamut.Wakabo said:
Recently taken nin up and lazy as *** to find a decent spellcast so nabbed this one off windower website and had messed around with it. What I can't get to work is put tp set back on after a ws, it stays in ws gear. Halp.

edit: and Varangian helm wont equip on ws wut.

Looks fine to me, only problem i can see with your V. helm is that you may not have it in your inventory? I recently had this problem with spellcast because i did not update the Version.
as for your "normalmelee" set, i'm not too good with spellcast but i can notice that you've given it two different names, change your weaponskill tag to this and i think it might work.
<set name="WSgear" baseset="NormalMelee">
I might be wrong but I hope this helps.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2011-02-28 06:26:25
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Holy christ that looks excessively pointless..

At a guess,

Look for:
<!-- Control for Night Weaponskills -->

And change it to:
<action type="Equip" when="Aftercast" set="$NightorDay Set">
<!-- Control for Night Weaponskills -->

Then, find:

And change it to:
<action type="Equip" when="Aftercast" set="$NightorDay Set">
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: maxse
Posts: 1197
By Bismarck.Maxse 2011-02-28 06:33:52
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Why are you having him add the same exact rule twice? Not saying you're wrong just asking. Also don't forget to close the action out. <action type="Equip" when="Aftercast" set="$NightorDay Set"/>
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2011-02-28 06:34:23
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One for night, one for day and only in the WS segments.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: maxse
Posts: 1197
By Bismarck.Maxse 2011-02-28 06:44:06
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He's has quite a lot of <rule> </rule> in there. I was under the impression they no longer work.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Wakabo
Posts: 467
By Bahamut.Wakabo 2011-02-28 06:50:14
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I honestly found the first decent looking spellcast and went off that. I'll change it around.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2011-02-28 06:51:31
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Here's one I super quickly knocked together while I was playing my friends NIN earlier (ironically to level my nin on a mule >_>)

