Carbuncle.Sevourn said:
i do think we should draw a distinction between the "look at my IQ GUYZ" crowd
korpg, stanflame, elana, etc
and the people who have high enough iq's that it's clear they're intelligent without them needing to spit out a number
night, thorny, ninian, giaaz, tiger, etc
the latter group i'm fine with
Whatever, man.
Listen, if you're not intelligent enough to grasp how intelligence is calculated, then you're pretty dense.
Does my high IQ score make me intelligent? No.
My intelligence makes my high IQ score.
A lot of people, yourself included Sevourn, can't seem to differentiate between reticence and intelligence.
Yes, I am opinionated, brash, and uncompromising.
You seem to believe that means I'm "not intelligent enough to know I need to play it cool if I want to appear intelligent".
Listen, I'm not out to show you how cool I can be. I'm not going to bottle up my brainpower so that you can be more comfortable with it. If you have a huge penis, I don't expect you to be humble and avoid your calling to be a famous porn star. If you have huge arms, I don't expect you to hide in the corner of the gym when you do your biceps curls, just so I don't have to feel intimidated by your strength.
Don't expect me to be all shy and stoic just because I'm a brainiac. I have emotions, too, jackass. Being a brain doesn't make one a robot.
And big 'lol' at your insinuation that Tigerwoods is 'smart'.
All that root beer and fried chicken is probably the secret to his brainpower.