I did play on and off, only because its a FF game. I wanted to experience the story but I found the missions to be such a slog that I stopped playing. The same repetitive "click 3 glowing dots and go back to NPC" was repeated over and over, the same fake character sacrifices over and over. I honestly never understood how people couldn't see it, and apparently now they are. The horrible jump rope end game and having to memorize 15~30m videos on the content, the way the jobs have no uniqueness and are all just reskins.
They have cleaned 2.x up quite a bit and lost a lot of lore. There are now many more varied MSQ quests like the universally disliked (at a minimum) follow quests and the fight as this NPC with a vastly reduced skill set just in case you actually know the NPC's job quests. You don't have to do the end game raids to be equipped for anything you might wish to do including end game raiding. Everyone agrees with you about the homogenization of the roles.
Would you all (not just Draylo) even play a new SE MMO knowing their history from 11 and 14, if you believe they will always use it to fund other projects?
I prefer 11 over 14 any day, but I won't pretend I didn't get many hours of enjoyment out of 14 over the years and certainly don't wish them ill will if they truly are struggling and fans are displeased.
I really miss a lot of things about XI but the XI I miss went away long before I did.
My current peeve about XIV is that its predictable and taking too long between patches. Or I know a lot of what's coming so are we there yet?