Points For Gear Sets

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Points for Gear sets
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Xellith
Posts: 916
By Shiva.Xellith 2009-02-14 04:54:49
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If FFXI AH scans your character and notes down all 5 pieces of a gear set, it would be nice if you got points for it.

5/5 Homam Pieces you get 1000 Points
5/5 Ares Pieces you get 10000 Points
5/5 Duelist Pieces you get 1000 Points

Same could be done with nyzul, assaults, abjurations etc.

I uno just a suggestion.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: EnricO
Posts: 80
By Remora.Mitsurughy 2009-02-14 06:26:10
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I dont agree with points, but do with the idea i guess.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Jiko
Posts: 1741
By Cerberus.Jiko 2009-02-14 07:23:15
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Kinda pointless (See what I did thar?) if you ask me..
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Xellith
Posts: 916
By Shiva.Xellith 2009-02-14 12:23:42
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last i checked the website noted ACCOMPLISHMENTS. So getting a job to 75 is an accomplishmennt but getting 5/5 on a set in salvage isnt or dynamis isnt?
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 588
By Fairy.Yakutatazu 2009-02-14 12:40:50
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This falls under the same category as titles. They can't do it b/c there is no way to scan every piece of gear a person has only what is recorded.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Jiko
Posts: 1741
By Cerberus.Jiko 2009-02-14 12:46:11
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Xellith said:
last i checked the website noted ACCOMPLISHMENTS. So getting a job to 75 is an accomplishmennt but getting 5/5 on a set in salvage isnt or dynamis isnt?

Just because you CAPITALIZE a word, doesn't make the idea any better.
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Zavala
Posts: 12
By Seraph.Zavala 2009-02-14 14:42:29
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Seeing how many ppl bazaaring salvage, limbus gear and etc I dont see this as a good idea. So if someone maybe buyin gil to then buy 5/5 homam of a ls without doin a single limbus run is an accomplishment?
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2009-02-14 14:48:14
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Zavala said:
Seeing how many ppl bazaaring salvage, limbus gear and etc I dont see this as a good idea. So if someone maybe buyin gil to then buy 5/5 homam of a ls without doin a single limbus run is an accomplishment?

Along with people who buy accounts with 10 75's and a Lv.100+3 craft. Making those "accomplishments" irrelevant too..
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-02-14 14:48:57
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Zavala said:
Seeing how many ppl bazaaring salvage, limbus gear and etc I dont see this as a good idea. So if someone maybe buyin gil to then buy 5/5 homam of a ls without doin a single limbus run is an accomplishment?

I'd have to agree with this. The only exception I can think of is relic armor, but even then, there doesn't have to be any real sense of accomplishment to obtain it other than paying or getting lucky with your casted lot.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Xellith
Posts: 916
By Shiva.Xellith 2009-02-14 15:20:31
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I got a friend that has someone log on his character and level his jobs.

I got another friend that has someone log onto his character and level his crafts.

According to this logic:
Job Levels, Crafts, Missions, Gear are all irrelavant and NONE are accomplishments.

So according to the logic of people posting here: Nothing shown on the FFXIAH.com website under accomplishments should be shown and no points should be given for anything since anyone could have got it without actually earning it.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Jiko
Posts: 1741
By Cerberus.Jiko 2009-02-14 15:55:27
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Exactly. Its a stupid concept just used for fun. Not meant to be taken seriously.

Server ranking. Serious business. Seriously.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Jackel
Posts: 53
By Ramuh.Jackel 2009-02-14 16:07:40
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Xellith said:
I got a friend that has someone log on his character and level his jobs.

I got another friend that has someone log onto his character and level his crafts.

According to this logic:
Job Levels, Crafts, Missions, Gear are all irrelavant and NONE are accomplishments.

So according to the logic of people posting here: Nothing shown on the FFXIAH.com website under accomplishments should be shown and no points should be given for anything since anyone could have got it without actually earning it.

Really throws your Maat's cap into question doesn't it? Friends logging onto accounts and getting stuff done for others, then posting how you were the first of a certain race and location to get stuff.

Don't talk about logic.

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Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Xellith
Posts: 916
By Shiva.Xellith 2009-02-14 18:07:37
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Jackel said:
Xellith said:
I got a friend that has someone log on his character and level his jobs.

I got another friend that has someone log onto his character and level his crafts.

According to this logic:
Job Levels, Crafts, Missions, Gear are all irrelavant and NONE are accomplishments.

So according to the logic of people posting here: Nothing shown on the FFXIAH.com website under accomplishments should be shown and no points should be given for anything since anyone could have got it without actually earning it.

Really throws your Maat's cap into question doesn't it? Friends logging onto accounts and getting stuff done for others, then posting how you were the first of a certain race and location to get stuff.

Don't talk about logic.

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someone sounds butt hurt.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Phioness
Posts: 269
By Shiva.Phioness 2009-02-14 22:52:04
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I like the accomplishment idea. Being able to show what sets you have is cool and points for doing so is also not a bad idea. Gives you a sense of achieving something. You could record the gear you have the same way you get yourself added onto this site (selling a crystal for so-so amount if i remember correctly). Who here hasn't showed off some new piece of gear? And btw everyone has been Power Leveled. SOME SO MUCH THEY DON'T PROPERLY LEARN THEIR JOBS. The "Did they truly earn their Maats Cap blah blah" is a moot arguement. I know Xellith earned his cap because the dude plays each job damn well, and I'm on the same damn server as him (though I take breaks). So if you didn't earn your gear so what? Its our friends in the game and LS buddies who know we earned it and thats what counts. If we want to show off what cool gear we have to our friends we can show them on the site and say: "Dude look i have 1,000,000 points on FFXIAH check out my sets!" w/o having to pull them out of storage.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Jiko
Posts: 1741
By Cerberus.Jiko 2009-02-14 23:25:39
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Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Antipika
Posts: 1339
By Garuda.Antipika 2009-02-16 15:31:35
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Phioness said:
So if you didn't earn your gear so what? Its our friends in the game and LS buddies who know we earned it and thats what counts. If we want to show off what cool gear we have to our friends we can show them on the site and say: "Dude look i have 1,000,000 points on FFXIAH check out my sets!" w/o having to pull them out of storage.

