Who Think's They Have The Best FARM SPOT !!!!

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Who think's they have the best FARM SPOT !!!!
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Anye
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By Ragnarok.Anye 2009-02-02 10:02:54
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Luignata said:
Hello. Don't mind me. Just popping in to /cheer on Malekith and /slap Korpg.
Is this really necessary? I'm choosing not to cheer either on, in the hopes that it won't turn into another Malekith/Korpg love spat all over again....
Serveur: Alexander
Game: FFXI
user: Keldewis
Posts: 31
By Alexander.Keldewis 2009-02-02 11:12:43
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If your leather and cloth skill is high enough you can spam craft ram mantles and npc them or post them on the AH if that happens to be the turn in item of the day. You can do the same with dhalmels but I have only seen two skins at a time drop from them but if you have all the requisite skills you can make vitriol from the spit (bubu dhalmels only) and gelatin from the femurs, mantles from the hides and throw the grass to the side unless you are super desparate. To take it a step further you could probably one shot the gobs in the area for bst coins and silver coin drop (rare) or steal them, and beastman gil, and their armor can be desynth for cotton thread, glass fiber (for prism powder synth), steel ingots (hq), and sheep leather. There are also the crawlers for silk, which you can make green ribbons with to npc also (2k?), or stack and sell, the ratio being about 15 silk threads to 10k versus 12 to stack and post on ah, but there is no waiting with npc method. The bird blood is also still there for the taking. You can also buy hatchets in mhuara and log the trees there. For materials you would have to bring the wool, ice crytals, and fire crystals, water, wind, and maybe earth eles spawn in the area, and you would need smith, cloth, bone, alch, and leather skill. As with any spot it will still take time, but the gil is there. Or you can buy a stack of quus or several if you are up to it, pop bubbly bernie mail the clock to your self and repeat, which you could do until your inbox limbo was full and then turn all the items in one by one, at 600 gil per clock, which would make you famous and less poor at the same time. With field of valor you get an equivilant amount of gil to the xp gained on the page completed, plus beastman gil if you happen to be killing them on your current training page. That's my supersize two cents on the subject.
Serveur: Ifrit
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user: olan
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By Ifrit.Durai 2009-02-02 11:23:09
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That is proprietary information...
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-02-02 11:37:37
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Anye said:
Luignata said:
Hello. Don't mind me. Just popping in to /cheer on Malekith and /slap Korpg.
Is this really necessary? I'm choosing not to cheer either on, in the hopes that it won't turn into another Malekith/Korpg love spat all over again....

Anye honey, I've been really good. Reformed you might say. Read through, I figured out that all I have to do is be helpful and polite. Whopper is going to do his thing. I shall do mine. And given what I have read from other posters, people know what's going on. If a spat is going on, I'm not a part of it... that's emo nerd rage baggage of some other player on here.
Serveur: Odin
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user: arnor
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By Odin.Arnor 2009-02-02 12:10:45
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Castle Zvahl Baileys
since they made the weapons the demons drop worth less to the NPCs ive heard that on atleast odin the NMs are always up and can probably get the coffers easier
(just from what ive heard i havent had a chance to check it out as of yet)
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4
By Remora.Jehoshaphat 2009-02-02 12:46:00
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Anyone who gives up their personal farming spots in this thread should be stabbed in the eyes with dull spoons.

As much as I can appreciate kindness and helping your fellow player too many people (like the TC) are fishing for info they're too lazy/stupid to get on their own. Part of playing this game is figuring out things for yourself.

I think it's funny as hell that Malekith rolled over so quickly with that first post of his. It really doesn't make you like a nice player or whatever you were aiming for, broski; it makes you look like a giant sucker who bit it hard.

By 2009-02-02 12:48:15
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Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Neonracer
Posts: 2748
By Caitsith.Neonracer 2009-02-02 13:13:06
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We wouldn't need to farm if the goblins created a Bank and called it "Gringots"

We'd be making our own Fortune by letting it sit in the bank..

but then we would have to let SE control the influx on the Percentages of everyday rates.. like a real bank...