EDIT: It's nothing special though, just a few gear swaps for basic stuff. I'll prolly put my NIN's spellcast up when I'm done with making it~
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Wakabo
Posts: 467
By Bahamut.Wakabo 2011-02-28 06:54:31
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Thanks, I'll just stick with that. Not too "hardcore" about my nin to put forth the extra effort besides tp, ws, and eva sets.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kataro
Posts: 2
By Cerberus.Kataro 2011-03-06 15:21:59
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Try this spellcast if you are still having issues. Its not the best and can add rules if needed but I found it a good starting point when i made mine. Obviously there are things to add to it that i have removed due to having multiple .xmls that i use.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<variables clear="false">
<var name="DayOrNight">Day</var> <!-- Init with day set will update after first cast/ja etc.-->
<var name="UtsuCount">0</var>
<group default="yes" name="NIN">
<set name="DayIdle">
<head>Iga Zukin +1</head>
<neck>Iga erimaki</neck>
<body>Koga Chainmail</body>
<hands>Koga Tekko</hands>
<rring>Ulthalam's Ring</rring>
<lring>Shadow Ring</lring>
<back>Shadow Mantle</back>
<waist>Koga Sarashi</waist>
<legs>Iga Hakama +1</legs>
<feet>Ninja kyahan +1</feet>
<ammo>Qirmiz Tathlum</ammo>
<set name="NightIdle" BaseSet="DayIdle" >
<set name="DayEngaged" BaseSet="DayIdle">
<hands>Dusk Gloves</hands>
<feet>Fuma Sune-Ate</feet>
<lear>Brutal Earring</lear>
<back>Cerberus Mantle</back>
<lring>Rajas Ring</lring>
<set name="NightEngaged" BaseSet="DayEngaged">
<hands>Koga Tekko</hands>
<set name="DayJin" BaseSet="DayEngaged">
<head>Shura zunari kabuto</head>
<rear>Ethereal Earring</rear>
<hands>Ninja Tekko +1</hands>
<rring>Ulthalam's Ring</rring>
<waist>Warwolf Belt</waist>
<feet>Denali Gamashes</feet>
<set name="NightJin" BaseSet="DayJin">
<hands>Koga Tekko</hands>
<set name="DayYu" BaseSet="DayJin">
<body>Kirin's Osode</body>
<rring>Snow ring</rring>
<lring>Diamond Ring</lring>
<ammo>Phantom tathlum</ammo>
<set name="NightYu" BaseSet="DayYu">
<hands>Koga Tekko</hands>
<set name="DayWS" BaseSet="DayJin">
<body>Kirin's Osode</body>
<hands>Nin. Tekko +1</hands>
<set name="NightWS" BaseSet="NightJin">
<body>Kirin's Osode</body>
<hands>Koga tekko</hands>
<set name="DayHaste" BaseSet="DayEngaged">
<lear>Loquacious Earring</lear>
<hands>Koga tekko</hands>
<set name="NightHaste" BaseSet="NightEngaged">
<lear>Loquacious Earring</lear>
<set name="Ninjutsu" BaseSet="$DayOrNightHaste">
<feet>Koga Kyahan</feet>
<neck>Ninjutsu torque</neck>
<lear>Loquacious earring</lear>
<set name="NinElemental" BaseSet="$DayorNightEngaged">
<feet>Koga Kyahan</feet>
<head>Koga Hatsuburi</head>
<rring>Snow ring</rring>
<lring>Diamond Ring</lring>
<body>Kirin's Osode</body>
<ammo>Phantom tathlum</ammo>
<neck>Ninjutsu torque</neck>
<lear>Loquacious earring</lear>
<set name="Regen">
<body>War Shinobi Gi</body>
<if MLVLGT="73">
<!-- BEGIN Timecheck-->
<if mode="OR" TimeLT="6.00" TimeGT="17.59">
<action type="var" cmd="set DayOrNight Night" />
<action type="var" cmd="set DayOrNight Day" />
<!-- END Timecheck -->
<!-- BEGIN TP & Engaged Check-->
<if advanced='"%status"="Engaged" || "%tp">"0"'>
<action type="Disable" slot="main|sub|ranged|ammo" />
<action type="Enable" slot="main|sub|ranged|ammo" />
<!-- END TP & Engaged Check-->
<!-- BEGIN Set 2 WS-->
<if type="WeaponSkill">
<action type="precastdelay" delay=".2" />
<action type="aftercastdelay" delay="2" />
<if Spell="Blade: Jin|Blade: Rin|Blade: Retsu|Blade: Ten">
<action type="equip" when="precast" set="$DayOrNightJin" />
<elseif Spell="Blade: Yu|Blade: Chi|Blade: To|Blade: Teki">
<action type="equip" when="precast" set="$DayorNightYu" />
<action type="equip" when="precast" set="$DayOrNightWS" />
<action type="command" when="precast">input /echo [%spell] %target <%tp%></action>
<action type="command" when="after">input /echo [%spell] <tp> return</action>
<action type="equip" when="aftercast" set="$DayOrNightEngaged" />
<!-- END Set 2 WS-->
<!-- BEGIN Bind Set 2 Status-->
<action type="equip" when="resting" set="Regen" />
<action type="equip" when="idle" set="$DayOrNightIdle" />
<action type="equip" when="engaged" set="$DayOrNightEngaged" />
<if status="enaged">
<action type="equip" when="aftercast" set="$DayOrNightEngaged" />
<action type="equip" when="aftercast" set="$DayOrNightIdle" />
<!-- END Bind Set 2 Status-->
<!-- BEGIN Ninjutsu Rules -->
<if Skill="Ninjutsu">
<action type="precastdelay" delay=".2" />
<action type="aftercastdelay" delay="2" />
<if Spell="Utsusemi*">
<action type="equip" when="precast" set="$DayOrNightHaste" />
<action type="var" cmd="inc UtsuCount" />
<elseif Spell="Doton: *|Huton: *|Hyoton: *|Katon: *|Suiton: *|Raiton: *">
<action type="equip" when="precast" set="NinElemental" />
<action type="equip" when="precast" set="Ninjutsu" />

<if status="engaged">
<action type="equip" when="aftercast" set="$DayOrNightEngaged" />
<action type="equip" when="aftercast" set="$DayOrNightIdle" />
<!-- END Ninjutsu Rules -->
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24
By Bismarck.Tsuchinoko 2011-03-06 16:00:20
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Can spellcast specify on a subjob for nin? I.E. different sets engagement for /war or /dnc?
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Tessy
Posts: 153
By Unicorn.Tessy 2011-03-06 16:07:10
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Hi, Wakabo

I tought I post my NIN SC it is very similuar to yours if not mistaken, even if I have very tired eyes atm :) if you can use any fromt his go ahead. It is taken from Users Submitted back ind days.

