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THE TP gear
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Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Zefyr
Posts: 196
By Sylph.Zefyr 2011-01-06 15:21:48
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Asura.Chefm said:

or Twilighit + Triple dagger

All this uber stuff and the best you can come up with for ring2 is NQ sniper's?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Bunnygod
Posts: 563
By Asura.Loire 2011-01-07 03:17:58
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level 90 mandau eating red curry buns with RR, VV (or GH pending on what you are doing) and AoA

and if you care about proc'ing TH for lewts

until you see TH raises then swap back into previous set
Serveur: Phoenix
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user: hagino
Posts: 217
By Phoenix.Hagino 2011-01-07 10:11:40
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5 evasion
8% crit hit damage


6 acc
30 attack
12 acc
8 str
7 dex
dagger skill +5
3% double attack
AF3 Set bonus~
that would be loire's tp set vs mine in stat differences for everyone wondering if tping in loki's + cavaros + dusk +1 is better than AF3 + atheling, that would be the difference in the sets. Didnt throw in the random stats that no one cares about such as rng acc~

I'm not saying one is better, whatever works for you works for you.

I also use RR GH and AoA + red curry.

everything is up for a knit pick~

the neck isnt relevant because it doesnt effect the haste/crit debate so lets say those are both love torques in the set comparisons.
Serveur: Caitsith
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user: Trebold
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By Caitsith.Mahayaya 2011-01-07 10:13:52
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How pompous of you to say that your TP set is "THE TP gear" to use! :P
Serveur: Odin
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user: Priscilia
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By Odin.Loreley 2011-01-07 11:13:40
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Caitsith.Mahayaya said:
How pompous of you to say that your TP set is "THE TP gear" to use! :P
Read all posts before you troll, he/she stated before it was meant to say "THF" not "THE" but was a mistype.
Serveur: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Dracondria 2011-01-07 11:16:49
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Odin.Loreley said:
Caitsith.Mahayaya said:
How pompous of you to say that your TP set is "THE TP gear" to use! :P
Read all posts before you troll, he/she stated before it was meant to say "THF" not "THE" but was a mistype.

It's a joke, lighten up.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Bunnygod
Posts: 563
By Asura.Loire 2011-01-07 13:02:21
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Phoenix.Hagino said:
5 evasion
8% crit hit damage


6 acc
30 attack
12 acc
8 str
7 dex
dagger skill +5
3% double attack
AF3 Set bonus~

not quite the right comparison

attack 46.5 (5 str) mandau level 90 is 35 attack
crit hit dmg 8%
stp 13 (2 hits less then your build to 100% tp)
agi 13
subtle blow 10
base af3 set bonus

attack 47.5 (13 str and 5 dagger skill)
stp 6
agi 2
subtle blow 5
double attack 3%
af3 set bonus with the additional 3 pieces

assuming all furtherence abyssites and RR this is what the sets boil down to in comparison. Only left agi in there for a factor of suble blow.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: hagino
Posts: 217
By Phoenix.Hagino 2011-01-07 20:15:33
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wasnt aware we were adding the mandau into it, if so you'll have to add the 15 dex from 90 variant of twashtar and double damage aftermath
By 2011-01-07 20:36:38
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Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2025
By Phoenix.Kirana 2011-01-07 20:46:00
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Asura.Loire said:

until you see TH raises then swap back into previous set

You only need to hit the mob once with TH+ gear on, you DON'T need to see the proc go up before switching back to TP gear.

The set bonus with 4/5 +2 was very noticiable when I tried it out last night. I recommend it over a loki's or mirke build.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Karbuncle
Posts: 2203
By Asura.Karbuncle 2011-01-07 21:09:02
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Asura.Loire said:
level 90 mandau eating red curry buns with RR, VV (or GH pending on what you are doing) and AoA

Would not Twilight Knife be a better offhand?

The Bonus to Triple attack is low, Like ~+2% Damage, and even that i couldn't tell if it was just an attack boost...

