What grinds your gears?
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 956
By Bahamut.Feisei 2012-08-30 13:54:06
Everyone that wants to argue on the internet grinds my gears. seriously wtf is wrong with you people?
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 264
By Bahamut.Lilsanchez 2012-08-30 13:56:29
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18,466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2012-08-30 14:20:29
Everyone that wants to argue on the internet grinds my gears. seriously wtf is wrong with you people? Wtf is wrong with you man! lol...
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 956
By Bahamut.Feisei 2012-08-30 14:21:50
Everyone that wants to argue on the internet grinds my gears. seriously wtf is wrong with you people? Wtf is wrong with you man! lol...
I hate argueing and any type of confrontation. I weave in and out of people in the streets hoping to be unseen...
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18,466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2012-08-30 14:32:01
Everyone that wants to argue on the internet grinds my gears. seriously wtf is wrong with you people? Wtf is wrong with you man! lol... I hate argueing and any type of confrontation. I weave in and out of people in the streets hoping to be unseen... Well you've revealed yourself... we've seen you now... and we're coming for you!
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 50
By Cerberus.Omegacloud 2012-08-30 15:35:14
Wait, i just thought of 2 more things that grinds my gears:
1. Ninjas who run around wearing Koga chainmail +2 and either Agi/evasion, Double attack or OA 2-4 times katanas.
2. Getting into a shout VW group and the group either takes forever to gather at the VWNM spawn point, or take forever to kill when they wanna fight 6-12 of whatever VWNM(Mainly Qilin on my end). -_-)p
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,191
By Odin.Liela 2012-08-30 16:44:17
News channels who don't give you the most important news first. A bear cub was injured a day or two ago in that fire. I would have named him Smokey the Bear Version 2, but the authorities named him Boo-Boo instead. Sure, whatever, Boo-Boo is fine. And now when I try to look up where the fire went from last night, how many people were evacuated and from where, or anything else relating to the fire, I get just news on Boo-Boo the injured bear cub. Yes yes, he's quite cute and I hope he's ok, but seriously now! Did Search and Rescue find everyone? Was everyone evacuated safely? Could you give me information on actual people and not relating to Boo-Boo please?
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 281
By Shiva.Shaidalyn 2012-08-31 13:05:19
That drives me nuts Liela. I have caught myself yelling at the TV... "I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE DANCING DOG! WHAT'S GOING ON IN IRAQ?!"
But yeah, XI has been grinding mine lately.
Seems every time I find something fun either a group of people overrun my spot or I find a way to get my NPC's killed. I log in once every few days for ONE thing and ONE thing only... to level my Fellows while pushing my jobs 95-99 in a GoV area.
It's just not working out :( Maybe I should give in and just go entirely to GW2. At least there I get bored before I get demoralized.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14,155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2012-08-31 15:37:20
People who wait til the last damn second to get into the lane they need to be in. Stop holding up traffic with your stupidity. You knew you were going to have to be in the left lane so don't drive in the right and hold everyone else when you have to wait 5 minutes for an opening to get over.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,351
By Fenrir.Terminus 2012-08-31 15:42:56
Valefor.Slipispsycho said: »People who wait til the last damn second to get into the lane they need to be in. Stop holding up traffic with your stupidity. You knew you were going to have to be in the left lane so don't drive in the right and hold everyone else when you have to wait 5 minutes for an opening to get over.
Totally. And it can only be redeemed by all of the other drivers banding together to not let them merge... especially where it's a "Lane Ends in 8 miles... now 7... etc etc etc" and they still wait.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 520
By Ragnarok.Hotkarl 2012-08-31 16:13:22
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,008
By Bahamut.Cantontai 2012-09-05 23:21:04
Fiancee made me a burger with anaheim peppers, mushroom, and tomato from our garden. Dog destroyed it while I was getting a glass of water from the kitchen. Gears ground.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11,417
By Odin.Minefield 2012-09-06 09:23:41
During lunch rush, people that bring $5 worth of change to my register.
