DRG = Pet Job?

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DRG = Pet job?
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Zor
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By Bahamut.Zorander 2010-08-23 14:24:24
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Thats funny in the menu I have the "pet command" button avaliable for use..I don't think I can use it on any non-pet jobs so Drg must be a pet job.

If it weren't for my Dragon George I wouldn't be able to do half the stuff I do and it wouldn't be nearly as fun. It may not be the traditional Pet where I control everything but dammit if I have to "Call Wyvern" to use him then I must be on a pet job.

SideNote: My George is more of a Pet than anything smn, bst or Pup has..he freakin can do tricks and flips..forget dog as man's best friend...it should be Wyvern as the Adventurers best friend.
Serveur: Ramuh
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user: Mizuharu
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By Ramuh.Mizuharu 2010-08-23 14:25:55
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Caitsith.Linear said:
No, but Claw Cyclone, Deadly Hold, Triple Attacks, Double Attacks, Heavy Blow, Tortoise Stomp, Critical Hits, Fang Rush etc hit extremely hard and will severely damage you, if not outright kill you before you know you have hate.

Claw Cyclone: Odds are if you're fighting a mob that can one shot you with just this, it's endgame. Meaning you actually have a tank there and healers.

Deadly Hold: I'll give you that one. But again, the DC ones have only hit me for like, 500 max without Phalanx/Cocoon (I'm assuming it was crit.) If you're soloing it, you're obviously /mage unless dealing with some kinda aggro of sorts. If it's endgame, you have someone else tanking for the vast majority of it.

TAs/DAs/Crits(like Mighty Strikes): THF's normally don't hit that hard unless endgame. Every mob DAs I think unless they have a different sub. Crits; if you aren't watching your HP, hoping the healer is. And, again... You'd have a main tank. Or some other DD dealing more damage than you unless you're GOD MODE ON.

Heavy Blow: I can see the stun being a problem if it last long...

Tortoise Stomp: Only mob I've ever came close to being one shot Tortoise stomp against on DRG was Chukwa(sp?)

And this is starting to curve from a "DRG = pet job?" discussion, so if you'd like to chat any further, I'll do it in PMs.
Serveur: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Magnumatic 2010-08-23 14:29:04
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Taking a bus IS NOT public transportation.


Because you don't have direct control over where it takes you like you would a taxi.

Just like DRG is not a pet job since you don't have direct control over the wyvern.

Serveur: Ifrit
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By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2010-08-23 14:32:49
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Bismarck.Magnumatic said:
Taking a bus IS NOT public transportation.


Because you don't have direct control over where it takes you like you would a taxi.

Just like DRG is not a pet job since you don't have direct control over the wyvern.

you have direct control over a part of the bus because you'll have to push the STOP button to get out.

Same with lolflyinglizard, you control when it uses its WS when you use your WS.
Serveur: Ramuh
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user: Mizuharu
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By Ramuh.Mizuharu 2010-08-23 14:33:35
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Bismarck.Magnumatic said:
Taking a bus IS NOT public transportation.


Because you don't have direct control over where it takes you like you would a taxi.

Just like DRG is not a pet job since you don't have direct control over the wyvern.

You don't have -direct- control over an avatar auto-attacking a monster that you failed to not aggro.

You don't have -direct- control over your charmed pet switching targets because the link caused more hate.

Sure, you can deal with them. Just like people can deal with the bus.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Zor
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By Bahamut.Zorander 2010-08-23 14:34:41
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Bismarck.Magnumatic said:
Taking a bus IS NOT public transportation. Why? Because you don't have direct control over where it takes you like you would a taxi. Just like DRG is not a pet job since you don't have direct control over the wyvern.
That is some mighty odd logic if ya ask me..

Since when does the local bus not count as Public Transportation?
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: hypnotizd
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By Lakshmi.Hypnotizd 2010-08-23 14:39:48
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Ramuh.Mizuharu said:
Bismarck.Magnumatic said:
Taking a bus IS NOT public transportation.


Because you don't have direct control over where it takes you like you would a taxi.

Just like DRG is not a pet job since you don't have direct control over the wyvern.