While Triplus has a ~00.20 better DPS rating, the TP Drain + Quad attack on Twilight should well outweigh it yes?
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2025
By Phoenix.Kirana 2011-01-08 03:29:17
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Asura.Karbuncle said:
Asura.Loire said:
level 90 mandau eating red curry buns with RR, VV (or GH pending on what you are doing) and AoA

Would not Twilight Knife be a better offhand?

The Bonus to Triple attack is low, Like ~+2% Damage, and even that i couldn't tell if it was just an attack boost...

While Triplus has a ~00.20 better DPS rating, the TP Drain + Quad attack on Twilight should well outweigh it yes?

Quadruple attack is almost useless because lower tier multi-attacks take priority. You are much better off on thf stacking as much triple attack as possible and maximizing the bonus damage from triplus and set bonus procs.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2011-01-08 04:00:15
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according to research going on in this thread, contrary to popular belief it appears that Triple Attack procs before Double Attack. Through extrapolation, it is possible that Quadruple Attack may proc before Triple Attack.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Karbuncle
Posts: 2203
By Asura.Karbuncle 2011-01-08 04:04:49
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Phoenix.Kirana said:
Asura.Karbuncle said:
Asura.Loire said:
level 90 mandau eating red curry buns with RR, VV (or GH pending on what you are doing) and AoA

Would not Twilight Knife be a better offhand?

The Bonus to Triple attack is low, Like ~+2% Damage, and even that i couldn't tell if it was just an attack boost...

While Triplus has a ~00.20 better DPS rating, the TP Drain + Quad attack on Twilight should well outweigh it yes?

Quadruple attack is almost useless because lower tier multi-attacks take priority. You are much better off on thf stacking as much triple attack as possible and maximizing the bonus damage from triplus and set bonus procs.

Perhaps not!

Bahamut.Raenryong said:

according to research going on in this thread, contrary to popular belief it appears that Triple Attack procs before Double Attack. Through extrapolation, it is possible that Quadruple Attack may proc before Triple Attack.

hmm! i love how after 7+ years of a game there's still ***on the way to being disproven that has widely been accepted as fact. Who knew :\

Makes more sense Higher Attack bonuses take priority over little ones so who knows.

Either Way the gist of what I'm saying is don't assume before testing Always something that might surprise you, like how unnoticeable and awful triplus Daggers Trpl.Dmg Bonus is.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2011-01-08 04:06:49
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Also a question for THFs!

Raider's Earring (Eva3 TA1%)

How and where to use assuming one has

Pixie Earring
Drone Earring (I'm pimp, don't hate)
Evasion Earring
Ethereal Earring
Brutal Earring

Given I'll be keeping Evasion Earring for NIN, and Evasion/Ethereal covers the Evasion front, Suppa/Brutal for TP, and Pixie/Brutal for WS etc (1% TA = 2% DA, so not close to Brutal for WS)?

Wondering if I should just toss it, I honestly can't think of a use...
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Karbuncle
Posts: 2203
By Asura.Karbuncle 2011-01-08 04:09:05
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Bahamut.Raenryong said:
Also a question for THFs!

Raider's Earring (Eva3 TA1%)

How and where to use assuming one has

Pixie Earring
Drone Earring (I'm pimp, don't hate)
Evasion Earring
Ethereal Earring
Brutal Earring

Given I'll be keeping Evasion Earring for NIN, and Evasion/Ethereal covers the Evasion front, Suppa/Brutal for TP, and Pixie/Brutal for WS etc (1% TA = 2% DA, so not close to Brutal for WS)?

Wondering if I should just toss it, I honestly can't think of a use...

I use it for my Evasion set thanks to my lack of caring about a greater Evasion Set :| Butyah, You can probably toss it.
By 2011-01-08 04:17:59
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Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2011-01-08 04:21:41
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3 Eva > 3 Evasion Skill? Should they not be equal? And I only use my pure Evasion set when I need pure Evasion. I have "semi-evasion" TP evasion sets which do use Suppa.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2025
By Phoenix.Kirana 2011-01-08 05:25:25
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I ran a parse of 1000+ melee rounds I found that my triple attack rate was greatly reduced when I had large amounts of double attack. I'll look over this other information and see what they found.

