Dynamis Currency Strike!!

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Dynamis Currency Strike!!
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By 2009-01-24 14:37:39
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Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5
By Seraph.Sheerluck 2009-01-24 14:43:14
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Now, correct me if i am wrong as i have just started to doing the dynamis runs myself, but doesn't the cost of the dynamis currency help to offset the cost to actually participate. I mean, 500k just to enter a dynamis, for me at least, seems like a fortune. Let alone to run these events twice a week every week. I for one hand will not participate in a rally against the price of the currency for 2 reasons.
1)I can't afford to pay my way through a run.
2) If the leader finds that it is not worth his time to schedule a run due to prices in currency going down, how the "F" am i supposed to be able to get my relic gear.

This is just my idea. Take it for what it's worth.
By 2009-01-24 14:44:44
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Serveur: Seraph
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By Seraph.Sheerluck 2009-01-24 14:58:09
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Ok, I can see where you might think that these guys are making 2M gil off these currencies. But realistically, do they actually sell every piece that they pick up between the competition accross their server? What about those that are vying for the Relic Upgrades? What about LS's that divvy up the currency to not only further their own goals, but those members that have demonstrated their utmost loyalty. Again, I'm fairly new to this, so before I make an *** out of myself, i'm going to read up on the intricacies of all that is known as Dynamis. You have given me something to look into.
Serveur: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Kaioshin 2009-01-24 14:58:38
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You have a very good point Mabrook. More and more endgame shells are actullly placeing payouts per week like a freaking paycheck to sacs and members because they have extra funds. Now thats great and all but if you buy your currency to upgrade to a stage 5 relic unlocked i can see your point. I wont argue with you, I just say I wish you the best of luck, on Garuda at least right?
By 2009-01-24 15:00:53
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Serveur: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Psyence 2009-01-24 15:04:02
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Mabrook has a point. The Dynamis fee pre-update was 1000k, now SE lowered it to 500k. Clearly this should benefit ALL the players who attend Dynamis, you included. SE didn't change the fee just to allow the Dynamis LS leaders, sponsors and currency resellers to fill their pockets twice as much.

This is like politics, when you trust the people above you and refrain from questioning their actions, you're basically ASKING to get screwed and abused... They won't hesitate to take all the benefits if you don't fight for your share.

And this "fighting for your share" thingy, this is the kind of utopia the initial post talks about. It makes a lot of sense, but if he's the only one doing that, it can't work, so he's trying to share his opinion by posting about it.

Accepting/refusing to buy car fuel when the prices go up by 300% in 6 months and you don't HAVE to use your car is a real-life example of this foolishness. Most people I know are just too dumb/lazy to walk or ride a bike even when they know it would be beneficial for 1: their health 2: the environment 3: their $$$ (some people are forced to use a car, but they're clearly a minority).

Now, all we can do is ask (Lower the price?) to anyone offering the currency you need and REFUSE to buy without being given a significant discount. They'll make money anyway, don't worry, you're not even close to hurting them by doing this.

I'm actually surprised that all these months have passed since the update, and the currencies are still selling as high as before. Some people are becoming filthy rich at the moment, and it's obviously not because they're making any *extra* effort.
Serveur: Unicorn
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user: Tomas
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By Unicorn.Tavlov 2009-01-24 15:21:27
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Off topic, but are the bazaars still in rolanberry on Garuda?
By 2009-01-24 15:24:07
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Serveur: Alexander
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user: Wika
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By Alexander.Wika 2009-01-24 15:28:10
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You guys aren't realizing, with the lowering of entry fee to 500k, that alone caused double or triple the number of Dynamis Linkshells to pop up overnight... That itself *has* driven the price down. Maybe it hasn't dropped each currency value by 75% or even 50%, but an O. Bronzepiece going from 10k each to 7~8k each is a huge difference when you're buying/selling thousands of them.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Katseu
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By Asura.Katseu 2009-01-24 15:38:10
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Wika said:
That itself *has* driven the price down. Maybe it hasn't dropped each currency value by 75% or even 50%, but an O. Bronzepiece going from 10k each to 7~8k each is a huge difference when you're buying/selling thousands of them.

I dun know about you guys, but on asura prices stayed the wroughly same or actually have increased >> today bronze pieces are 15k w/ hundred pieces for 1.5M which is enough for 3 runs... so that doesn't apply everywhere
Serveur: Unicorn
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Posts: 108
By Unicorn.Claquesous 2009-01-24 15:56:26
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Currency prices are based on supply and demand. The reason the bazaar prices are so high is that people are paying them.

Like everyone else, I expected prices to go down when they lowered the price. For the first week or two it did, but soon they seemed to shoot back above where they were immediately before the change.

I believe the increase in supply caused by the lowered price also largely increased demand. On my server, a lot of HNM shells are suddenly doing Dynamis on the side. My own shell used to be the only one during our time slot, but now there are three shells competing. Once you start getting currency in Dynamis, many people like supplementing the currency flow by buying from other shells.

