Duping- Why Aren't Any Japanese Players Banned?

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Duping- why aren't any Japanese players banned?
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 165
By Remora.Disintegration 2009-01-26 17:42:56
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I don't think I've tried Voltage. I've tried Livewire and the reddish-purple one though. Tasty.

MD is a lover that I have officially left though. Here is how to do it cold turkey:

1. Play FF with a cold bottle of water handy at all times. Within arm's reach. If you have to move, that is one step closer to the nearest place that sells MD.
2. Do not keep it in your refridgerator. It can smell weakness.
3. Have fruit available to snack on. If you deny yourself a snack that is satisfying, you'll surely fall off the wagon.
4. Force yourself to do 100 laps on the Starway Stairway if you relapse. (No use of Flee allowed--running on stairs is dangerous anyway.)
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-01-26 17:56:40
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Japanese concept of Shame is differnet than the American (notice however, that most of the players who got banned were from the US) in respect to punishments.

American player gets caught doing something wrong, they shrug it off/accuse somebody else/lie out of their *** to get away with it. They feel that being caught is more important than the act itself. As long as they don't get caught, then they are ok by the moral standards they just abused.

Japanese player cheats, and they feel it inside, like a burning coal in their heart. They feel that it will consume them from the inside out, until they have to report themselves for cheating in the first place. Shame is then placed on the person who feels that they can never live the life they had before they cheated. They feel that the act of the crime is more important than getting caught or getting away with it.

Hopefully I will know more about this subject of crime in Japan if I'm able to take this class about the Japanese Judical system and the act of Shame that plays a role in it. I'll let ya know more about it when/if I do know more about it.

(Above example was taken from a Course Description page from the class I wish to take, modified for this instance. Don't take this to be that I'm knowledgable about this subject however. I still need to take this class to find that out)
Serveur: Asura
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user: Yotevol
Posts: 1169
By Asura.Yotevol 2009-01-26 18:00:42
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Korpg said:
Japanese concept of Shame is differnet than the American (notice however, that most of the players who got banned were from the US) in respect to punishments. American player gets caught doing something wrong, they shrug it off/accuse somebody else/lie out of their *** to get away with it. They feel that being caught is more important than the act itself. As long as they don't get caught, then they are ok by the moral standards they just abused. Japanese player cheats, and they feel it inside, like a burning coal in their heart. They feel that it will consume them from the inside out, until they have to report themselves for cheating in the first place. Shame is then placed on the person who feels that they can never live the life they had before they cheated. They feel that the act of the crime is more important than getting caught or getting away with it. Hopefully I will know more about this subject of crime in Japan if I'm able to take this class about the Japanese Judical system and the act of Shame that plays a role in it. I'll let ya know more about it when/if I do know more about it. (Above example was taken from a Course Description page from the class I wish to take, modified for this instance. Don't take this to be that I'm knowledgable about this subject however. I still need to take this class to find that out)

Now this, is a wonderful response.

Thank you Korpg for this. I will have to take some time and research this a bit more and think about this.
I appreciate how you posted without flaming.

Until then, my work at Project Handclasp (a mission of goodwill to third world countries) is done for the day.
I look forward to more conversations!

Serveur: Remora
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user: Chairo
Posts: 17
By Remora.Chairo 2009-01-26 19:58:08
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Are you ppl on crack or something? The Japanese is nowhere as honest as you think, they have more affairs than almost any other nation in the world, its common for high school girls to prostitute themselves for cash to salary men. Almost every 2-3 years there is some major scandal in the government or business practices, suicide rates are through the roof with the majority of them being teens from stress or being bullied which is very very popular. Bullying is so big in fact teens and kids just don't do it but adults who tell them not to do it as well especially in business's and teachers if a higher up wants you gone. I admit we as Americans have some problems but don't try to pretend that the Japanese are some saints because I can assure that they're far from it. Just like us they need improvement as well as well as the rest of the world. Also in response to the OP of course Japanese players got banned as well its just illogical to think they'll come rant in an English speaking server. Lastly they're punishment can be harsh at times depending on the crime but compared to the U.S. its much more lenient. For instance a man Yamamoto in Niigata prefect got off on parole after 17 years for killing 2 ppl with a knife, his former wife and her lover. Mean while in the U.S. something similar happened and the guy was sentenced to life in prison without parole. Their reform system believes that a person can change after the reform and usually grant second chances to even murders. Last thing is don't try to say that the kids are taught better because most of them sure as hell aren't, the kids with status can almost get away with anything in the schools just because the school doesn't want to lose funding from the parents. Oh god and don't get me started on how many rape cases they have every month. Japanese do almost everything for appearance kids get bullied and commit suicide but they'll say there isn't bullying in their school that it was some other reason or bs, and yes before the prefect police department did a detailed investigation into it that was the schools statement. So to sum things up... I wouldn't trust them just as much as I wouldn't trust my own ppl.
Serveur: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: azarashi
Posts: 92
By Titan.Azarasi 2009-01-26 20:19:40
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my god people will not let this go
Serveur: Garuda
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user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-01-26 20:55:14
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One of my Japanese friends got perma banned.