Would we make any money by doing that???

IDK...just a idea thats prolly gonna end like a flash in the pan.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 2849
By Carbuncle.Zanno 2009-02-02 14:13:06
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I see why one might post "old" farming spots here, places that are already wellknown. Maybe to help out someone who is kinda new to the game and needs an idea on what to farm. But honestly, if you have a really good farming spot, where you actually make good gil, and there's hardly ever any ppl there. Would you be posting that here? Just to see next time you gonna farm, the place is crowded? Ther's been alot of whining coz SE lower the price NPC buys stuff for. But, there is still really good farming spots out there. I have a few that I can make a couple of 100k on per day when i do farm. am i gonna post them here? no way.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-02-02 14:25:58
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One can't be on the game at all times... so why not let another take a crack at my spots when I'm not on.

A good farmer has multiple places to go... /sea zone Hmmm... there be pirates there! Time to move to spot Beta...

An excellent farmer has a craft level that is fed from the farming so as to make mucho gil. I <3 GS and CC

And really, if ya don't want to share ya don't have to. 95% of the views on this thread are non-commenting lurkers. Look... the game world is really small, competition is just something to live with as there's always going to be some interloper. And if folks are afraid of competition that's their deal. Me, I say bring it on.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 2849
By Carbuncle.Zanno 2009-02-02 14:33:07
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Malekith said:
One can't be on the game at all times... so why not let another take a crack at my spots when I'm not on.

meaning that when you do get on you will politely as them to leave your spot?

More than one farming spot? yes. But if you give them away, chances are that eventually the competition would be too big to make it worth it. i.e a couple of years ago: Goobbues in zitah, could be like 8 people fighting over regular mobs. Would you want that to happen to your farming spots?
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Darkmoose
Posts: 456
By Odin.Aramina 2009-02-02 14:35:24
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@ Keldewis

Although you use Buburimu as an example, you nail the key to successful farming down. Being able to diversify and make the most out of everything that and area has to offer is what makes good farmers the money and other people think that it's "not worth the effort" to head out. Being able to look at an area and all of the mobs there and what they drop, along with what you can make from it, how well things stack, etc., really makes the difference between time well spent and time wasted.

RE: CZB on Odin

I was there the other day helping a few friends get AF coffers, and another work on WS points.

It was fairly empty, but the coffer is often "an illusion" which allows you to keep your key, but have to wait for a respawn. Demon Horn prices are way up from where they were before the nerf, but if you don't have at least TH2, you're just wasting your effort. Same goes for other drops there like Flare and Fire 4 scrolls. Sure, you can get lucky and have one drop without TH3+, but the time/hassle isn't worth much. The NM drops are also still fairly devalued compared to what they once were. I remember when a Corsair's Knife was 150k+ and the ToD was closely guarded by few people. Now, it's easier to get your cash some other way, buy it off AH, and just resell it later.

Then again, if you're a Samurai and you just love killing demons, it's a fun spot. Call it "Parrying Skillup to 200" and go have some fun.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1
By Fairy.Deathsshadow 2009-02-02 14:37:05
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lol gotta love this thread. I love my farming spots but not willing to share with just any1.

Not that im afraid of competition, but the fact that if someone farms my locations the items value with decrease over time. ^^
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 505
By Pandemonium.Luignata 2009-02-02 14:41:04
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You guys remind me of the Salvage folks.

"Don't tell anyone this awesome secret! It's superduperhushhushpinkypromisecrossmyhearthopetodie secret!"

Seriously, not that many people view FFXIAH, and maybe only 1 or 2 people in this thread are even seeking for camps. I for one am not interested in changing my farming spot, even despite reading this. Quit being paranoid.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-02-02 14:41:08
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Who cares really, this game has been out yearssss already and if they wanna let their spot out to share, let them. I worry for the more competition just to find a xp camp more than a farming area.

And what ppl farm is exactly what is in need at the moment, of course silk thread duh it sells all the time, beehive chips no brainer there, cuttings whatever who doesnt know.., beastman blood...hmmm i wonder, if your farming for things that rarely ever sell then uh gl with it.