Well when I'm saying to my friends : Hey I got that piece of gear, they believe me and don't need to double check it on FFXIah.

Who cares anyway, are you playing for your own fun ? Or just to show the world that you got a shiny salvage set done or a defending ring ? I'll give you a protip : the world don't care. Such achievements on FF XI are completely irrelevant (same goes for MMOs in general). They do not reflect your skill, neither your determination.

I give more credit to someone soloing that or that NM under X minute, or low-man'ing that or that event, rather than someone just showing off stuff he could simply have IGE'd.

According to this logic:
Job Levels, Crafts, Missions, Gear are all irrelevant and NONE are accomplishments.

Serveur: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Dizzmal
Posts: 227
By Hades.Dizzmal 2009-02-16 16:29:14
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Zavala said:
Seeing how many ppl bazaaring salvage, limbus gear and etc I dont see this as a good idea. So if someone maybe buyin gil to then buy 5/5 homam of a ls without doin a single limbus run is an accomplishment?

Let me ask you why you don't see that as an accomplishment? Have you ever thought that people farm,craft,camp, etc to build up gil so they can buy the gear they want? What makes it better to spend 4 hrs a night for dynamis than 4 hours building gil? Having alot of gil doesn't make you a RMT,Gil buyer, etc. There are alot of honest players that farm gil to buy the items from LSs that are selling the items. They do it that way, so that they don't have to go by a "gaming schedule" for end game events. They don't have to put up with a waiting list, bad attitudes, loss of EXP. And when they want to just go do somthing else, they don't have to explain to a LS that they have been with for the past few years that they would like to do somthing else to get gear for themselves. It is just a different way that those ppl play the game. Doesn't make it any less "earned".

IF you could go back and count the hours of end game play you have done over the course of your FFXI life time and build gil during those hours, how much gil would you have? Somthing to think about.
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Antipika
Posts: 1339
By Garuda.Antipika 2009-02-16 17:06:40
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The thing is : repeating a stupid action over and over ain't an accomplishment. It doesn't require any "skill" to craft items. Same goes for repetitive farming. killing the same stupid mob over and over just prove that you have a lot of free time on your hands, nothing more.

Free time != skill != accomplishment.

Take a look at e-sports. No matter how long people play Starcraft, only few players will be able to reach a very high level, doing 250APM+ and having an excellent micro. Whereas on FF XI (and MMOs in general), when you craft or just "farm", the equation "time = money" is linear. Which is completely stupid.

What the point of having a good rare/ex item you bought, if to obtain it you did like Cartman did on South Park WoW episode :] Killing {Too Weak} mobs for 3 weeks straight... Do you see that as an achievement ? I personally don't.
By 2009-02-16 17:08:52
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Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Leesil7
Posts: 10
By Asura.Leesil 2009-02-16 18:09:29
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So like, what this has gone to very fast is discussing how gil relates to obtaining items in game. One of the main reasons it wouldn't be feasible to add a whole lot of other ways to measure points is that gil ties in very fast to most other ways. FFXAH does not, and in my opinion should not, regognize gil, for obvious reasons. The vast majority of the "achievements" they recognize have time values attatched to them, even if they can be obtained with gil like a relic weapon. The main point I'm trying to make is that you can't feasibly attatch a value to everything, and to establish a standard point system it has to be a reasonable measure of an "achievement" all across the board, not just in some cases: sometimes af2 just isn't very good, and neither is af1 (just think what would happen if ffxiah gave points for having af1 sets), and most of the time when you bring in "gear", gil is associated with it.
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Antipika
Posts: 1339
By Garuda.Antipika 2009-02-17 12:49:11
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Leesil said:
The main point I'm trying to make is that you can't feasibly attatch a value to everything, and to establish a standard point system it has to be a reasonable measure of an "achievement" all across the board.

Yeah that's why it's better to use achievement without points, like on Steam. I dunno let's say you solo'ed ODS, can see that as an achievement, you would unlock the [Solo'ed ODS achievement]. The things is, FFXIah cannot recognize such achievement.

Points means nothing, some dude have lot of level 75 jobs (which mean lot of points on FFXIah), and still use Terra's Staff for Stoneskin, nuke in gaiters... Yeah I'm being serious here. A player like that will have a lot of achievement points even if he completely sux at FF XI.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Scizor
Posts: 1444
By Ramuh.Scizor 2009-02-17 12:54:22
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If you want achievement points and a nice happy message about how good you are go play the game on xbox 360 >_>

*edit put "a" instead of "the" thank you Azulmagia! >.<
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Azulmagia
Posts: 707
By Fairy.Azulmagia 2009-02-17 12:58:46
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No real input here, but, referring to Scizor, FFXI is a 360 game and has Xbox Live Achievement points :x
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Udasai
Posts: 20
By Gilgamesh.Udasai 2009-02-17 14:41:41
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xbox350 only gives achievments for lvl 75 jobs and completing the storylines
By 2009-02-17 14:51:58
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Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Jaerik
Posts: 3834
By Lakshmi.Jaerik 2009-02-18 16:08:28
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The "achievements" system of FFXIAH.com is for fun, not for e-peen. If you are using it as e-peen I promise you will continue to be disappointed. We will not include anything in accomplishments that is self-reported or cannot be reliably recorded by scanning the POL LS Comm site.