Will PLD Be Useful Again At Lvl 99?

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Will PLD be useful again at lvl 99?
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Serveur: Titan
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user: batboy267
Posts: 1026
By Titan.Darkwizardzin 2010-10-13 02:57:01
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Bahamut.Aiyana said:
Because he answered your question with a misdirect to a site. You refused to find the answer yourself, and he refused to spoonfeed you. Is it that hard to figure out? Learn for yourself if you want to know. If you aren't willing to do that, you obviously don't want to know. Stop asking.
Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
Titan.Darkwizardzin said:
You will have to forgive the noobish question as im am not a pld player but Atonement is a ws... how does a pld gain the tp to use it without meleeing? (I'm reasonably sure they wouldn't sub /sam just to do this and items are a limited source) Plus wouldn't they have to keep meleeing anyway because of the loss of hate due to attacks?
No, you can outpace CE loss from damage taken via non-melee methods. It's just slower since PLD doesn't get any efficient CE gainers like BLU or pre-nerf RDM. Seriously, go read Kaeko's enmity research. You'll have a much better understanding of tanking mechanics.
Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
Titan.Darkwizardzin said:
You will have to forgive the noobish question as im am not a pld player but Atonement is a ws... how does a pld gain the tp to use it without meleeing? (I'm reasonably sure they wouldn't sub /sam just to do this and items are a limited source) Plus wouldn't they have to keep meleeing anyway because of the loss of hate due to attacks?
No, you can outpace CE loss from damage taken via non-melee methods. It's just slower since PLD doesn't get any efficient CE gainers like BLU or pre-nerf RDM. Seriously, go read Kaeko's enmity research. You'll have a much better understanding of tanking mechanics.
He answered the question then told me to go to the site. I felt no need to do so because my question was already answered.
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Aiyanna
Posts: 235
By Bahamut.Aiyana 2010-10-13 02:58:37
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So.. Discussion over. What is your question now exactly?
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-10-13 02:59:43
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Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
Titan.Darkwizardzin said:
If that is the case and a pld still needs to keep hate by meleeing I don't see a problem with making every little bit count to slow down the monsters tp rate. You said there is no substantial difference and for all I know you may be right but it is a difference none the less. let other jobs worry about doing the max possible damage and let pld... well protect everyone.
This is not the case. Go check out Kanican's LJ and look at the enmity tables. Atonement just happens to be the only way a PLD's going to reach the enmity cap anywhere near as fast as an aggressive melee, even one who's cotanking.
Titan.Darkwizardzin said:
Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
Titan.Darkwizardzin said:
If that is the case and a pld still needs to keep hate by meleeing I don't see a problem with making every little bit count to slow down the monsters tp rate. You said there is no substantial difference and for all I know you may be right but it is a difference none the less. let other jobs worry about doing the max possible damage and let pld... well protect everyone.
This is not the case. Go check out Kanican's LJ and look at the enmity tables. Atonement just happens to be the only way a PLD's going to reach the enmity cap anywhere near as fast as an aggressive melee, even one who's cotanking.
You will have to forgive the noobish question as im am not a pld player but Atonement is a ws... how does a pld gain the tp to use it without meleeing? (I'm reasonably sure they wouldn't sub /sam just to do this and items are a limited source) Plus wouldn't they have to keep meleeing anyway because of the loss of hate due to attacks?
Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
Titan.Darkwizardzin said:
You will have to forgive the noobish question as im am not a pld player but Atonement is a ws... how does a pld gain the tp to use it without meleeing? (I'm reasonably sure they wouldn't sub /sam just to do this and items are a limited source) Plus wouldn't they have to keep meleeing anyway because of the loss of hate due to attacks?
No, you can outpace CE loss from damage taken via non-melee methods. It's just slower since PLD doesn't get any efficient CE gainers like BLU or pre-nerf RDM.

Seriously, go read Kaeko's enmity research. You'll have a much better understanding of tanking mechanics.

