Good morning RT~!
been thinking of what I want to do with myself starting next year and I've come up with a list of things I want to work on/do.
-Get an account to Bronze V in League of Legends
-Learn how to read/write German
-Learn how to read/write Japanese
-Get better at my job
-Make a personal website
-Travel to the UK
-Work out daily
-look into doing kendo again
-build a new computer
-make more money than 2014
New Years resolutions bug the living *** out of me. If you really want to change something about your life, then get up and *** change it. I never understood why you need some magic day where the calendar resets to try and better yourself. All it does it promote procrastination which will inevitably lead to you to not finish your goals, which in turn makes you feel shittier than before because you didn't finish.
You could also easily start/do many of those things, no reason to do just one. Start working out while picking up Kendo again. Then build a computer and play LoL on said new computer. If it is a money issue, you can still start working out, don't need a gym per se (though they help) and you can still do LoL and new computer at the same time.
TLDR: If you want to change something, don't wait.
Also, you don't need to workout daily. Find a decent routine and diet and stick to it. Weights 3~5 times a week and cardio ~3 times a week is more than enough. For me it has been 90% motivation and 10% actually doing stuff. Also noticed I just feel better in general when I stick to a routine.