How Many People ACTUALLY Play Exclusively On PS2 Anymore?

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How many people ACTUALLY play exclusively on PS2 anymore?
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: effedup
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-02-03 13:21:30
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We've all heard the reasons why SE can't update or improve <insert feature here>: PS2 memory limitations. Given that, I'm just curious how many people here still play on the PS2, and can't (for whatever reason) switch to the 360/PC version.

I give SE props for making an MMO that is cross console, as far as I know there is no other game that allows people to play together in that fashion...but at this point it seems that PS2 limitations are holding the game back. The game is no longer sold for the PS2, the hard drives are no longer supported or produced, etc...

I realize that if SE dropped PS2 support completely then bricks would be shat by some of it's users...but c'mon, it's 2009. Software companies raise the minimum system requirement on software all the time, why should FFXI be any different? Is SE really that concerned with keeping the small number of users that play on PS2 only? Could they not create a specific server for PS2 users that would allow the game to be updated in other formats?

Thank God the game wasn't released for the PS1...we'd really be screwed then lol

At any rate, I'm sure this argument is moot, as I doubt SE is really that concerned about dumping a bunch of money into improving FFXI, given that they are working on an entirely new MMO as we speak. But it'd be nice, that's for sure...
Serveur: Pandemonium
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By Pandemonium.Luignata 2009-02-03 13:26:24
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I truly wonder the same thing. How many players play on PS2?

And even more, how many of those PS2 players are capable of moving to another console, whether it be PC or 360?

Hell I'm waiting for the day SE goes "Screw it, sorry PS2 players." and leaves PS2 in the dust. SE just got done banning 940ish players, wouldn't be surprised if they did it again by removing PS2 from the game.
Serveur: Shiva
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user: Jimmyjazz
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By Shiva.Jimmyjazz 2009-02-03 13:30:21
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PS2 onry here. Main reasons for not switching is not having a computer capable of running the game. I've never played on any other console but have no real qualms about staying with the ol' black box other than the fact i cannot find a copy of WotG.

I suppose one day i will have to make the day when i fork out money for a half decent PC and a DirectDownload WotG expansion lol.
Serveur: Diabolos
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By Diabolos.Logainx 2009-02-03 13:31:24
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Just because YOU dont play on ps2 and have the means to play on 360 or PC doesnt mean others are able to upgrade. If they dropped the ps2 platform, they would have to either redesign the game for the ps3 engines or drop the playstation consoles all together. Both of which would cost SE a lot of capital, both now and down the road. Not to mention a very large portion of JP players(the ones that SE actually intended this game for) play on ps2/3. Why would they want to alienate their target audience just because some WoW-addicted Americans think the game should have slightly better graphics.

The real answer is probably a mix of cost, laziness, and plain old stubbornness.

Plain and simple, SE will never drop the PS2 as a viable gaming platform for this game. Its just not going to happen.
Serveur: Ramuh
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user: Jackel
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By Ramuh.Jackel 2009-02-03 13:34:40
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They've stated multiple times that the large Ps2 base is mostly Japanese.

The game was built around the ps2 limitations, simply saying the heck w/ PS2 players doesn't solve all the problems. Sure they could add things over time, maybe even get passed certain restrictions, but what happens when they reach X360 limits? Will people be wanting them to drop support for that as well?
It's the price they paid for a cross platform title.

As for companies raising the requirements all the time, that is for new software, not old software on new hardware.

Everyone needs to accept it, the ps2 support will never leave. At least not until "Rapture".
Serveur: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Anye 2009-02-03 13:35:26
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Logainx said:
Plain and simple, SE will never drop the PS2 as a viable gaming platform for this game. Its just not going to happen.

I agree, but it's just... after watching the FFXIII trailer, I keep thinking--HOW HOT WOULD I LOOK WITH THOSE PIXELS?!? D:<
Serveur: Pandemonium
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user: Stryger
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By Pandemonium.Stryger 2009-02-03 13:35:51
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I play on Ps2 and is my only way to play the game for the passed 4 years.
Serveur: Titan
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user: azarashi
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By Titan.Azarasi 2009-02-03 13:45:33
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I honestly want them to release a nice pretty patch for PC and 360 where the textures are updated to look better. Or if a group of people mess with .dat textures and clean the lot of them and what have you, because there is some very beautiful armor and it would be nice to see them highly detailed.