Edit: Looking at the information on that thread, I'm not convinced. The tester is using only 10% DA and 10% TA and the expected shift with such small values is only 1%, meaning there is much room for error. When I tested this, I had something like 32% TA and 15% DA, I noticed TA falling to about 25% while DA was at or above 15%.

Edit2: Assuming that Double attack takes priority over triple, there are some situations with high amounts of TA DA that raider's earring will beat brutal.

Edit3: I have come upon more double attack gear recently, and I will probably run another parse when I have the time to spare, this data has a major impact on my gear selection and I need to know for sure.
By 2011-01-08 06:42:18
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Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2025
By Phoenix.Kirana 2011-01-08 17:03:02
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I always begin fights using my full TP gear. If I notice I'm being hit often, I throw on evasion. NQ mobs are never worthy of evasion gear, it's only necessary for NM tanking really.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Karbuncle
Posts: 2203
By Asura.Karbuncle 2011-01-08 19:30:48
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Phoenix.Kirana said:
I always begin fights using my full TP gear. If I notice I'm being hit often, I throw on evasion. NQ mobs are never worthy of evasion gear, it's only necessary for NM tanking really.

I do this as well, However, i rarely have to go "Full EVA" these days, even just using RR/GH/Apoc, I have generally ~+120AGI from Cruor buffs/GH/Melee gear alone generally pushing my EVA up enough to where i can sustain TP gear on just about everything and evade fine (Also do in part to capped Evasion?)

I think the only times i REALLY need to pump the EVA gear is if I'm fighting something that can attack really quick, like a mob who gains ~100 Fists like speed after a TP move, or something like Iron Giants where Shadows fail me.

as for Raider's Earring:
I was going to mention trading Evasion for Raider's earring for the added DoT (Triple Attack+1%) but then I figured it'd go down the "Why not just use Suppa/Brutal then?" Path and i didn't feel like going into a conversation about theoretical situations of needing full eva or low eva
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: nignog
Posts: 802
By Ramuh.Yarly 2011-01-10 02:20:59
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Cerberus.Starr said:
Yeah I understand pDIF and crit caps, I've been rolling with RR+GH and Dark Depths (+20% crit rate) over VV though, 24+30+20+20=94% crit rate.

Except you're only getting 74% crit rate because the 20% from either dark depths or gnarled horn won't count due to atma from crit rate capping at +50%

20-gg or dd

You'd need other forms of crit rate+ to further increase past 74% like rolls and gear.

sauce: some thread on alla
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2011-01-12 12:38:52
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Except you're only getting 74% crit rate because the 20% from either dark depths or gnarled horn won't count due to atma from crit rate capping at +50%

I'm going to edit that thread in a moment because crit rate definately does cap at 95% with atmas. When I posted that I did not yet have gnarled hown, but since getting it I combined RR + GH + DD and got 95% melee rate. It's pointless to stack all three together though because there are better 3 combos out there, but that info is outdated and incorrect and atma definitely can take crit rate straight to 95%.

As for my personal "ideal" thf TP set I would probably pick this.

This is inspired by Banalaty. The kila +2 would probably be a fire kila for most situations, although you could argue daka +1 and/or twilight/rapidus as well. The armor though just adds... a TON of DD stats across the board. It caps haste at 26%, gives a LOT of accuracy/attack, and has some sTP and multi procs. I have my raider's boomerang now, but more often than not I prefer to use my Ziska's and bolts since almost everything in abyssea is susceptible to acid's. The exceptions are few.

I have not yet gotten red on Shinryu but I've played with atma of the scorpion queen and I like it more than I do the GH. The sTP is extremely addicting. If I had everything I would use my above "ideal" tp set with the RR + AoA + SQ. Thinking about that just makes me drool.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2011-01-12 12:45:52
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Phoenix.Kirana said:
Asura.Loire said:

until you see TH raises then swap back into previous set

You only need to hit the mob once with TH+ gear on, you DON'T need to see the proc go up before switching back to TP gear.

The set bonus with 4/5 +2 was very noticiable when I tried it out last night. I recommend it over a loki's or mirke build.