To put it in other terms, a determined relic upgrader used to spend 2 million gil a week to get approximately 500 pieces of currency (very rough guess). Now they only need to spend 1 million, and they have another million left over to buy more currency.
Serveur: Fairy
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user: Blackmist
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By Fairy.Blackmist 2009-01-24 16:23:48
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Honestly. It would be nice to see 100 bills drop to at least 450-500k I mean, on fairy when i see ppl shouting, selling, or buying. It's still the same price as it was pre-update 800K~ per bill. yea i think the price has gone down at least 150k. but Still thats enough gil to pay for 1 & 1/2 run. and if you are a shell that has your members pay entrance fee (8-20k depending on attendance) you'r getting 800k for the 100 bill, then approximitly 640k from attendance fees for one run (20x *32 = 640k ) right there is enough to run almost 2 1/2 runs off just 1 Dyna run, so after that, the runs are paying for them selfs.

Sure This makes it easy for Dyna. to be free (long as you get a 100 bill) even if you sell all the singles (lets say only 100 drop, thats still 1 mill at 10k a price) still pays for 2 runs.

Long run: ppl make a profit off Dyna with the current prices. if they drop (odds are they wont drop ppl would have to Work for there gil an most don't like havening to pay for Dyna. thus they get cranky cause they cant just show up. and go afk at the entrance lol >.>

but. if prices drop. then it will be more affordable for ppl to buy there relics. but like i said dyna shells will need to have there members pay out. and also there members woudlnt get all there coins since they would go to being sold to fix the driffrince.

I supose it probly just depends on your server costs. but all mathamatics aside might not go thru.

But Good luck ^^ I support you, I don't do Dyna. Pc can't handle it :\ so :] no Currency for me atm. but if i ever have the gil, and can buy coins, an they are cheaper I'd buy them =D
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 2849
By Carbuncle.Zanno 2009-01-24 16:42:16
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most dynamis ls leaders i know of are doing runs in order to get currency for their own relics, and are only selling enough so it will pay for the next run. if they should sell their currency low enough so that it will barely pay for the runs, it would make no sense.
By 2009-01-24 16:48:37
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Wika said:
You guys aren't realizing, with the lowering of entry fee to 500k, that alone caused double or triple the number of Dynamis Linkshells to pop up overnight... That itself *has* driven the price down. Maybe it hasn't dropped each currency value by 75% or even 50%, but an O. Bronzepiece going from 10k each to 7~8k each is a huge difference when you're buying/selling thousands of them.

On Bahamut, prices have been increasing.

T.Whiteshell went from 7k to 13k
O.Bronzepiece went from 8k to 11k
1 Byne Bill went from 4-5k to 6-7k

L.Jadeshell went from 900k to 1.3M-1.5M
M.Silverpiece when from 800k to 1.3M-1.4M
100 Byne Bill went from 500-550k to ~700k.

And thats just within the last three months.

A lot of linkshells on this server have set buyers for their currency, which I suppose you can say makes less available for other buyers. My shell was selling every piece of currency we got each run, to one buyer. We did discounted prices, and still made 2M+ per city run. My shell isn't Dynamis-only though, so we actually have a use for such a big LS Bank.

Dynamis-only shells...they only need to cover the cost of runs. A lot of Dynamis shells begin splitting the excess gil between the leader/sacks.

As long as greed is a factor, prices will stay high. >:( When people want something enough, they'll pay the outrageous prices, or self-fund Dynamis.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Stanflame
Posts: 6173
By Bahamut.Stanflame 2009-01-24 16:57:33
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Sheerluck said:
Now, correct me if i am wrong as i have just started to doing the dynamis runs myself, but doesn't the cost of the dynamis currency help to offset the cost to actually participate. I mean, 500k just to enter a dynamis, for me at least, seems like a fortune. Let alone to run these events twice a week every week. I for one hand will not participate in a rally against the price of the currency for 2 reasons.
1)I can't afford to pay my way through a run.
2) If the leader finds that it is not worth his time to schedule a run due to prices in currency going down, how the "F" am i supposed to be able to get my relic gear.

This is just my idea. Take it for what it's worth.

since you just started to do dynamis shut the *** up?
By 2009-01-24 17:04:48
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Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 2849
By Carbuncle.Zanno 2009-01-24 17:08:20
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I'd suggest instead of bitching about prices, make your own dyna ls, sell the currency for 2 k each /cheer
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-01-24 17:12:31
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I refuse to join your strike...

It benifits more people than not if I sell them for more!
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-01-24 17:26:09
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Wooooodum said:
I refuse to join your strike... It benifits more people than not if I sell them for more!

Benifits you more like.

But its all basic Supply/Demand. Because the Demand is higher than the Supply at the moment (at least on Asura) the price jumped up.

When Demand goes down, and Supply goes up, the price will go down (S/D principles here).

Greed, however bad, is the driving tools for businesses to compete with each other. If you consider each shell as a business competing for the same market, then you would have to consider the market (both buyers/sellers) and let that determine the price.

This is basic Free Market principles also. Anyone who thinks Capitalism doesn't work isn't paying attention at the moment.
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-01-24 17:28:19
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Korpg said:
Wooooodum said:
I refuse to join your strike... It benifits more people than not if I sell them for more!

