Price Cutting

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Price Cutting
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-01-22 22:03:26
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I undercut the price of Venomous Claw by 5,000g yesterday because I wanted the gil, and 5,000g is a small price to pay to have it now rather than in five hours time. If I really don't care for what my gil is doing at the moment, I'd have put it up for the full 250k and waited it out. Fact is I wanted it now to suppliment buying a Neptune's Staff.

It's not like it hurts anyone in the process. Putting my Claw up for 245k didn't put theirs up for 244k. They make the choice to lower the price further. They could wait the extra hour that I didn't want to wait and sell theirs for 5k more. Congrats to them, I could farm 50 times that in an hour I expect. I cringe when people lower the price something's been at for eight months by 10k, but I understand why they'd do it.

"Hey, I just got an Angel Skin, I don't want to wait 4 weeks for my gil though, so I'll put it down for 10k less to get it faster =)".

It's an understandable logic, for sure. Take a look at Angel Skins on Garuda right now. The market's broken because of undercutters. They got their gil before others get theirs. Good job to them I say.

I'm sorry, I'm a reasonable person with plenty of respect for my fellow players, but this is just a big deal about nothing. I'll continue to undercut people as well, because I want my gil now! That's just how it works!

Sure, it's annoying, but it's part of an economy.
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Stubbie
Posts: 321
By Unicorn.Smurfo 2009-01-22 23:49:37
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yah i guess my point of view on it comes from someone who isn't hard up for gil and doesn't mind waiting, and would rather have more of a profit. i guess we're just the minority :P

Oddly enough, if you stick to being profit minded.. you rarely end up "omfg i need gil now must undercuttt"

Amazing how that works? Not really
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: effedup
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-01-23 00:30:08
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To the OP, when I tend to have the same items kick back over and over, what I usually do is actually bid on one of the same item, starting VERY low, to see where the lowest list price begins so I can list at the lowest price. I only do this under certain circumstances (for example, say listing my pamamas au lait for under 1k 2 days ago, and 15 have sold since then for 1k, but not mine). I'll start bidding low and go up incrementally to the minimum price I would take for it (cost + the AH fees, in my case), if I haven't actually purchased one, then I list there to at least break even on my synths. If I snag one for some ridiculously low price, then I sit on them for a day or two before I repeat the process, waiting for the market to bounce back to normal. (I don't buy up ALL the cheap ones, because that just tends to keep the price low in my opinion as more people list BELOW that price to sell first...I actually DID do that once years ago, and broke the Sandy market in Iron Ores for like 3 days, and I ended up with a crap load MORE Iron Ores to unload lol...)

Also, try to list the bulk of your stuff on fridays...this'll give you the weekend to sell your stuff when there's more people online buying them. If it's a material for a particular craft (beetle shells are a bonecrafting mat, and the synths use earth and wind crystals), then make sure you have some listed when a full moon on either of those days is coming up in the next day or two, to take advantage of the people trying to skill up with them. Prolly a small improvement, but it's helped me sell some hard to move items in the past.
Serveur: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Malicfayt
Posts: 156
By Kujata.Malicfayt 2009-01-23 09:08:14
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Xxnumbertwoxx said:
Also, try to list the bulk of your stuff on fridays...this'll give you the weekend to sell your stuff when there's more people online buying them. If it's a material for a particular craft (beetle shells are a bonecrafting mat, and the synths use earth and wind crystals), then make sure you have some listed when a full moon on either of those days is coming up in the next day or two, to take advantage of the people trying to skill up with them. Prolly a small improvement, but it's helped me sell some hard to move items in the past.

Nice, i actually never thought of using People's Irl game schedule to my advantage before (or ingame moon one for that matter). Thank you sir! =)