It doesnt matter what spot, there are many servers, many mobs, many different time zones, and alot rarely gonna follow a thread like this imo.

Share away
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15
By Asura.Jamofu 2009-02-02 14:51:59
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If all you can make in 2 years is 32m i feel very sorry for you. If you can't make 5m a month at the very least, you need to brainstorm a little more and find out how to really make the money.

Hustling always worked for me, i have no ls and made 30m last month selling sea torques. Thats just one of the things i do. ***getting myself w.legs from shout tp burn kirins i made 7m thats counting the -gil from buying all the seals. /sh Kirin TP Burn Do you need it? SAM WAR BRD WHM /tell, Freelot D.Body N.Body Pole! 1/18

Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-02-02 14:57:47
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Hey Jamofu, I'm a casual player. I was never throwing that figure out there to show how l337 I am. I'm damn sure there are better/faster ways of making more gil than what I humbly accomplished.

However read my post and take from it this.

1) 95% done as PLD/THF as my DD/ THF combo. Got a better job to main than pally? Go for it!

2) Again, I'm a casual player. I don't maintain multiple mules for crafts or gardening. I have not the time to be a supply/ logistics offer to administer various toons. If I can't do it on my main, it's not an option. The last thing I'm ever going to do, is halt real-life plans because of game.

3) Lastly, I accomplished what I did solo. I didn't need anybody aside from the KS/ BS fight stuff. There's an appeal there, to being self-reliant. It's just so damn easy to feel overwhelmed in this game sometimes because of the difficulty level.

I realize not all will agree. I realize some people have better rackets as it were... However, I'm not writing for that audience. The people I seek to reach will read what I have to say, have a light go on in their heads, and will hop to it. Hopefully, that's one less person complaining that they have no gil/ lack the means to make it.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15
By Asura.Jamofu 2009-02-02 15:01:39
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You already said you had 75BLM, all the stuff i have done 75BLM or 75RDM can easily solo, including jailer of fortitude and ix'drk for justice sets, get yourself 10sets a week easy by asking friends if they want drk cape u keep deeds, and JoF u can solo easy to get the 2nd virtues. Then you take your 10 sets, pop Justice in shout 10 times freelot all torques except the 1-2 your selling, and you can easily get 6m per torque.

Half the ***in this game you can do as BLM.

While i respect that you did pld/thf, but saying u did it all solo except KS/BS while im sure brings in the money, but not as much as i am speaking of.

Lets agree to disagree.
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-02-02 15:04:09
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Jamofu said:
75BLM or 75RDM can easily solo, including jailer of fortitude and ix'drk

I don't think easily is quite the right word.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-02-02 15:04:55
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Point taken Jam... like I said, I don't have the time. Sadly I have a LS and other commitments... I can only salute you for doing what I have not.

One other thing, I think... you have slightly better gear than I. Additionally, you're a taru... The INT/MP differential between your toon and my elvaan alone gives you an advantage to solo in Sea. Understand that I'm NOT taking anything away from what you've done. I'm only pointing out that were I to do same as you, I'd be doing so with a greater degree of difficulty.

Btw, in a semi-related note. I'm working on those Grah Chips... I'll be in touch in game about that shortly.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15
By Asura.Jamofu 2009-02-02 15:07:06
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Malekith said:
Btw, in a semi-related note. I'm working on those Grah Chips... I'll be in touch in game about that shortly.

Just message me on FFXIAH.com i was banned need to do w/ gf's rdm char instead.

Wooooodum said:
Jamofu said:
75BLM or 75RDM can easily solo, including jailer of fortitude and ix'drk
I don't think easily is quite the right word.

If your RDM or BLM 75 with NIN sub and you dont know you can solo fortitude, give it a shot, you will see that it is very very simple, no skill required lol, ok "very little" skill required.

Edit: Try it, you'll be surprized how easy it is. You only need movement speed if you plan on Nuking, but not to DoT it to death.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-02-02 15:18:27
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Zanno said:
Malekith said:
One can't be on the game at all times... so why not let another take a crack at my spots when I'm not on.

meaning that when you do get on you will politely as them to leave your spot?