You don't have -direct- control over an avatar auto-attacking a monster that you failed to not aggro.

You don't have -direct- control over your charmed pet switching targets because the link caused more hate.

Sure, you can deal with them. Just like people can deal with the bus.
You can still tell you pet to Fight the correct target again and it will obey. It has a bit of its own AI but you can still directly control it.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13
By Quetzalcoatl.Nightdragon 2010-08-23 14:40:18
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I'm starting to see and understand both sides of the story now.

I guess because I never really done much boss endgame stuff
on my DRG that I wouldnt of encountered alot of the situations that would be negative for DRG.

The attack and stand back argument, I fully accept. While DRG "can" do it, its definatly no where near as effective as the other 3 jobs.

But the control argument, I'm not completely sold on just yet. Ok so while I have tried PUP and BST for a few levels, I'm far from knowledgeable in both jobs, so forgive me if I'm slightly missinformed here.

But am I right in thinking that a PUP's automation actions are not 100% controlable. They can be influenced and are very depending on what has alredy been cast on the mob?
Granted you can increase the possiblities of X move being used, but effort is requred to do so. I.E. Manuvers, or casting X debuff to ensure auto uses next spell on list instead os said debuff.

Similarly with BST, the "use TP move" command (forget the exact name at present) will use one of a few moves, so again its down to luck which on is used right?

From my POV, SMN is the only pet job with any "real" control over what the pet does. They can select the exact move to be performed and stay out of AoE range.

P.S. Nemy, I didnt mean to single your thread/post out, it just happened to be the most readaly available example at the time. Hope you dont mind :)
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: hypnotizd
Posts: 1685
By Lakshmi.Hypnotizd 2010-08-23 14:41:58
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Quetzalcoatl.Nightdragon said:
Similarly with BST, the "use TP move" command (forget the exact name at present) will use one of a few moves, so again its down to luck which on is used right?
There was an update about a year ago that allows you to choose which TP moves your jug pet uses by the Ready command, but charmed pets are still luck of the draw with Sic.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Degs
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By Phoenix.Degs 2010-08-23 14:47:14
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kinda off topic.... but i always wanted to see RNG get a pet someting like a bear or something... would be kinda cool, sorta like how rng is in guild wars if to compair it to another game. though in that game rng's can get all sorts of pets...

back on topic.. i think for the final version update for this year. if they never ever do any other updates, SE should 1. give more control over wyv's to drgs. 2. they sould set the "call wyv/activate auto" timers down to less than 10min, so as to compete with smn and bsts. even bsts call beast is less than 5min.

i personally love doing nm runs and the like with bst friends but it does make it difficult some times when a tough mob kills our pets, they can swap out call beast pet fast, and i ahve to wait 20min.

*not on topic but: something i would like to see is that they make each frame for auto's have a seperate cool down timer, even if it is 20min would make pet events more fun and easier to navigate.... would like the same for wyvs where a dmg dealing wyv would be on a seperate timer than the healing wyv. if they could seperate the two different styles some how
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Mizuharu
Posts: 271
By Ramuh.Mizuharu 2010-08-23 14:48:37
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Lakshmi.Hypnotizd said:

You can still tell you pet to Fight the correct target again and it will obey. It has a bit of its own AI but you can still directly control it.

Yup, you sure can. And then if the link is still attacking the pet, the pet will go back to attacking the link! Pet monsters are much like normal monsters being attacked by a party. They're going to turn to whoever is generating the most enmity and attack that one monster until either A) it dies, or B) something generates more enmity. You'd have to Leave your current pet, then either recharm it or another monster and throw it at your main objective.

Quetzalcoatl.Nightdragon said:

But am I right in thinking that a PUP's automation actions are not 100% controlable. They can be influenced and are very depending on what has alredy been cast on the mob?
Granted you can increase the possiblities of X move being used, but effort is requred to do so. I.E. Manuvers, or casting X debuff to ensure auto uses next spell on list instead os said debuff.

Similarly with BST, the "use TP move" command (forget the exact name at present) will use one of a few moves, so again its down to luck which on is used right?

From my POV, SMN is the only pet job with any "real" control over what the pet does. They can select the exact move to be performed and stay out of AoE range.