Serveur: Unicorn
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user: Stubbie
Posts: 321
By Unicorn.Smurfo 2009-01-26 21:35:45
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ur mom got banned.
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-01-26 21:39:11
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Smurfo said:
ur mom got banned.

She did actually.

She says the 5/5 Ares's was well worth it, though.
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Jeuce
Posts: 13
By Garuda.Jeuce 2009-01-26 23:21:40
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Disintegration said:
I don't think I've tried Voltage. I've tried Livewire and the reddish-purple one though. Tasty.

code red >all
Serveur: Fairy
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user: effedup
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-01-26 23:51:21
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Wooooodum said:
Smurfo said:
ur mom got banned.

She did actually.

She says the 5/5 Ares's was well worth it, though.

I lol'd ^^
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 38
By Bismarck.Alana 2009-01-27 00:19:37
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JPs didnt got baned as many as NA but they did get baned

aaaand Korpg is right on his words.

in japan, they prefer to not do it,so they dont get owned.not that all of em are inocent,but most plays just fair and clean.
and chairo...they kill thenselves exactly b/c they got caught. they cant take it. so, most of em prefer to not do.
i live in japan for 10 years and i can tell.

again chairo.theres teenager prustitutes all arround the world,and that cant be put in here as exemple of anything.

take as an exemple the history of scandals in japan and compare that to other places.

does JPs do ***? yes they do...way less than other places thou. and when they get caught they just cant take it....even some evil ones..
shame in here = suicide
fail in school = suicide
get caught in malicious activitys in politics = suicide
weird? yes but thats the way they are
thats the way they do.

again theyre not inocent,but in this SE event im sure they are fair in their action
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Neisan
Posts: 387
By Quetzalcoatl.Neisan 2009-01-27 00:39:50
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Chairo said:
Are you ppl on crack or something? The Japanese is nowhere as honest as you think, they have more affairs than almost any other nation in the world, its common for high school girls to prostitute themselves for cash to salary men. Almost every 2-3 years there is some major scandal in the government or business practices, suicide rates are through the roof with the majority of them being teens from stress or being bullied which is very very popular. Bullying is so big in fact teens and kids just don't do it but adults who tell them not to do it as well especially in business's and teachers if a higher up wants you gone. I admit we as Americans have some problems but don't try to pretend that the Japanese are some saints because I can assure that they're far from it. Just like us they need improvement as well as well as the rest of the world. Also in response to the OP of course Japanese players got banned as well its just illogical to think they'll come rant in an English speaking server. Lastly they're punishment can be harsh at times depending on the crime but compared to the U.S. its much more lenient. For instance a man Yamamoto in Niigata prefect got off on parole after 17 years for killing 2 ppl with a knife, his former wife and her lover. Mean while in the U.S. something similar happened and the guy was sentenced to life in prison without parole. Their reform system believes that a person can change after the reform and usually grant second chances to even murders. Last thing is don't try to say that the kids are taught better because most of them sure as hell aren't, the kids with status can almost get away with anything in the schools just because the school doesn't want to lose funding from the parents. Oh god and don't get me started on how many rape cases they have every month. Japanese do almost everything for appearance kids get bullied and commit suicide but they'll say there isn't bullying in their school that it was some other reason or bs, and yes before the prefect police department did a detailed investigation into it that was the schools statement. So to sum things up... I wouldn't trust them just as much as I wouldn't trust my own ppl.

You really should look up statistics before you spout nonsense, the United States is beating Japan in rape and suicide statistics in every way possible... No, they aren't saints, but you really shouldn't be talking about things you know nothing about.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 361
By Fairy.Kelvinclein 2009-01-27 01:31:55
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No Italians banned on fairy either! Italian Fairy Mafia!
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-01-27 02:18:39
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Chairo said:
Are you ppl on crack or something?

The Japanese is nowhere as honest as you think, they have more affairs than almost any other nation in the world, its common for high school girls to prostitute themselves for cash to salary men.

