Assisstant superintendant comes in and asks me to go check with the presenter for tomorrow and see what they need to get set up...
Presenter: Yeah I wanna make sure we have the right cables for things tomorrow.
Me: Okay, do you have your computer with you?
Presenter: No, I will have it tomorrow though.
Me: Do you know what kind of video ports you have on it?
Presenter: No, do we need to know that?
Me: I will see you tomorrow!
That's pretty standard. It's probably a lolMac.
We had a fun one at work recently where they were doing this presentation in a place that isn't ours and had to go there to make sure it would work with their laptop. They set up a system that only worked properly with Macs. L O L!
I guess it beats having a computer hooked up to it constantly and having to deal with different codecs because people don't know how to properly embed things in their presentations.