It's not that much a puzzle. You probably just feel awkward because you'd tried not to be involved with him for so long before now. Either that, or your sub conscious could be coming up with a slightly strange way to cope, though I can't think of the word for it right now.
Didn't know you lost your brother, or maybe I'm just a terrible person and forgot :(
I don't know how you feel, but my brain is trying to Sherlock Holmes it. Do you feel like that you feel it's as if you felt your brother was a barrier to a possible relationship, so you would feel guilty if you just suddenly started one up now? I mean, there's not much wrong with that, even if it's only a little nibbling sensation. Anyone would/could feel like that if put in the same situation.
Course, I really rather think you just feel kind of weird about it, it's that simple, and that you should just go for it if you want it. There's no real harm in it, from what I can tell.
Ah well, if it's more pleasant than creepy/weird, then I suppose just enjoy the attention. ^^ (So long as he's 'safe' and not dangerous or anything.) :p
He's fine. My dad loves him already, but that was as my brother's buddy. LOL!
He's actually pretty harmless, just the way he went about it not long after my brother's funeral made me /rolleyes. I honestly thought it was the, "console grieving girl equals sex" BS. So, I kind of brushed it off, but every other time we've met up has been pleasant. Tonight was fun.
You know, I have this poem I wrote a couple years back, or maybe not quite a couple, but almost a couple. Anyway, it has heavy alliteration with Ns and Ss. I like reading it.
I abide in the realm of The Unseen
Profound Darkness, she is my queen
She shades me with sonnets most tenebrous
She descries that my lullabies must be caliginous
Solemn serenades for The Unseen
Sung by The Eternal Night, a resplendent queen
I am cradled in the lure of her meadowlark hiss
Perorated to the point of rapture, a dim bliss
Solitary song by The Unseen
Sung to The Duchess After Dusk, his queen
A sapient silhouette chanting a love nocturne
Brandishing his opaque love as yearned
I wish I could remember more Simpsons episodes. All that comes to mind right now are the ones with Smither's dad bein locked in the reactor, the weenie dog furcoat one, and uhm... a few others.
I wish I could remember more Simpsons episodes. All that comes to mind right now are the ones with Smither's dad bein locked in the reactor, the weenie dog furcoat one, and uhm... a few others.
This is a thread that I found on another website I post at. It can be really really interesting. I thought it deserved a place here.
Post your random thoughts for the day here, or anything else that intrigues you.
For starters, is it possible to give constructive critism to someone who doesn't have a neck? I totally just walked by a girl who didn't. Someone isn't getting a necklace for Valentines day!
And who decided black and white can't be colors? I want to say a racist. I really do.