By Anna Ruthven 2013-10-14 18:00:17
In high school, I had this computer class first hour, first thing in the morning. Being the bad kid, I sat in the corner. Right behind me on the wall was this psychedelic poster "by Robert Vojack", a friend and I found the name to be epic and it became something of an inside joke to us. Anyway, after seeing the name on the poster, I decided to open Microsoft word and start copy and pasting it over and over. At about 200k-ish pages Word crashed. I did it again and stopped just before it crashed the last time and saved the document. I then made a new folder, labeled Robert Vojack of course, and put the document in there. I then started copying it till I had like a 70 gig file, I then took that file and sent it through Blackboard to the teacher's computer.
We never used Blackboard again, no one knew why. =)