Not talking quarters either, good lord I felt so bad for the people behind said-person.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,191
By Odin.Liela 2012-09-07 10:17:41
I hate fire season. I hate hate hate HATE fire season.
Thursday Evening update from Carl Haddon (North Fork Fire Department Assistant Fire Chief / Acting Fire Chief): The fire is now at 252,830 acres and still at 16% containment. The fire has burned around structures on Hughes Creek (Salsar Bar) and Sage Creek, and continues to slowly burn down Hull Creek as well. Active flames were visible atop Donnelly Gulch ridge to some as they left the community meeting this evening. At least 100 residents and concerned citizens were in attendance at tonight's meeting. Some left feeling that their questions had been answered, and others left feeling as though their concerns had not been addressed. Bottom line, the fire will make it to Hwy 93. Can we give you a day and time, no we cannot. All things being equal, I expect that we will see something during the weekend, if not sooner, depending upon weather. There are a number of homes located between the fire front and Hwy 93. The North Fork Fire Department, in conjunction with Lemhi County Fire, and assisted by the State of Idaho if needed, will do everything in our power to protect your life and property. As I stated in tonight's meeting, be it Forest Service firefighters, or North Fork/Lemhi County firefighters, we are all firefighters, sworn to protect life and property, and we will live up to our oath.
Not only is Idaho too damned beautiful to burn, but this fire is taking down homes and when it reaches Highway 93, people will be unable to leave by driving through. This is where I went to high school, this is where some of my family and some of my friends live, and I have friends who are firefighters trying to help.
Idaho, you stupid moron state, effing rain already. Rain rain rain! Rain, without lightning, and don't stop raining til you snow!
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13,352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-09-07 13:21:13
My brother.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18,466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2012-09-07 13:27:55
Oh this feeling... I used to know it so well... Once we all moved away from home though things got much better lol...
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,927
By Cerberus.Tidis 2012-09-08 10:22:59
Youtube commenters...
Especially the ones who just copy popular things on youtube, some guy said "240p we meet again" on a video with a still image and just 2hrs of music.
By Lye 2012-09-08 10:27:41
Youtube commenters...
Especially the ones who just copy popular things on youtube, some guy said "240p we meet again" on a video with a still image and just 2hrs of music. For me it's YouTube covers. I use YouTube to listen to music while doing some things and I hate getting shitty covers that have the same title of w/e song I'm looking for.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,927
By Cerberus.Tidis 2012-09-08 10:40:02
Ahhhhhh macros not saving, was helping someone with Jeuno zone boss and apparently my stun macro I made yesterday during another dynamis run didn't save so midfight I make a new one. So there I am spamming my macro nothing happening, wtf and then I read it upon raise... /ja "Violent Flousih <t>.
Yeah...quotation marks.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 110
By Shiva.Vosslerr 2012-09-09 09:12:07
When people require an empy to do VW, for every melee job, even though 99 magian trial weapons are better than 85 Empy weapons for alot of jobs.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11,417
By Odin.Minefield 2012-09-09 09:13:54
People calling me at 9am in the morning, expecting me to take them to work, on my day off. /turns phone off
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23,779
By Fairy.Spence 2012-09-11 02:56:22
People who bathe in perfume/cologne. ***.
By Artemicion 2012-09-11 03:01:05
Accidently [+]ing the wrong post.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,041
By Quetzalcoatl.Dawnn 2012-09-11 03:34:07
what grinds my gears? shotgun posters trying to promote ***
edit: holy ***
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2012-09-11 03:37:59
Now there's two of them >_>
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,124
By Bahamut.Bojack 2012-09-13 00:16:48
Goublefaupe grinds my gears. 7 kills and have gotten 4 of each attestation except for the one that I want (0 GS).
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13,352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-09-14 17:33:13
My inability to be with people.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18,466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2012-09-14 17:42:21
My inability to be with people. Why are you unable to be with people?
Well, what grinds your gears? :P (Go go Family Guy reference!)