You pretty much hit the nail on the head. The Automaton has a set AI that it will cycle through before making a decision. The only time it might do something different is if you have the proper Maneuvers up to influence it into doing so. Also, depending on the maneuvers, it might use one thing over the other still. (Example; if you have WAR frame attacking a monster and have a Light Maneuver up, then pop a Dark Maneuver to have it use Cannibal Blade, it's going to use Bone Crusher due to the Light Maneuver influencing the higher weapon skill. You'd need two dark or Light to wear off for Cannibal Blade to become priority over Bone Crusher.

And for BST using charmed pets, Sic is indeed just a random TP move when pet has 100% or more TP. The jug pets, however, you can tell them what to do for a TP move so long as you have enough charges.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13
By Quetzalcoatl.Nightdragon 2010-08-23 14:48:38
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Lakshmi.Hypnotizd said:
Quetzalcoatl.Nightdragon said:
Similarly with BST, the "use TP move" command (forget the exact name at present) will use one of a few moves, so again its down to luck which on is used right?
There was an update about a year ago that allows you to choose which TP moves your jug pet uses by the Ready command, but charmed pets are still luck of the draw with Sic.

Ah ok, like I said, only dabbled in BST and would of been well over a year ago. So my bad :)
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Mizuharu
Posts: 271
By Ramuh.Mizuharu 2010-08-23 14:53:47
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Phoenix.Degs said:

*not on topic but: something i would like to see is that they make each frame for auto's have a seperate cool down timer, even if it is 20min would make pet events more fun and easier to navigate.... would like the same for wyvs where a dmg dealing wyv would be on a seperate timer than the healing wyv. if they could seperate the two different styles some how

The Frame idea, I agree with. Why should the empress be the only one with two Automatons?!

The wyvren idea, I'm iffy about. I already love my Azure to bits and pieces. Imagine if I had two wyvrens... I'd be to overcome by their /blush emotes to ever be able to do anything but stare all day.

<PLD> dude, wtf you have TP? USE IT!
<Mizuharu> But... They're... They're too cute! I-I dare not look away!
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 516
By Siren.Flunklesnarkin 2010-08-23 14:59:46
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I think when most people ask for a pet job they are getting ready to do a pet only fight.

So drg wouldn't fit in there.

Otherwise they'd just ask for a DD or drg ...
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Degs
Posts: 2448
By Phoenix.Degs 2010-08-23 15:09:14
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Ramuh.Mizuharu said:
Phoenix.Degs said:
*not on topic but: something i would like to see is that they make each frame for auto's have a seperate cool down timer, even if it is 20min would make pet events more fun and easier to navigate.... would like the same for wyvs where a dmg dealing wyv would be on a seperate timer than the healing wyv. if they could seperate the two different styles some how
The Frame idea, I agree with. Why should the empress be the only one with two Automatons?! The wyvren idea, I'm iffy about. I already love my Azure to bits and pieces. Imagine if I had two wyvrens... I'd be to overcome by their /blush emotes to ever be able to do anything but stare all day. <PLD> dude, wtf you have TP? USE IT! <Mizuharu> But... They're... They're too cute! I-I dare not look away!
yea i really dont know how you could do that split with the wyv since it really is only one entity.... but idk maybe something like; "call healing dragon"... "call dd dragon" and they would be the same one, but you wouldnt be able to use one for 10-20min cool down... and the like. The frame idea i think has more a practical appeal to it, simply because they are totally different in compairison to one another.... though all around they need to do something to make pup and drg more practical in pet parties and over all use. waiting 20min is the dumbest *** move SE ever thought of.. especially when smns and bsts basically have unlimited pets
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Eugene
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By Cerberus.Eugene 2010-08-23 15:09:55
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You gotta count the pet dmg on parse.........
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Mizuharu
Posts: 271
By Ramuh.Mizuharu 2010-08-23 15:17:28
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I do believe that Call Wyvren and Activate were made 20mins mainly because they thought DRGs and PUPs were more party-friendly. BST is basicly solo by nature, though they can DD just fine provided they have a melee set up. SMN is heavily MP dependent; they get short recast because Sqenix figured they'd just buff party, pop a DD BP, and release the avatar (which in most cases, we're doing just that).