Proper order of quotes, ie I did direct you to the site first off. See bolded in my first response.
Serveur: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: batboy267
Posts: 1026
By Titan.Darkwizardzin 2010-10-13 03:19:35
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Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
Titan.Darkwizardzin said:
The point of these forums is to discussion is it not? Thats the only reason I was here and I do so all the time. Sadly that involes talking with people who can't even be civil but that is beside the point. Why should I read something I've already read before and gotten all the information I need to play the two jobs that I use? and while im asking questions why do you feel the need to insuilt/troll people all the time?
The problem is that you're discussing things that you don't understand and still ACTING LIKE YOU KNOW (/isla) when you really don't. Given that apparently have no intention of learning anything from this discussion either, this entire discussion was a waste of time unless a lurker took away something useful from it. By waste of time, I mean moreso than the usual forum shenanigans.

I actually don't troll all that often. As for the rest, credit where it's due - I was civil with you until you made it clear that you're engaging in willing ignorance.
Look I did learn a few things from this discussion. I just didn't feel that it was needed for me to re go over the emnity testing information. since your so insistant of it I'll go over it again.

People have different opinions of things in this game even though 80% if not more of the game machics have been figured out. But there are a few gray areas of stuff we still do not know for sure. The reason I asked those questions was because I was hoping for research that showed where there was testing for the rate of monster tp gain (or some proven fact that showed that lessing tp gain by changing weapons didn't make a big enough difference). In the end I never got that information but I still learned a little about pld but wanted to stop because I didn't plan to level that job.. I didn't mean to come off as rude about it.

I and for the record night sometimes people talk about stuff they don't know about because they think they know about it. its not like bigpun is a pld fresh off the block he has tanked... well just about everything in this game but most of the new content (abyssea) with little to no problems. so he disaggred with you on a few points but that doesn't mean there has to be so much hate thrown around... I mean damn. He was just saying his point his point of view.

Over all I came in this disscusion for information and now that im tierd Im going to bed. No hard feeling to anyone here but there's no need to troll whever someone doesn't know this or that.

in other words: thx for the info, good night and cut the trolling down would ya?
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2113
By Ifrit.Bloodbathboy 2010-10-13 03:22:05
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Come guys lets get along !!!
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Aiyanna
Posts: 235
By Bahamut.Aiyana 2010-10-13 03:27:07
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Titan.Darkwizardzin said:

I still don't think you're using that word properly.

Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1097
By Fenrir.Gradd 2010-10-13 03:31:47
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If night is a troll, idk wtf this world is coming too.

99.9% of the time Night knows wtf he is talking about.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-10-13 03:35:03
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Titan.Darkwizardzin said:
The reason I asked those questions was because I was hoping for research that showed where there was testing for the rate of monster tp gain (or some proven fact that showed that lessing tp gain by changing weapons didn't make a big enough difference).
If you really wanted that information, the smart thing to do would have been to ask directly. The information is readily available on the wiki. It's easy enough to extrapolate from that readily available information.

I didn't mean to come off as rude about it.
You didn't come off as rude (mostly), you came off as deliberately ignorant. If anything, that's worse.

I and for the record night sometimes people talk about stuff they don't know about because they think they know about it.
Sure, but there's a point where it should be painfully obvious that you don't know enough to actually contribute on certain points.

its not like bigpun is a pld fresh off the block he has tanked... well just about everything in this game but most of the new content (abyssea) with little to no problems.
You'll have to explain to me why this means I should respect his views. He lacks a basic understanding of basic game mechanics. Just shows how easy FFXI really is. Also, I could spell better than that when I was six.

so he disaggred with you on a few points but that doesn't mean there has to be so much hate thrown around... I mean damn. He was just saying his point his point of view.
Several things to note here. One, he started off on a bad foot by posting with terrible spelling and grammar, to the point where it hurts my eyes to read. "u", "ur", "n00b", etc is not conducive to easy reading. It's annoying. Two, he bashed other PLDs when a simple glance at his gear made it pretty obvious that he's nothing special himself. Three, he then tried to defend himself using really, really bad logic.

ITT: things that make me see red. He couldn't have made a worse start than those first three posts, and he never recovered. Your (bad) whiteknighting didn't help.

in other words: thx for the info, good night and cut the trolling down would ya?
I'm perfectly reasonable for the most part, but I'll let you figure that out on your own.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2912
By Sylph.Kimble 2010-10-13 04:22:47
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I feel dumber now for having read this thread.
Posts: 10
By matt 2010-10-13 08:19:52
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Congratulations OP, another successful "is pld dead" thread. This is like what the 20th thread where everyone argues whether a pld is still needed. At least there is a bit of a twist, this time its will a pld be good. Still though, good job. You got them up to 11 pages last I checked.

