Neonracer said:
Alyria said:
Ok here's one from yesterday :/ I don't think its that great, my hair is a mess in it really but meh I don't care.

Nice Pic Alryia... You Look mature for what you look. I'm Guessing.. 23-24ish?
Alyria said:
I'm 27 >.>, 28 in august
Ahhhh Nice.. Right on.. Good to know one's proper age. Maybe I shouldn't of asked.. some women sually don't like to give that stuff out...
As for me....
I'm 35 years old...Neonracer said:

Gf is a amateur Photographer... its a hobby...
wouldn't know it, that I'm 35 eh? props goes to her!
Why did Gaea say this???? I felt it was sorta uncomfortable but then again, I hardly know her.. so hmmph meh from the sounds of it, shes single right guys??? and Shes likes the " Kitty" too? likes both sexes... sry Gals.. this ones taken.^.^b To each you're own, I guess, Gaea!
Gaea said:
Neonracer said:
Gf is a amateur Photographer... its a hobby...
props goes to her!
In other words, you have nudes. Please post ^^;;