Benifits you more like.


Benifits my entire shell; I'm not one of those leaders who only gives a ***for their own gains. We sell 100s and leftover currencies after our splits to fund future runs. If people are selling currency for more, the shell gets more gil into and that means we have more runs where we don't have to pay.

If people buy for less, we have to pay for more runs.

Simple maths is simple!
Serveur: Fairy
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user: Vegetto
Posts: 3615
By Fairy.Vegetto 2009-01-24 17:38:00
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I like the new change. I'm actually using the new prices to fund my relic. Today, I shouted for 2hrs for shells at 8/800k, O bronze pieces at 9/900k, and alexandirte at 2.5k
I got enough sales to have spent about 2-3m in 2 hrs. Then I went to rolanmart and put shells for 9.6k, Bronze pieces for 10k, and alexandrite for 3k, and I made almost a mil in profit and it all sold within 45 minutes.

Aka, as long as people will sell and buy, I've retired from farming.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-01-24 17:42:32
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I meant benifits your shell, if you have to sell for less, then you sell more of your currency instead of spliting it (don't know how that works either, since you say you sell 100s and leftover currency, meaning you give each person a set amount each run).

You still benifit, regardless. You may not be the only one, but you still benifit.

Now, don't get me wrong, I incourage you to do this. Sell for more!

As my favorite colonial author once put it: "As every individual, therefore, endeavors as much as he can both to employ his capital in the support of domestic industry, and so to direct that industry that its produce may be of the greatest value; every individual necessarily labours to render the annual revenue of the society as great as he can. He generally, indeed, neither intends to promote the public interest, nor knows how much he is promoting it. By preferring the support of domestic to that of foreign industry, he intends only his own security; and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain, and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention. Nor is it always the worse for the society that it was no part of it. By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it." (Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations, Book 4, Chapter 2; 1776)

Basically, what this means is, you better society by your own greed than you would by charity.

I would give you an example of this, but it will go over most of the forum's head if I do. So take my word for it ;p
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Crezelda
Posts: 31
By Pandemonium.Crezelda 2009-01-24 17:45:02
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sure i agree. my sushi hasen't risen in price and my digging has been crap. but shells have doubbled from what i started my sword on. Theyve already lowered by 1k since the ban so im gonna sit tight till im a full member of my new dynamis ls.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11
By Carbuncle.Tellahchan 2009-01-24 17:47:45
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What people do with their currency is their business.
Although I'd like to see lowered prices, I don't see it happening yet.
There are still people paying the old prices, so that will continue until demand drops significantly.
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-01-24 17:54:23
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Every single currency drop is lotted by a sackholder, as well as 100s. At the end of runs, we split the single currencies by however many attended. Any leftovers or unclaimed currency is then sold on a mule. 100s are also sold on this mule, as well as Wootz Ore. This gil is then used to buy the hourglass for runs, meaning members don't have to pay anything towards the hourglass cost.

This effectively means our members are paid to do Dynamis. We've actually found that the money from Wootz Ore, 100s and leftover singles alone is enough to fund the majority of runs. When we run low we simply do a Bastok run or two for all the Wootz Ore (like tonight, 19 in total = 3.8m for the LS.)

Been using this system for about eight months now, nobody's paid to do Dynamis for eight months except for Tavnazia.

Given that explanation, I'm sure you can understand why I'd like currency prices to stay that high. I personally don't sell any of my currency, I keep it all, so it's not like this is even about selling my split, either.

The only people that lower currency prices will benifit are those upgrading. I won't comment on whether that's good or bad, I'd rather not get into that discussion. That's the fact of the matter though.

I'd say realistically about ten percent of the people buying loads of currency at the moment will finish their relics. Since they brought the hourglass price down by half, a lot of people have slowly stopped buying currency, yet hardly any new relics have been finished.

The longer prices stay higher, the longer my shell is paid to do runs, the longer they're happier!
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-01-24 18:50:48
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Wooooodum said:
The longer prices stay higher, the longer my shell is paid to do runs, the longer they're happier! and the longer we all get paid to do something


P.S. don't take the meaning wrong, just agreeing with you about this.
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-01-24 18:54:45
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It's not a problem if we're not. Nobody complained before, everyone was quite content paying ~40k per run to enter Dynamis. It's just an added bonus, that's all, and it's certainly a good appeal when we need to recruit.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-01-24 18:56:42
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Wooooodum said:
Been using this system for about eight months now, nobody's paid to do Dynamis for eight months except for Tavnazia.

Wooooodum said:
It's not a problem if we're not. Nobody complained before, everyone was quite content paying ~40k per run to enter Dynamis. It's just an added bonus, that's all, and it's certainly a good appeal when we need to recruit.

Contridiction senses are tingling
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-01-24 18:59:25
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Before those eight months, every run was paid for by members. Sometimes this was as high as 44k on the lower manned runs. Nobody complained about it then. We didn't start this shell using that system, we've been going for almost two years now.

Nobody complains about paying for Tavnazia now either. Think you're putting words into my mouth to be honest.
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