@Liela, your dogs are amazing.
Can I steal one? :c
Nope nope nope! But you can come visit and pet them and snuggle them and give them scratches behind their ears and feed them bacon flavored treats if you like. ^^
I think he's saying make some blasian (black + asian) babies with that girl?
And maybe asking for a pic of your abs lol
Got the blasian part right, which is also funny because tiger woods coined the term (afaik). As for the abs, i was just poking because he doesn't have an 8-pack
Thought someone was bound to start this! Though most of us dont play on same servers, can still be nice to see who you talkin with on these forums! I'll start us off I guess. Pimpin my suit http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w315/bleach59/Mememememee001copy2-1.jpg This one more recent, few weeks ago. http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w315/bleach59/PA150548.jpg