Can we put this crap to rest and just refer people with these questions to the many other threads about is a job dead or just assume its trolling.
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Trebold
Posts: 3341
By Caitsith.Mahayaya 2010-10-13 08:58:18
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When BLU is able to set Shield Mastery job trait, PLD will officially be dead. Already, BLU can cap hate(CE and VE) tons faster than PLD on.. well, everything. They have their own, self-sufficient buffs for a lowman. Can unengaged or engaged tank if needed. Access to more Fast Cast(though the new PLD helm may close the gap a little, and combined with the new ammo, ACP body, and Homam legs may be equal) with Teal set, Locquacious, and Fast Cast trait set.

Just imagine how sexy this would be on BLU with the high block rate of Genbu's Shield when trying to finish Ichi:
Prevents spell interruption from attacks that are blocked with the shield during spell casting. Any attacks that are not blocked by the shield still have a chance to interrupt.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2010-10-13 09:07:26
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Fenrir.Gradd said:
If night is a troll, idk wtf this world is coming too.

99.9% of the time Night knows wtf he is talking about.

Night is this forum's biggest troll. I thought this was established ages ago?!
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Aust101
Posts: 63
By Asura.Aust 2010-10-13 09:07:45
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matt said:
Congratulations OP, another successful "is pld dead" thread. This is like what the 20th thread where everyone argues whether a pld is still needed. At least there is a bit of a twist, this time its will a pld be good. Still though, good job. You got them up to 11 pages last I checked.

Can we put this crap to rest and just refer people with these questions to the many other threads about is a job dead or just assume its trolling.

lol i haven't been able to read the last 8 pages, BUT i don't think the job is dead. It's still my favorite job. The intent of the post was to discuss people's ideas of mixing and matching new subs with the updates, and gear becoming available. I enjoyed reading someone post of PLD/SAM. i understand it's not ideal (yet) but if were a PLD were able to stack enough -%PDT and spam atonement even faster along side third eye. That way perhaps your WAR's and SAM's could go back to doing what they do best "zomg over 9000!" It's interesting to think about.

If you didn't want to discus a job you enjoy playing, there are other options, other links you may read about and discuss or put valid point/facts into.

People like you made this a Q_Q thread, but it looks like it's done.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Excelior
Posts: 2093
By Phoenix.Excelior 2010-10-13 09:10:30
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This whole Blu tanking concept seems like utter fail. If its a mob you can melee then the ideal tank would be a DD. If its a mob you can't melee then it would be blu I suppose. You guys act like its the hands down best for everything.
By 2010-10-13 09:15:16
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Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Aust101
Posts: 63
By Asura.Aust 2010-10-13 09:15:25
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Phoenix.Excelior said:
This whole Blu tanking concept seems like utter fail. If its a mob you can melee then the ideal tank would be a DD. If its a mob you can't melee then it would be blu I suppose. You guys act like its the hands down best for everything.

One of the issues i see with a BLU tank would be the fact that MOST people don't understand the job or play it well enough to have it as a competent tank. If you have a steady LS and intelligent BLU's, (preferably with spell-cast or something similar) Then by all means, use a BLU tank. I have no problem with that.

But for a surplus of job's, and like stated before, "most room for error" PLD's are always ready to go for anything.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Excelior
Posts: 2093
By Phoenix.Excelior 2010-10-13 09:18:49
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Asura.Aust said:
Phoenix.Excelior said:
This whole Blu tanking concept seems like utter fail. If its a mob you can melee then the ideal tank would be a DD. If its a mob you can't melee then it would be blu I suppose. You guys act like its the hands down best for everything.
One of the issues i see with a BLU tank would be the fact that MOST people don't understand the job or play it well enough to have it as a competent tank. If you have a steady LS and intelligent BLU's, (preferably with spell-cast or something similar) Then by all means, use a BLU tank. I have no problem with that. But for a surplus of job's, and like stated before, "most room for error" PLD's are always ready to go for anything.