I mean the game can look so beautiful sometimes but things like draw distance kill it sometimes.
Serveur: Titan
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user: Prefalin
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By Titan.Prefalin 2009-02-03 13:45:44
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I know a few of my ls members still play on the PS2 and have started having lots of problems with it recently :\
Serveur: Pandemonium
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user: Stryger
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By Pandemonium.Stryger 2009-02-03 13:47:58
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i haven't had any problems the whole time i've been playing, other then beseiged, i used to blackscreen about 20min in but doesn't happen anymore.

Edit: All i had to do was reset and i'd be fine for the rest of the event.
Serveur: Fairy
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user: effedup
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-02-03 13:48:07
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Ok, what if SE did it the other way around? Instead of creating a server for PS2 users, they create a server or two for those of us that could take advantage of improved graphics and game mechanics?

Logainx said:
Why would they want to alienate their target audience just because some WoW-addicted Americans think the game should have slightly better graphics...Plain and simple, SE will never drop the PS2 as a viable gaming platform for this game. Its just not going to happen.

What, is our money not worth as much or something?

At any rate, I know it's never going to happen. SE will dump FFXI completely before they spend a significant amount of money improving it. It just sucks, is all, despite the limitations I love playing the game, and I think if they updated the graphics somehow/someway it would attract more players. I mean, that's one of the main arguments I get from people why they don't like FFXI("omg the game looks like crap" etc.)

I'll continue to play FFXI regardless, but one can dream...
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 165
By Remora.Disintegration 2009-02-03 13:50:11
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"The PS2 is the best-selling console to date,[6][7] having reached over 140 million units in sales by July 2008." -Wikipedia

Let's assume Wikipedia is true on that figure. That's a lot of PS2's out there potentially playing this game. From a business perspective, you probably wouldn't want to cut off that kind of (potential) user base.

Also, an overhaul to the sysem would be a lot of work. Isn't it easier just to cite limitations and maintain status quo? ;)

And lastly, for more sentimental reasons, it all began on PS2. It's the house they grew up in.

But, I do think this game is in serious need of some love to stay relevant in the coming years. I don't see why they couldn't spawn off a new version of it with updated everything, but you can port over your character to it.
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 505
By Pandemonium.Luignata 2009-02-03 13:50:23
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I know for a fact that when patches come out, FFXI splits the patch between the platforms, so each system has a different patch. So my question is, why can't PC players play on an "HQ" patch and leave the normal patches for the other systems?

I'm not asking for content that only PC players could specifically have, but better graphics and possibly nifty features that would change how we view the game or how we play it, and not particularly playing the game itself.
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Stryger
Posts: 12
By Pandemonium.Stryger 2009-02-03 13:51:39
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I personally don't give a crap about graphics, i could play my old Ps1 games and still have fun with them, kinda stupid to not play a game because its graphics. "don't judge a book by its cover" sorta thing.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Jackel
Posts: 53
By Ramuh.Jackel 2009-02-03 13:54:44
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What do you want them to patch? Character models? Maps? Animations? Now you are asking them to re-work what they have already done to gain nothing. Nobody will come back to play FF because a Goblin looks a little cooler.

I understand where you are coming from, but this is a business to them. They've drawn in a great community that stands by them, why ask them to spend time re-working whats already been done rather then create new content that hasn't?
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 165
By Remora.Disintegration 2009-02-03 14:09:04
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I want farther and immediate redraws. Give me robust before pretty.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: effedup
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-02-03 14:11:20
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Jackel said:
What do you want them to patch? Character models? Maps? Animations?

{Yes, please}. I mean, wouldn't updating that stuff be all client-side anyways? How would that even effect PS2 users? Like Luignata said, the patches are all console specific as it is, how hard would it be for them to patch the PC client to take advantage of the more powerful hardware?

I'm not trying to be argumentative or anything, I'm just curious. I'm not very well versed in MMO programming and stuff, but it seems to me that if the server sends a cue to the hardware to do the animation for, say Cure II, having it be prettier on the 360/PC end wouldn't effect the playability at all.