Is this effect not seen then? I haven't done thf much until recently farming a lot of crap. I have noticed that when I don't have my TK/armlets/af3 feet on during a SA/TA and I get the msg, after having them on at the beginning of the fight, it won't give the correct level of TH.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Karbuncle
Posts: 2203
By Asura.Karbuncle 2011-01-12 12:52:01
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Leviathan.Draylo said:
Phoenix.Kirana said:
Asura.Loire said:

until you see TH raises then swap back into previous set

You only need to hit the mob once with TH+ gear on, you DON'T need to see the proc go up before switching back to TP gear.

The set bonus with 4/5 +2 was very noticiable when I tried it out last night. I recommend it over a loki's or mirke build.

Is this effect not seen then? I haven't done thf much until recently farming a lot of crap. I have noticed that when I don't have my TK/armlets/af3 feet on during a SA/TA and I get the msg, after having them on at the beginning of the fight, it won't give the correct level of TH.

I'm not sure if i understand what you're saying entirely however i will explain how it works to clear it up!

You can equip your TH~6 (Base + 3 Items) hit the mob, and equip your normal gear. From that point on you will gain based on the highest TH, I.E You will get 7+ from then on.

For instance, You hit the mob with all your +gear on, it will inflict TH6.

You can SA > hit and if it goes up it'll be +7.

I don't know if having all the gear on perhaps might increase the chance or odds of it leveling up, But for now i simply equip my stuff at the begining of the fight, then go back to good gear/weapons and continue as normal, so far its worked for me.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2011-01-12 12:59:38
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I posted a really simple way to understand TH procs on alla by listing a few scenarios because it can get very confusing trying to describe it with words. I'll just quote myself

Scenario 1:
A thief hits a mob with TH gear on. Mobs TH level is 6
The thief gets a TH proc. Mobs TH level is 7

Scenario 2:
A thief hits a mob but does not have TH gear on. Mobs TH level is 3
The thief then equips TH gear and hits the mob again. Mobs TH level is 6
The thief gets a TH proc. Mobs TH level is 7

Scenario 3:
A thief hits a mob but does not have TH gear on. Mobs TH level is 3
The thief gets a TH proc. Mobs TH level is 4
The thief then equips TH gear and hits the mob again. Mobs TH level is 6

Scenario 4:
A thief hits a mob but does not have TH gear on. Mobs TH level is 3
The thief gets a TH proc. Mobs TH level is 4
The thief gets a second TH proc. Mobs TH level is 5
The thief then equips TH gear and hits the mob again. Mobs TH level is 6

Scenario 5:
A thief hits a mob with TH gear on. Mobs TH level is 6
The thief gets a TH proc. Mobs TH level is 7
The thief gets a second TH proc. Mobs TH level is now 8.

As you can see, in scenario 3 a proc was wasted and in scenario 4 TWO TH procs were wasted. Furthermore while no TH procs were wasted in scenario 2 there was potential for wasted procs to happen. In scenario's 1 and 5 there was no wasted potential, and all procs had the maximum effectiveness. This is because the highest level of treasure hunter will always overwrite the lower level, so if your gear is more powerful than the current level the new level is equal to that of your gear. Any procs which raise TH to a level equal to or less than that of your gear will be wasted the moment you equip that gear because your gear is stronger and will overwrite them, but if you start with your gear they will raise the TH higher than you would get by equipping your gear alone.

The best way to apply TH is to equip your full gear for the first hit and then forget about it the rest of the fight. Once you get the first hit in with your gear the level will never diminish so you don't need to use it anymore and can use real gear and weapons. Use TH gear for your first attack and you're fine. It's a simple concept, and something we've wanted to be able to prove for a long time now.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2011-01-12 13:02:30
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Great thanks
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ashman
Posts: 4251
By Ragnarok.Ashman 2011-01-12 13:17:08
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Pandemonium.Spicyryan said:
some of us like myself could not find their way out of port sandy the first day and turned off the game

I just nostalgia'ed HARD. That was totally me ~8 years ago or whatever. Thanks for that :x
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