Almost every 2-3 years there is some major scandal in the government or business practices, suicide rates are through the roof with the majority of them being teens from stress or being bullied which is very very popular.

Bullying is so big in fact teens and kids just don't do it but adults who tell them not to do it as well especially in business's and teachers if a higher up wants you gone.

I admit we as Americans have some problems but don't try to pretend that the Japanese are some saints because I can assure that they're far from it. Just like us they need improvement as well as well as the rest of the world.

Also in response to the OP of course Japanese players got banned as well its just illogical to think they'll come rant in an English speaking server.

Lastly they're punishment can be harsh at times depending on the crime but compared to the U.S. its much more lenient.

For instance a man Yamamoto in Niigata prefect got off on parole after 17 years for killing 2 ppl with a knife, his former wife and her lover. Mean while in the U.S. something similar happened and the guy was sentenced to life in prison without parole. Their reform system believes that a person can change after the reform and usually grant second chances to even murders.

Last thing is don't try to say that the kids are taught better because most of them sure as hell aren't, the kids with status can almost get away with anything in the schools just because the school doesn't want to lose funding from the parents.

Oh god and don't get me started on how many rape cases they have every month. Japanese do almost everything for appearance kids get bullied and commit suicide but they'll say there isn't bullying in their school that it was some other reason or bs, and yes before the prefect police department did a detailed investigation into it that was the schools statement.

So to sum things up... I wouldn't trust them just as much as I wouldn't trust my own ppl.

Broke it down to read it better, so I don't miss a point.

The Japanese is nowhere as honest as you think, they have more affairs than almost any other nation in the world, its common for high school girls to prostitute themselves for cash to salary men.

Stats? Proof? Where is it? I want to see what you are based your opinion from.

Almost every 2-3 years there is some major scandal in the government or business practices, suicide rates are through the roof with the majority of them being teens from stress or being bullied which is very very popular.

Since when does government and/or business scandal has to be in Japan only? What about the Leamond (sp) Brothers and Merill Lynch? FreddyMac? Enron? Worldcom? Any of this getting to you? Or how about the Bush Administration that everyone is blaming on for this current economic crisis?

Suicide rates only effect Japanese? No accountants throwing themselves off the roofs in New York or LA? No overdoses from drug adicts in the US?

Bullying is so big in fact teens and kids just don't do it but adults who tell them not to do it as well especially in business's and teachers if a higher up wants you gone.

Got no clue where you are going with this though. Bullying is so big, but teens, kids, and adults don't do it? Damn you toddlers! Damn you elderly!

I admit we as Americans have some problems but don't try to pretend that the Japanese are some saints because I can assure that they're far from it. Just like us they need improvement as well as well as the rest of the world.

Who here said that Japanese are saints? Improvements???? You are absolutly right about that. The only crime stat I can find that Japan has over America is the abundance of bicycle thefts. Damn you! You stole my bike damn it!!!!

Also in response to the OP of course Japanese players got banned as well its just illogical to think they'll come rant in an English speaking server.

How many Japanese players got banned vs How many American (Just American) players got banned? Point proven.

Lastly they're punishment can be harsh at times depending on the crime but compared to the U.S. its much more lenient.

For instance a man Yamamoto in Niigata prefect got off on parole after 17 years for killing 2 ppl with a knife, his former wife and her lover. Mean while in the U.S. something similar happened and the guy was sentenced to life in prison without parole. Their reform system believes that a person can change after the reform and usually grant second chances to even murders.

You are right. I would hate to go back to society that deals harshly with Shame by pretty much making my life a living hell than to go live in a prison for the rest of my life, with 3 meals a day, and free housing. Mind you, I could never find a job for the rest of my life, have to live in poverty. Much better than life in prison.

Last thing is don't try to say that the kids are taught better because most of them sure as hell aren't, the kids with status can almost get away with anything in the schools just because the school doesn't want to lose funding from the parents.

So private schools in America doesn't do that? You got to remember, there are no public schools in Japan, parents pay for their education. You said so yourself.

Oh god and don't get me started on how many rape cases they have every month. Japanese do almost everything for appearance kids get bullied and commit suicide but they'll say there isn't bullying in their school that it was some other reason or bs, and yes before the prefect police department did a detailed investigation into it that was the schools statement.

Rape only happens in Japan? Stats on that? You seem to make people believe you have proof to your statements, but you never bring any of it out.

So to sum things up... I wouldn't trust them just as much as I wouldn't trust my own ppl.