Good players can play any job well. There aren't "good plds" and "good blms", people who give a ***can play any job very well. Having said that blu is just not the optimal tanking job for 99% of the situations out there. The fact that a melee can do worlds more damage while holding hate makes them a superior tank.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Aust101
Posts: 63
By Asura.Aust 2010-10-13 09:23:04
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Would you agree that a tank, regardless, PLD/BLU/DRK/SAM whatever, is limited by good support?

Nin* hehe forgot to put that job in there.
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Trebold
Posts: 3341
By Caitsith.Mahayaya 2010-10-13 09:24:26
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Phoenix.Excelior said:
This whole Blu tanking concept seems like utter fail. If its a mob you can melee then the ideal tank would be a DD. If its a mob you can't melee then it would be blu I suppose. You guys act like its the hands down best for everything.

For lowman stuff, why wouldn't it be best? I don't see MNK, SAM, or DRK able to buff themselves or cure themselves. The fact that it can tank without relying heavily on other jobs makes it comparable to RDM/NIN. Utter fail? lol

DD can't reach low recast utsu timers without the help of at least a haster or brd. BLU has access to a reliable flash, some reliable stun spells, fast cast, self-haste, self-refresh, self-curing, debuffs like 20-25% slow, paralyze, silence, and for weaker stuff, some crazy powerful damage spells.

Really, the only time BLU gets annoying is when it can't use all its tricks due to monsters being around that could get hit by some of the AoE spells. Fafhogg comes to mind, but it's not like you can't work around it by setting single target spells instead.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Excelior
Posts: 2093
By Phoenix.Excelior 2010-10-13 09:25:27
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Caitsith.Mahayaya said:
Phoenix.Excelior said:
This whole Blu tanking concept seems like utter fail. If its a mob you can melee then the ideal tank would be a DD. If its a mob you can't melee then it would be blu I suppose. You guys act like its the hands down best for everything.
For lowman stuff, why wouldn't it be best? I don't see MNK, SAM, or DRK able to buff themselves or cure themselves. The fact that it can tank without relying heavily on other jobs makes it comparable to RDM/NIN. Utter fail? lol DD can't reach low recast utsu timers without the help of at least a haster or brd. BLU has access to a reliable flash, some reliable stun spells, fast cast, self-haste, self-refresh, self-curing, debuffs like 20-25% slow, paralyze, silence, and for weaker stuff, some crazy powerful damage spells. Really, the only time BLU gets annoying is when it can't use all its tricks due to monsters being around that could get hit by some of the AoE spells. Fafhogg comes to mind, but it's not like you can't work around it by setting single target spells instead.

What do you low man that you need to keep hate on? You can duo most mobs these days.

edit: I'm not trolling I just really do not see a use for it outside of one or two mobs.
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Trebold
Posts: 3341
By Caitsith.Mahayaya 2010-10-13 09:28:59
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Caitsith.Shiroi said:
Caitsith.Mahayaya said:
When BLU is able to set Shield Mastery job trait, PLD will officially be dead. Already, BLU can cap hate(CE and VE) tons faster than PLD on.. well, everything. They have their own, self-sufficient buffs for a lowman. Can unengaged or engaged tank if needed. Access to more Fast Cast(though the new PLD helm may close the gap a little, and combined with the new ammo, ACP body, and Homam legs may be equal) with Teal set, Locquacious, and Fast Cast trait set. Just imagine how sexy this would be on BLU with the high block rate of Genbu's Shield when trying to finish Ichi:
Prevents spell interruption from attacks that are blocked with the shield during spell casting. Any attacks that are not blocked by the shield still have a chance to interrupt.
Well blue has an epic block rate with their 0 skill. Blocking isn't reliable for PLD so I can't imagine how pointless it'd be on blu >.>

I dunno about you, but my RDM blocks a lot with Genbu's shield. I have PLD too, but I swear my RDM procs more on shield blocks than my PLD ever will. RDM has considerably lower shield skill than PLD so it doesn't make much sense(other than the fact that Genbu's shield acts like a Type 1 and I mostly use Koenig Shield for PLD). Even with 0 shield skill, I wouldn't discount the proc rate, especially if it's the difference between getting ichi up and dying.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Bogamoga
Posts: 1161
By Fenrir.Mtmoogle 2010-10-13 09:31:17
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i luv kimble's avatar!!!!!!!!
Posts: 10
By matt 2010-10-13 09:43:55
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Asura.Aust said:
matt said:
Congratulations OP, another successful "is pld dead" thread. This is like what the 20th thread where everyone argues whether a pld is still needed. At least there is a bit of a twist, this time its will a pld be good. Still though, good job. You got them up to 11 pages last I checked.