Disintegration said:
I don't see why they couldn't spawn off a new version of it with updated everything, but you can port over your character to it.

That would be awesome :)
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Atrithk
Posts: 284
By Bahamut.Atrithk 2009-02-03 14:33:53
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Xxnumbertwoxx said:
Jackel said:
What do you want them to patch? Character models? Maps? Animations?

{Yes, please}. I mean, wouldn't updating that stuff be all client-side anyways? How would that even effect PS2 users? Like Luignata said, the patches are all console specific as it is, how hard would it be for them to patch the PC client to take advantage of the more powerful hardware?

It wouldn't affect them directly if they didn't get a patch. For now, all we really can do is work on dat swapping to make it look beautiful.
Serveur: Phoenix
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Posts: 40
By Phoenix.Superunknown 2009-02-03 14:34:42
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I play exclusive on PS2 basically because it is only thing available to me right now >.<
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: effedup
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-02-03 14:36:21
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Atrithk said:
It wouldn't affect them directly if they didn't get a patch. For now, all we really can do is work on dat swapping to make it look beautiful.

If only that wasn't technically a ToS violation...
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1304
By Odin.Dirtyfinger 2009-02-03 15:08:17
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Graphics and character models im not too concerned about, adding windower and the like is far more easier and cost effective than a redesign, that should be left to the next FF MMO.
Serveur: Unicorn
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user: Stubbie
Posts: 321
By Unicorn.Smurfo 2009-02-03 15:22:40
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Disintegration said:
"The PS2 is the best-selling console to date,[6][7] having reached over 140 million units in sales by July 2008." -Wikipedia

Let's assume Wikipedia is true on that figure. That's a lot of PS2's out there potentially playing this game. From a business perspective, you probably wouldn't want to cut off that kind of (potential) user base.

Any potential this game had for sales via PS2 platform have long been reached. The hard drive is no longer supported in current models, any new influx of business they potentially could have reached already has been reached years ago. Many ps2 players probably do have a newer console too, just as people upgrade computers many console players do want a newer gaming system as well... PS2 is on it's last leg, they really should just drop the axe....

PS2 limitations, well I clearly understand the fact that SE will not ever improve the GUI and that kind of leads me into thinking that my PS3 is much more worth my time to play than this busted old PC game, costing me money, which i already have over 800 days logged in to.

My only real complaint is pretty simple and i don't understand why it can't be done:

Make font size scalable independently of resolution. I play on PC with a wireless keyboard/mouse with a 40 inch HDTV that sits roughly 8 feet away, on lower resolutions the game looks horrid, yet on higher res i have to squint to read text. I understand that the game is multi-platform, but why can't PC version and Ps2 version have slightly different GUI if they are able to operate on completely different systems, wouldn't you think it's possible?

I don't know a ton about this kind of stuff, but i can't understand why the GUI programming would have to be identical across all platforms for the server to be able to communicate between all of them
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Jackel
Posts: 53
By Ramuh.Jackel 2009-02-03 16:07:00
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Many of the things are simply hard coded into the game.

30fps. Static UI ect...

The point I was trying to make earlier with models/maps/animations is that in order to get those. SE as a company would have to create them. Even if it was 100% possible, it's not a smart move from the business side. The game does not suffer BECAUSE of these limitations, it just doesn't advance anything. LoRT as far as I know offered normal models and "HD" models you could download to replace the others. This was something they launched with and had support from the start. The problems you COULD have, is people with higher res models now being able to see or target things quicker and or better. Who knows if this is a reality or not, but it's another side and view that SE would have to consider.

As for the PC version being played on a TV set. Remember that the resolution comparison is apples and oranges.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Atrithk
Posts: 284
By Bahamut.Atrithk 2009-02-03 16:31:34
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Xxnumbertwoxx said:
Atrithk said:
It wouldn't affect them directly if they didn't get a patch. For now, all we really can do is work on dat swapping to make it look beautiful.

If only that wasn't technically a ToS violation...

Technicalities are so trivial. :/
By 2009-02-03 16:38:58
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