I wouldn't trust your own people either, to be honest.

So, basically, opinions are welcome, but bigots aren't. If you want to prove me wrong, then prove it!
Serveur: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: azarashi
Posts: 92
By Titan.Azarasi 2009-01-27 02:32:29
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A lot of stuff he said is generally true about what goes on in japan.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-01-27 02:35:26
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Azarasi said:
A lot of stuff he said is generally true about what goes on in japan.

lol, who are you refering to?
Serveur: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: azarashi
Posts: 92
By Titan.Azarasi 2009-01-27 04:19:42
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Korpg said:
Azarasi said:
A lot of stuff he said is generally true about what goes on in japan.

lol, who are you refering to?

I am ref to Chairo. Because a handfull of people I know who lived over there from 2-13 years, my japanese teacher (where in class we did research on things that were going on in japan), my old room mates japanese girlfriend who visted from japan. And also if you look around online there is tons of things that happen in japan.

Point is the country of japan aint no la la la land of perfection anyone should know that. I think the minor argument here is completely mute to what the subject of the thread is really, its starting to derail.

As for the whole japanese not getting banned. I have no idea bout, nor do I care. SE can do what they want how they want with their own game, if people have a problem with it stop giving them their money.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Saiya
Posts: 372
By Cerberus.Saiya 2009-01-27 06:07:29
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I don't consider myself an expert by any stretch of the imagination, but just off-the-cuff I'd find it quite easy to believe that a much smaller proportion of JP players would dupe/use 3rd party tools than NA/EU players.

I also agree with above statements that this is a reflection of their society. But when people put this point forward they're not saying JP society is some kind of god-like model that all should aspire to. Quite obviously they have their ideal, then elements that move outside of the ideal, just like our cultures.

But I agree, in my opinion the way these elements regard themselves is quite different to a dissident in Western culture.
I imagine an inherent remorse is more apparent, and certainly if they were caught they wouldn't be vocal about it. They certainly wouldn't try to justify their actions as 'right'.

Think about it logically: You 'signed' an agreement to abide by certain terms and regulations. You were made aware of what constituted an infringement, and accepted what consequences would be given should you breach the ToS.

Yet when you've been knowingly breaking the rules, when you get banned you have the nerve to complain? You may find the rules unfair and 'bs', but since you agreed to them that makes you kinda silly huh? ^^. This is a distant reference to Yotevol/Yotevol's friend incidentally. It's a reflection of them in general, so while I might have acted differently I can't blame you for disassociating yourself.

Essentially we didn't hear about such JP bannings as there were because they probably wouldn't admit it and were most likely a little ashamed. Western culture focuses very much on 'Look at me/my gear/my epeen/my superiority', and to be fair our general RL society follows in the same vein. JP culture in general seems more concerned with basic politeness and respect, and I feel I see this comes through in their ingame conduct to some degree.

So yeah, i think they did get banned, though a lower proportion than us, and a lot of them we didn't hear about.

I probably lost my topic a bit there, I do that a lot ^^;. Hopefully there's something in there worth reading.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Onepenny
Posts: 114
By Gilgamesh.Onepenny 2009-01-27 06:25:03
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Saiya said:
Hopefully there's something in there worth reading.

I really think there is ^^

I would go so far as to say that we define ourselfs by what gear we have, and jobs we have, regardless of how we got it. They define theirselfs by their action, beeing polite and others.

Not saying any side is better than the other, we just have diferent caracteristics (good & bad). And because of that we see cheating as an ok thing while they dont.

I'm talking in general, we are not all the same. But wend i told a guy he was cheating because he used a map thingy and a recast timer, he told me he didnt consider himself a cheater. He is, as pld i often forget my 5m ability is back... if i had that i would not forget.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-01-27 11:12:34
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So far as JP ban...

1) Who here goes into JP forums and can read kanji? I'd laugh my *** off if there was a parallel thread were us English speaking players are being raged at because the banhammer "hadn't been aimed at us" since we're SE's new cash cow. I mean why frighten off the new players that exists outside the core demographic that supports the game?

2) What profit does SE have in pointing out that the ban was broken down according to the following geographic lines: 5 JP, 20 Mexican, 40 EU and 400 NA? If they really went so low as to issue a report to satisfy everyone's stupid curiosity that would create a shitstorm far bigger than the 18HR PW fight and subsequent nerd bash (BTW the numbers above were random and NOT meant to add up).

3) Are folks here really that bloodthirsty and racist? Y'all really need to know for sure that JP people were pwned too in order to feel ok about the whole banhammer-buthurt-apalooza-nerd rage that SE went off on?

