Sign Of A Failing LS?

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Sign of a failing LS?
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Kugal
Posts: 20
By Caitsith.Kugal 2009-02-03 05:00:06
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Ok so heres the far as i could understand a member of our LS decided they didnt like the way our leader was running things so they leave but they also take our pop items and they wont give them back unless they get a joyuse. In my opinion i would have flipped the middle finger and posted a player warning of who they are and what they did but our "fearless" leader told the whole LS not to "bad mouth" or "hold a grudge" against him in hopes of getting the items back. after some time they get the sword for him but the last time i asked he was till holding onto the items and the leader lets him back in the shell...WTF?!?!...anyway let me know what you think of this situation on whether or not our leader is "bending over and taking it"
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2009-02-03 05:18:27
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I'm assuming these are sky pop items, and although fairly easy to get, I'd recommend getting them off whoever has them and giving them to someone trustworthy in the LS.

I've had a similar case happen to my LS, we're only a chat LS so we don't always have the firepower to do everything in Sky. We had 1 member, that had been with us for a while and people generally got along with who came for a run. He was one of the more trusted people with us on that run due to half of the people who came only being with the LS a few weeks.

We asked him to hold a gem of the west for a bit until we got the stone to go with it, he held it, but then a couple of weeks later he left LS and took the gem with him. I checked his FFXIAH profile and he was selling it for 650k (the going price when this happened), because we couldn't get it back, we simply /breaklinkshell him and counted it as a loss. Now when we do sky, we only hand out pop items to very few people, typically people who can be accessed by at least 1 other person, but mostly people who have been with LS a long time and have proven they don't actually want to aimlessly steal things for the sake of profit.

It does sound like your leader is being a bit soft, but if you can get the pop items back then I wouldn't dwell on it too much, just don't trust that person to hold anything of any importance again.
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: Sephyrus
Posts: 224
By Midgardsormr.Katashuro 2009-02-03 05:25:38
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Kugal said:
In my opinion i would have flipped the middle finger and posted a player warning of who they are and what they did
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: jadell
Posts: 64
By Ramuh.Jadell 2009-02-03 06:24:27
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As Hitetsu stated I wouldn't trust this person until they can show they are trustworthy which right now they are not. I would make sure to have that person in a party that also includes a BLM. I would not want to take the chance of any ninja lotting by them. He ninja lots, BLM throws a D2 on him break his pearl and live with the fact that it was a mistake to let him back in the linkshell. See how he does, maybe he was in jerk mode and has reformed himself..... lol yea....
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 505
By Pandemonium.Luignata 2009-02-03 09:34:41
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If the leader was smart, he would bring said player back, get him to use his pop items to pop a god, kill it, get the drops, and then /breaklinkshell.
Serveur: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Malicfayt
Posts: 156
By Kujata.Malicfayt 2009-02-03 09:43:26
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Luignata said:
If the leader was smart, he would bring said player back, get him to use his pop items to pop a god, kill it, get the drops, and then /breaklinkshell.

Read my mind.

I have Zero tolerance for people like this. What a stunt to pull. Seriously... grow a pair you spineless worm of a human being.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: devek
Posts: 108
By Remora.Devek 2009-02-03 10:43:26
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If you loan someone $5 and you never see him again, it is the best $5 you ever spent.

It is better he made off with pop items and not *** you over on something worse. This whole time you've had that piece of ***in your linkshell and now he is gone, you should be grateful.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2009-02-03 10:54:11
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This is why in my ls, everyone holds on to their own stuff. And since most of the people who were in my ls quit the game, I actually have about four ls's that I hop in and out of. And in all of them except dynamis, we ALL hold our own stuff. Don't lend stuff out, and if someone throws a temper tantrum and leaves, you are short nothing more than one person who you are probably better off without anyways.
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-02-03 10:59:47
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I would imagine your linkshell leader perceives this person as somebody valuable to your linkshell. You didn't provide a name so I couldn't look them up and judge for myself, do they have lots of jobs, and do they camp much? A little friction can be worth it sometimes if the player in question is worth the bother.

Of course, from an outside point of view, they don't, but there might be more to this than meets the eye.

The linkshell leader could be good friends with him. Just because my friend does something a little below par in terms of ethics, or says or does something unsavoury, doesn't mean I'll instantly hate them for it.
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Kugal
Posts: 20
By Caitsith.Kugal 2009-02-03 15:08:58
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since im just a Lv.67 PUP im going to try and not rant and rave about it too much because i dont have sky yet...but ill be posting a ls warning if the KV run my friend setup well in advance takes a wrong turn...thank for the replies.
Serveur: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Malicfayt
Posts: 156
By Kujata.Malicfayt 2009-02-03 17:06:31
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I agree that if they are your friend and this sort of thin happens you tend to have more lenience towards the situation.

Ive had a friend who used the current LS i was in just to get byakko's haidate and bail. He by all means deserved it. They wouldn't give it to him because he was "mean". Fact of the matter he was not mean. he was misunderstood. He put things point blank. Sugar coated nothing. If you took it the wrong way He didn't care. its just how you precieve him.

However Valuable or not Id argue how valuable a untrustworthy person actually is. What i'm saying is how valuable or useful is an, for example Aegis PLD fully tricked out /nin /rdm /war gear if all they ever do is cry moan and complain all day long, leave the LS for periods at a time, until the LS leader begs them to come back? How useful is this sorry excuse of a player?
In my opinion this player can bend right over because i got a new storage update for him.

How about a Player who periodically leaves Your LS to raid with another Linkshell so he can Buy drops off another LS? Ditching you especially when they need you? how useful is this person. his Zerg drk COULD have won quite a few Einherjar but alas he was nowhere to be found.

How About said Linkshell in question? What kind of leader Lets this by? Whether he be friends with these people or not. As a linkshell leader you need to show a little dignity. You beg your main PLD to come back? SO what? who cares? they want to go? Fine leave. Do you not see the other 4-5 Paladin who have sat in the shadows all these months to Mr drama Queen Aegis who probably have more skill in their left toe than his entire being? Blinded by this... relic shield. that is the only thing that sets HIM apart from the rest. Sure its a loss. But Your members left behind have infinite potential. You lack faith in the rest of your PLD's. So Linkshell leader. How much faith do you have in the rest of us? What are we to you.

And that is why i left THAT Linkshell

EDIT: I'm sorry that was kind of uncalled for..... i had that on my chest for a long time and this topic hit home with me... sry again.
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
Posts: 17
By Caitsith.Monsterrain 2009-02-03 17:11:34
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Devek at least quote the movie you stole ur line from please.