Also, my wife's a big fan, so apologies if I weigh her vote a little heavier.
Edit: there's always my perpetual mancrush Idris Elba, but the thing is, I can't really be a buff black guy no matter how hard I work at the gym. Even an outdoor gym.
Also, my wife's a big fan, so apologies if I weigh her vote a little heavier.
Edit: there's always my perpetual mancrush Idris Elba, but the thing is, I can't really be a buff black guy no matter how hard I work at the gym. Even an outdoor gym.
Idris Elba is a sexy man...loved him as Stringer Bell in The Wire (I just love The Wire, period), he sucked in... what was that movie with the gundam/godzilla like stuff going on.
The 23rd century refit of the legendary NX-class of the 22nd century, this escort vessel is both tough and nimble in battle.
A key component of this ship’s arsenal is the new Point Defense Bombardment Warhead, which fills an area with micro-torpedoes before the primary payload has detonated on impact.
The NX Escort Refit comes equipped with a Point Defense Bombardment Warhead Universal Console. Activating this console will launch a warhead that will slowly travel to your target. Any enemy starship unfortunate enough to get within the Warhead's attack range will be repeatedly bombarded with photon torpedoes! When the warhead reaches its target, it will detonate, causing heavy kinetic damage to the target and all nearby foes.
Also, my wife's a big fan, so apologies if I weigh her vote a little heavier.
Edit: there's always my perpetual mancrush Idris Elba, but the thing is, I can't really be a buff black guy no matter how hard I work at the gym. Even an outdoor gym.
Idris Elba is a sexy man...loved him as Stringer Bell in The Wire (I just love The Wire, period), he sucked in... what was that movie with the gundam/godzilla like stuff going on.
This is a thread that I found on another website I post at. It can be really really interesting. I thought it deserved a place here.
Post your random thoughts for the day here, or anything else that intrigues you.
For starters, is it possible to give constructive critism to someone who doesn't have a neck? I totally just walked by a girl who didn't. Someone isn't getting a necklace for Valentines day!
And who decided black and white can't be colors? I want to say a racist. I really do.