That issue is mostly mute.
and yet here you are talking about it.... >.>
the word is
the definition is
Definition of moot
1 a : open to question : debatable
b : subjected to discussion : disputed
2 : deprived of practical significance : made abstract or purely academic
Let's assume you mean "deprived of practical significance" and you are still WRONG because it's not, because heating oil is
flammable or you couldn't use it to heat your home with.
Number 2 fuel oil has a flash point of 52 °C (126 °F). so
NO you can't drop a lit cigarette in the tank. Why? because it would explode before the cigarette hit the oil. Probably while it was still hanging from your lips while you removed the cap to the tank.
Diesel (which is very similar) for equipment must be below 15ppm sulfur, heating oil must be below 500 ppm sulfur. that's why it stinks so bad.
It's a flammable liquid, tanks and pipes are prone to leaking, it's impossible to clean up. It's impossible to get rid of the smell, it's 4X as expensive as natural gas.
It's bad and you should feel bad for defending it.
If you have a natural gas leak you "clean" it up by opening a *** window.... I tell you what. Here is a simple test. Go buy a gallon of diesel and spill in your garage or basement floor and then let us know how long it takes you to clean it up. Please smoke while doing it.
We get it. You have warm emotional attachment because your idiot parents used it when you were a kid. That doesn't make everyone's else's clearly spelled out arguments against it as "mute"
With the cost savings of switching to natural gas you could pay off the new furnace in as little as two years. Your point is moot!
You want the truth!? you can't handle the truth!!!