4) JP vs. Everyone else for most corrupt = stupid. We're all human beings, it's not about who is more likely because we're all culpable. If you throw temptation in front of someone there's always the chance that they may take it.

While one can argue that the mores of a given society are better/ stronger compared to another making it unlikely for its members to engage in bad acts THAT IGNORES the fact that sometimes people just act in an irrational manner.

Satisfaction of base needs > moral inhibition to not act, given the right circumstances and that cuts across all cultures.

5) Last Thought: For all our speculation about what's going on it's only speculation and no amount of shooting the breeze will bring us closer to the truth. Reading this thread is like watching blind men argue how big Marissa Miller's *** are when they've never seen them to begin with.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Yotevol
Posts: 1169
By Asura.Yotevol 2009-01-27 11:29:43
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Malekith said:
5) Last Thought: For all our speculation about what's going on it's only speculation and no amount of shooting the breeze will bring us closer to the truth. Reading this thread is like watching blind men argue how big Marissa Miller's *** are when they've never seen them to begin with.

Who is Marissa Miller? o,o
Curious... I don't watch TV too much.

Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Tbest
Posts: 5490
By Fairy.Tbest 2009-01-27 11:33:46
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www.google.com Give it a whirl, Lovetoy.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 165
By Remora.Disintegration 2009-01-27 11:33:55
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do you have Google?

Edit: great minds.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Yotevol
Posts: 1169
By Asura.Yotevol 2009-01-27 11:39:08
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Tbest said:
www.google.com Give it a whirl, Lovetoy.

Thanks, turns out she's a model.
Very nice looking.

Anyhow, I have been enjoying the arguments being made. :-)
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Tbest
Posts: 5490
By Fairy.Tbest 2009-01-27 11:40:04
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lol, yeah I guess so Dis. XD
Google > You. >.>
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Yotevol
Posts: 1169
By Asura.Yotevol 2009-01-27 11:43:29
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Why do you always have such angry and insulting posts?
I'm curious, more than anything.
I've tried to have a logical discussion with you and all you seem to do is rant... it's confusing.

Have I done something to directly insult you in some way?

Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 165
By Remora.Disintegration 2009-01-27 11:43:58
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Your penchant for making this a debate team exercise makes you sound like a tool. So does your mention of not watching much TV. It's always the people who want to be perceived in a certain inflated way who say that line.

I bet you're a nice guy though. Could you turn the volume down on the toolishness?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Yotevol
Posts: 1169
By Asura.Yotevol 2009-01-27 11:50:44
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Disintegration said:
Your penchant for making this a debate team exercise makes you sound like a tool. So does your mention of not watching much TV. It's always the people who want to be perceived in a certain inflated way who say that line. I bet you're a nice guy though. Could you turn the volume down on the toolishness?

How much Plato have you read? Socrates?
They discuss that the best way to learn and progress mentally is to engage in debates.
Debates, where one speaks there mind, based on a good argument and valid points.
Opinions are used, but they are often a weak support for a debate.

While you see this as some school "debate team" theme, you are mistaken.
When I say debate, I mean for a logical discussion about something I want to talk about.

When others speak their mind concerning the subject, I welcome to discussion- for or against my view.
You then, have a CHOICE to reply or to ignore.
However, when others just throw idle nonsence of insults or "tool" this and "ftw/ftl", it really makes me wonder about your actual intelligence.
Almost like, you have nothing intelligent to say, so you would rather spurt off some insult and walk away.
Which is sad, really... you should just ignore the thread and walk away.

I am a very nice guy, but I'm not afraid to speak my view.
Serveur: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: alsolidus
Posts: 2
By Hades.Alsolidus 2009-01-27 11:58:26
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http://www.gopetition.com/online/24821.html for those interested
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 165
By Remora.Disintegration 2009-01-27 12:00:25
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I'm very well read, sir. Please don't insult me.

You're shifting the argument here. Debate is great and cool and healthy. But, it's your approach to it and the way you talk about it that makes you seem like a tool. You are parading around virtues like you are teaching us and moderating us.

You are enlightened and we are not. I get it. I really do. It's far too common in people who don't watch TV. Maybe a lack of TV is your problem, come to think of it. It might ground you a bit and make your comments more amicable by being able to relate to people around you instead of distancing yourself. You're not better than anybody. Fact.

Don't make me take back my freebie of you being a nice guy. And as I mentioned, could you please turn down the volume on the toolishness?