I did set the SC into a spoiler aswell!


Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Tessy
Posts: 153
By Unicorn.Tessy 2011-03-06 16:10:20
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Bismarck.Tsuchinoko said:
Can spellcast specify on a subjob for nin? I.E. different sets engagement for /war or /dnc?

I have to say yes, even if I'm the worse to write them myself I'm pretty sure this can be done. but of course I would like any SC pros to confirm this?, so I'm not filling you with lies.

From my view are SC awsome, so many things it can help you with when playing and optimize your stuff :)

Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2011-03-06 20:37:07
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You're correct Tessy, Spellcast can deal with Subjobs.

You would want to use something like this to determine Rules based on SJ:

<if Advanced='"%SubJob" = "DNC"'>
<rules go here!>
<elseif Advanced='"%SubJob" = "WAR"'>
<rules go here!>

EDIT: Alternatively, you could name your spellcasts Char_NIN_DNC.xml and Char_NIN_WAR.xml. Spellcast will then automatically load one based on your SJ~
Posts: 1721
By Lye 2011-03-23 11:59:29
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Why do you cast ninjutsu nukes in enfeebling gear?

Drain, Aspir, Absorb are all Dark Magic spells, not Enfeebling skill.
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Vextra
Posts: 313
By Ifrit.Zerovirus 2011-03-23 12:04:04
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Lye said:
Why do you cast ninjutsu nukes in enfeebling gear?

Drain, Aspir, Absorb are all Dark Magic spells, not Enfeebling skill.

Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: kvazz
Posts: 5345
By Cerberus.Kvazz 2011-03-23 12:05:48
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Lye said:
Why do you cast ninjutsu nukes in enfeebling gear?

Drain, Aspir, Absorb are all Dark Magic spells, not Enfeebling skill.

I'm confused.. lol
Posts: 1721
By Lye 2011-03-23 13:19:39
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Bahamut.Wakabo said:
Recently taken nin up and lazy as *** to find a decent spellcast so nabbed this one off windower website and had messed around with it. What I can't get to work is put tp set back on after a ws, it stays in ws gear. Halp.

<!-- Start of Enfeebling Magics-->
<set name="Enfeebling" baseset="$NightOrDay Set">
<head>Arhat's Jinpachi +1</head>
<neck>Enfeebling Torque</neck>
<rear>Loquacious Earring</rear>
<lear>Enfeebling Earring</lear>
<body>Arhat's Gi +1</body>
<back>Cerberus Mantle</back>
<waist>Koga Sarashi</waist>
<legs>Arhat's Hakama +1</legs>
<feet>Heroic Boots</feet>
<set name="Ninjaskill" baseset="$NightOrDay Set">
<head>Ninja Hatsuburi</head>
<rear>Loquacious Earring</rear>
<hands>Koga Tekko</hands>
<neck>Ninjutsu Torque</neck>
<body>Arhat's Gi +1</body>
<back>Astute Cape</back>
<waist>Koga Sarashi</waist>
<legs>Arhat's Hakama +1</legs>
<feet>Koga Kyahan</feet>

<!-- Control for Enfeebling Magics and Job Abilities -->

<rule spell="Sleep|Drain|Aspir|Absorb-*|Katon: *|Hyoton: *|Huton: *|Doton: *|Raiton: *|Suiton: *">
<action type="equip" set="Enfeebling" />
<rule spell="Jubaku: *|Hojo: *|Kurayami: *|Dokumori: *">
<action type="equip" set="Ninjaskill" />

Still confused?
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: kvazz
Posts: 5345
By Cerberus.Kvazz 2011-03-23 13:22:58
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Yeah, what does drain/aspir/absorb spells have to do with that?
Enfeebling gear for ninjutsu is wrong, yes, but not like he's using dark magic, which you said:P
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Vextra
Posts: 313
By Ifrit.Zerovirus 2011-03-23 13:23:07
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Yes, why would you even consider nin casts those kind of spells, unless you are trolling. If that is the case then well done sir, you trolled at least two people.

edit: Obvious mistake in spellcast is obvious.
Posts: 1721
By Lye 2011-03-23 13:42:09
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Maybe this will best illustrate the point.