Can we put this crap to rest and just refer people with these questions to the many other threads about is a job dead or just assume its trolling.

lol i haven't been able to read the last 8 pages, BUT i don't think the job is dead. It's still my favorite job. The intent of the post was to discuss people's ideas of mixing and matching new subs with the updates, and gear becoming available. I enjoyed reading someone post of PLD/SAM. i understand it's not ideal (yet) but if were a PLD were able to stack enough -%PDT and spam atonement even faster along side third eye. That way perhaps your WAR's and SAM's could go back to doing what they do best "zomg over 9000!" It's interesting to think about.

If you didn't want to discus a job you enjoy playing, there are other options, other links you may read about and discuss or put valid point/facts into.

People like you made this a Q_Q thread, but it looks like it's done.

Not Q_Q ing. I am only stating that, regardless of what the original intent of this thread was, it is now a competition between people who thing pld is good and people who thing there are better jobs. Well not is it more of which job is better tanking, which is situational at best.

I am just tired of seeing this same discussion over and over, and its not just pld. Other jobs get this discussion too, like the whm over rdm and sch.

Personally, I think nin/whm will be better than pld in places that do not have much magic or other aoe damage. They can do more damage than pld and will have cure 4 and flash with DS cure 4 for quick boost in hate. With all the refresh that is out there now, mp wouldn't be a problem.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Aust101
Posts: 63
By Asura.Aust 2010-10-13 10:11:46
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@ Matt,
Good point. That's what I was looking for regarding your opinion about, well in your case it's ninja. At 75 NIN/WHM had no point in a party. With a cure IV and I heard you can get solo refresh up to 5mp/tic, that's pretty impressive. That being said, I don't see it being my firs option as a tank only because I am not sure if it could cap hate faster then some other jobs but but still a possibility.

All that being said, please try and keep the thread more on topic. Do you have any ideas about what you may see PLD doing at 99?
Posts: 10
By matt 2010-10-13 10:18:56
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I was kidding about the nin btw...

You started this thing off with "Will pld be useful again". Therefore pld is dead based on that and the OP. No job looses its usefulness, only other jobs change to make the game more flexible.

No one can tell what will happen at 99, but if the trend continues, plds will get skillchain bonus and magic burst bonus.
Serveur: Titan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 611
By Titan.Darkestknight 2010-10-13 10:25:03
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Poor Paladin's need their own JA method of building hate, similar to Provoke possibly. That's what I'd like to see them get by lvl. 99.
Serveur: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Piraal
Posts: 55
By Diabolos.Piraal 2010-10-13 11:26:11
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Caitsith.Mahayaya said:
Caitsith.Shiroi said:
Caitsith.Mahayaya said:
When BLU is able to set Shield Mastery job trait, PLD will officially be dead. Already, BLU can cap hate(CE and VE) tons faster than PLD on.. well, everything. They have their own, self-sufficient buffs for a lowman. Can unengaged or engaged tank if needed. Access to more Fast Cast(though the new PLD helm may close the gap a little, and combined with the new ammo, ACP body, and Homam legs may be equal) with Teal set, Locquacious, and Fast Cast trait set. Just imagine how sexy this would be on BLU with the high block rate of Genbu's Shield when trying to finish Ichi:
Prevents spell interruption from attacks that are blocked with the shield during spell casting. Any attacks that are not blocked by the shield still have a chance to interrupt.
Well blue has an epic block rate with their 0 skill. Blocking isn't reliable for PLD so I can't imagine how pointless it'd be on blu >.>
I dunno about you, but my RDM blocks a lot with Genbu's shield. I have PLD too, but I swear my RDM procs more on shield blocks than my PLD ever will. RDM has considerably lower shield skill than PLD so it doesn't make much sense(other than the fact that Genbu's shield acts like a Type 1 and I mostly use Koenig Shield for PLD). Even with 0 shield skill, I wouldn't discount the proc rate, especially if it's the difference between getting ichi up and dying.

