Dear god, RoV story is like an onslaught of cutscenes, and retracing the same ***over and over >.>; I mean, I like it because of reasons, but damn, how many times do I have to go back to a crag and go in a broken crystal. How many times do I have to be told, "Jee, I don't know how to handle this. Maybe we should ask the goddess." " Jeez, I still don't know how to handle this." "IROHA STOP TRYING TO EUTHANIZE YOURSELF, DAMN IT!" "I don't know how to handle this, better go ask someone who doesn't know how to handle this, if they have any idea about how to handle this."

I asked Iroha if it hurts to die over and over and come back to life over and over... even though I have experienced that myself(this is probably the most interesting thing about her so far, and she just brushes it aside casually).