Check the boxes that apply:


The op lugs around an enfeebling torque and earring. Which of the above spells will be even MARGINALLY affected by this gear? If he/she desires to be so pro as to utilize his/her inventory to the fullest, what two items could be substituted that might better enhance 3 of those spells?

@ Zerovirus
You seem unfamiliar with nin/drk. Hit the books /oldeschool
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: kvazz
Posts: 5345
By Cerberus.Kvazz 2011-03-23 13:47:10
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Ok *** I admit I messed that up.
Idk how but I didnt see this before now:

<rule spell="Sleep|Drain|Aspir|Absorb-*|

I'm outa here before I overlook something more!
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Vextra
Posts: 313
By Ifrit.Zerovirus 2011-03-23 13:52:58
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Lol yea let me just dust off my pld while i'm at it too. Maybe i'll do some rdm tanking, becuase se didn't nerf the eminity of those spells.

Anything else?
Posts: 1721
By Lye 2011-03-23 14:04:46
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That's cute. You can read update notes!

It does beg the question, "why include it in your spellcast xml if it's so meaningless?" Outdated perhaps? Then again, all those messy ws rules for different assault areas... hardly worth the keystrokes.

It's a shame you edited your post to try to save face. By misspelling "obvious," in your infinitely cliche edit, you might have gotten a few more e-thug points.

Oh well, I've heard apoc drks are a dying breed. Too much angst;;
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2011-03-23 14:10:05
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Lye said:
It does beg the question, "why include it in your spellcast xml if it's so meaningless?" Outdated perhaps? Then again, all those messy ws rules for different assault areas... hardly worth the keystrokes.

As you said, that spellcast is horrendously outdated. The syntax itself is terribly outdated (2.2x or lower), the Spellcast itself was designed around Spellcast 2.15, so a lot of the rules/gear choices in there are likely to be outdated/silly.
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Vextra
Posts: 313
By Ifrit.Zerovirus 2011-03-23 14:17:07
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Lye said:
That's cute. You can read update notes!

It does beg the question, "why include it in your spellcast xml if it's so meaningless?" Outdated perhaps? Then again, all those messy ws rules for different assault areas... hardly worth the keystrokes.

It's a shame you edited your post to try to save face. By misspelling "obvious," in your infinitely cliche edit, you might have gotten a few more e-thug points.

Oh well, I've heard apoc drks are a dying breed. Too much angst;;

That's cute, you're still stuck in 2007 XI

Yes, the xml is outdated, because it encompasses nin/drk for tanking along with other outdated text.

BUT, op wanted help with TP and WS sets, I doubt that someone who is "lazy as ***" would much care about removing outdated material.

Apoc is in storage as are my other relics, I've moved on and kept up with the times, have you? bro, use it.
Posts: 1721
By Lye 2011-03-23 15:06:17
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You didn't read. The same mistake you were shamed by in the first place. /pity
Posts: 1721
By Lye 2011-03-23 15:11:53
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Ifrit.Zerovirus said:
Lol yea let me just dust off my pld while i'm at it too. Maybe i'll do some rdm tanking, becuase se didn't nerf the eminity of those spells.

Anything else?

By the way,

enmity (ˈɛnmɪtɪ)
—n , pl -ties
a feeling of hostility or ill will, as between enemies; antagonism

[C13: from Old French enemistié, from enemienemy]


because (bɪˈkɒz, -ˈkəz)

1. (subordinating) on account of the fact that; on account of being; since: because it's so cold we'll go home
2. (preposition) because of on account of: I lost my job because of her

Courtesy of ........ BR0!

Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Hyaroraro
Posts: 533
By Fenrir.Hyar 2011-03-23 16:54:23
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Here's your revised Spellcast