I don't really think it's fair to compare your type 1 shield block rate to your type 3 shield block rate, if your pld/nin and you don't have relic shield you should be using a buckler, try compareing "Sipar" to your "Genbu's shield", and come back and talk about how much better your rdm blocks......Also I noticed you were saying you wish blu has shield mastery job trait... do you know what that trait does? It would be beyond pointless on a blu.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Snick
Posts: 906
By Fenrir.Snick 2010-10-13 11:32:28
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Phoenix.Excelior said:
Caitsith.Mahayaya said:
Phoenix.Excelior said:
This whole Blu tanking concept seems like utter fail. If its a mob you can melee then the ideal tank would be a DD. If its a mob you can't melee then it would be blu I suppose. You guys act like its the hands down best for everything.
For lowman stuff, why wouldn't it be best? I don't see MNK, SAM, or DRK able to buff themselves or cure themselves. The fact that it can tank without relying heavily on other jobs makes it comparable to RDM/NIN. Utter fail? lol DD can't reach low recast utsu timers without the help of at least a haster or brd. BLU has access to a reliable flash, some reliable stun spells, fast cast, self-haste, self-refresh, self-curing, debuffs like 20-25% slow, paralyze, silence, and for weaker stuff, some crazy powerful damage spells. Really, the only time BLU gets annoying is when it can't use all its tricks due to monsters being around that could get hit by some of the AoE spells. Fafhogg comes to mind, but it's not like you can't work around it by setting single target spells instead.

What do you low man that you need to keep hate on? You can duo most mobs these days.

edit: I'm not trolling I just really do not see a use for it outside of one or two mobs.
This. Anything a BLU can straight tank you'd have a RDM or WHM anyways, and a MNK could then do it much better.

People seriously underestimate MNK and I don't get why. This is coming from someone with a stubborn, expert BLU in my LS that would insist on trying to tank anything, and more often than not he can. But MNK just does it better.

But I guess I have the advantage of having a Spharai MNK in my LS, as well as a BRD *** just used for marches. That alone can trio most if not everything.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Stewie
Posts: 155
By Siren.Stewie 2010-10-13 11:35:27
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Diabolos.Piraal said:
Caitsith.Mahayaya said:
Caitsith.Shiroi said:
Caitsith.Mahayaya said:
When BLU is able to set Shield Mastery job trait, PLD will officially be dead. Already, BLU can cap hate(CE and VE) tons faster than PLD on.. well, everything. They have their own, self-sufficient buffs for a lowman. Can unengaged or engaged tank if needed. Access to more Fast Cast(though the new PLD helm may close the gap a little, and combined with the new ammo, ACP body, and Homam legs may be equal) with Teal set, Locquacious, and Fast Cast trait set. Just imagine how sexy this would be on BLU with the high block rate of Genbu's Shield when trying to finish Ichi:
Prevents spell interruption from attacks that are blocked with the shield during spell casting. Any attacks that are not blocked by the shield still have a chance to interrupt.
Well blue has an epic block rate with their 0 skill. Blocking isn't reliable for PLD so I can't imagine how pointless it'd be on blu >.>
I dunno about you, but my RDM blocks a lot with Genbu's shield. I have PLD too, but I swear my RDM procs more on shield blocks than my PLD ever will. RDM has considerably lower shield skill than PLD so it doesn't make much sense(other than the fact that Genbu's shield acts like a Type 1 and I mostly use Koenig Shield for PLD). Even with 0 shield skill, I wouldn't discount the proc rate, especially if it's the difference between getting ichi up and dying.

I don't really think it's fair to compare your type 1 shield block rate to your type 3 shield block rate, if your pld/nin and you don't have relic shield you should be using a buckler, try compareing "Sipar" to your "Genbu's shield", and come back and talk about how much better your rdm blocks......Also I noticed you were saying you wish blu has shield mastery job trait... do you know what that trait does? It would be beyond pointless on a blu.

Because BLU never casts spells.
Serveur: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Piraal
Posts: 55
By Diabolos.Piraal 2010-10-13 11:39:49
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you have to block something for it to be useful.... implying that you will block something just b/c your using a type1 shield, when said job has zero skill is somewhat foolish, and as the lvl of the mobs go higher, and higher with the new cap's/areas it does little to help this arugument.
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