More than one farming spot? yes. But if you give them away, chances are that eventually the competition would be too big to make it worth it. i.e a couple of years ago: Goobbues in zitah, could be like 8 people fighting over regular mobs. Would you want that to happen to your farming spots?

LoL... man I like competition. I play sports. The hell I'm going to ask someone to vacate my virtual real-estate. If there are other farmers in my spots. Odds are I already know who they are. Most of them are reasonable folks. It's like working shifts at a factory. When I come on they're either just leaving or are leaving soon enough.

Now if folks want to be testy about it, I'd like to think now that I have a 75 THF I can work more efficiently and out claim/kill people if I must. But again, that's why I /sea zone ahead of time. If I see a spot's too crowded I make alternate plans.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 15
By Asura.Jamofu 2009-02-02 15:22:28
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Malekith said:
The hell I'm going to ask someone to vacate my virtual real-estate.

I lol'd
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-02-02 15:23:07
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Jehoshaphat said:
I think it's funny as hell that Malekith rolled over so quickly with that first post of his. It really doesn't make you like a nice player or whatever you were aiming for, broski; it makes you look like a giant sucker who bit it hard. Grats.

Might I interest you in a time-share? On Troll Island? There's already a few residents... Maybe you fancy a nice 2 story townhouse on the beach... sadly there's a drawback. You'd be neighbors with the whopper...

Have your people get in touch with my people, and I'll send you a prospectus...
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: hypnotizd
Posts: 2400
By Garuda.Hypnotizd 2009-02-02 15:43:00
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Wooooodum said:
If I'm really lucky, Bigmouth Billy might spawn and I might be fortunate enough to get a Gold Ore to sell for mega money.

You just have to make sure your HNMLS is on standby to help you out with this time-trial battle. At least one full alliance and outside healing might be necessary =O
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-02-02 15:45:45
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Hypnotizd said:
Wooooodum said:
If I'm really lucky, Bigmouth Billy might spawn and I might be fortunate enough to get a Gold Ore to sell for mega money.

You just have to make sure your HNMLS is on standby to help you out with this time-trial battle. At least one full alliance and outside healing might be necessary =O


Isn't this the Sandworm's baby brother? CAUTION DOOMVOID!
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Neonracer
Posts: 2748
By Caitsith.Neonracer 2009-02-02 17:52:13
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Malekith said:
Hypnotizd said:
Wooooodum said:
If I'm really lucky, Bigmouth Billy might spawn and I might be fortunate enough to get a Gold Ore to sell for mega money.
You just have to make sure your HNMLS is on standby to help you out with this time-trial battle. At least one full alliance and outside healing might be necessary =O
/grin Isn't this the Sandworm's baby brother? CAUTION DOOMVOID!

Lulz... HAHAHAH!! Big mouth billy's older brother Sandworm..

got a point!! LOL
Serveur: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Sirseiko
Posts: 1615
By Hades.Triet 2009-02-02 18:01:50
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Hmmm, surprised no one has mentioned the Buburimu Peninsula farming area. Bird Blood. Heard that SE dropped the price on that, but probably still a decent spot to farm. Blood sells for about "153-170gil" (according to ffxiclopedia); so ~2000gil per stack. And I hear that the drop rate is pretty good.
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9
By Caitsith.Nozomu 2009-02-02 18:44:39
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I used to clam in Porrugo Island in Bibiki Bay, it was decent gil off Coral Fragments. Now I am beginning fishing which can net a very large sum of gil per day if you have the patience. Ive also done Abyss Sahagin, its respawn is about 15-20Mins, and if your THF you can mug it for ~3k, it drops 10k~, and multiple scrolls that vendor for 5000~ each. Very nice spot, though can be dangerous if you aggro hectyes and eat -Aga's. I also know many people farm :Ni scrolls in Castle Zyhavel for minimum wage really. Enjoy...
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Azuzu
Posts: 32
By Phoenix.Azuzu 2009-02-02 18:45:22
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Quatoe Malekith:
" Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah "