I picked up the Rosetta Stone download for $199 of levels 1-3 of Japanese like 2 weeks ago.
I've been thinking about getting some JP onry imports or something, to give myself incentive to learn.
How much Japanese do you know?
I will say, most import games will not teach you anything and will probably frustrate you.
There's plenty of websites that will teach you rather than an import game.
I have a link somewhere of a site that will show you kanji and hiragana of numbers and then time you on doing math problems. One thing I like about this, it starts training you to not listen and then translate to english in your head, and then translate it back to japanese.
http://www.jlpt.jp/e/ Also with JLPT, there's several courses that you could do and see what it takes to get certified in business to use Japanese. N5 is the starter tests and you can find test answers online from prior tests (they use different questions from a mass pool of questions) and see if you can follow along.