I've no problem with the 20min wait on Call Wyvren due mainly to the fact I can keep Azure alive just fine. Now, Lobo... Boy oh boy... Freaking BLM frame. Was helping a THF in linkshell yesterday get three VNM Ram kills for his dagger. He'd kite around a pillar of the crag while I'd Activate/Icex3/Deploy/Deactivate. Took me a while to get the timing down right, but I had to warp three times to change sub just to reset activate...
Serveur: Sylph
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Posts: 294
By Sylph.Rawkhawk 2010-08-23 15:18:15
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Siren.Flunklesnarkin said:
I think when most people ask for a pet job they are getting ready to do a pet only fight.

So drg wouldn't fit in there.

Otherwise they'd just ask for a DD or drg ...

Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Degs
Posts: 2448
By Phoenix.Degs 2010-08-23 15:34:30
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Ramuh.Mizuharu said:
I do believe that Call Wyvren and Activate were made 20mins mainly because they thought DRGs and PUPs were more party-friendly. BST is basicly solo by nature, though they can DD just fine provided they have a melee set up. SMN is heavily MP dependent; they get short recast because Sqenix figured they'd just buff party, pop a DD BP, and release the avatar (which in most cases, we're doing just that). I've no problem with the 20min wait on Call Wyvren due mainly to the fact I can keep Azure alive just fine. Now, Lobo... Boy oh boy... Freaking BLM frame. Was helping a THF in linkshell yesterday get three VNM Ram kills for his dagger. He'd kite around a pillar of the crag while I'd Activate/Icex3/Deploy/Deactivate. Took me a while to get the timing down right, but I had to warp three times to change sub just to reset activate...

yea i do agree that drg and pup are more pt friendly, but those jobs super solo too, along with bst, hell i can solo most things that a bst could if i wanted to, just have to becareful... and just like you said, if your not careful and have timing just right, your auto nukes/your auto dies... then you either wait or warp to reset timer... IMO theres no reason at this point in the game that you should have that timer.... at least that high... a resonable timer should be less than 10min on wyv or auto.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Degs
Posts: 2448
By Phoenix.Degs 2010-08-23 15:37:36
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**side note** they made bst more pt friendly with giving them abilites to control tp moves, and for the pet not to totally drag down EXP from parties... this by far made bst more party friendly.... smn for that matter like you stated most people buff, cure, random bp or what not and send the summon away, but to counter act the enourmous amount of mp they use, the basically gave smn's super refresh when a particular summon is out, like free carby etc... they need to address the solo aspects of pup and drg outside of major parties, and make thing a little less stressful
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: hypnotizd
Posts: 1685
By Lakshmi.Hypnotizd 2010-08-23 15:40:57
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Phoenix.Degs said:
**side note** they made bst more pt friendly with giving them abilites to control tp moves, and for the pet not to totally drag down EXP from parties... this by far made bst more party friendly....
BST pet never drug down exp for the party unless the pet was T or higher (which any BST would never do without using Familiar, especially in an exp party really). The exp penalty only affected the BST themselves otherwise.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Degs
Posts: 2448
By Phoenix.Degs 2010-08-23 15:42:50
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Lakshmi.Hypnotizd said:
Phoenix.Degs said:
**side note** they made bst more pt friendly with giving them abilites to control tp moves, and for the pet not to totally drag down EXP from parties... this by far made bst more party friendly....
BST pet never drug down exp for the party unless the pet was T or higher (which any BST would never do without using Familiar, especially in an exp party really). The exp penalty only affected the BST themselves otherwise.
well thats what i meant.. this gave bsts the ability to use higher level mobs in xp parties without gimping xp
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: hypnotizd
Posts: 1685
By Lakshmi.Hypnotizd 2010-08-23 15:56:52
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Phoenix.Degs said:
Lakshmi.Hypnotizd said:
Phoenix.Degs said:
**side note** they made bst more pt friendly with giving them abilites to control tp moves, and for the pet not to totally drag down EXP from parties... this by far made bst more party friendly....
BST pet never drug down exp for the party unless the pet was T or higher (which any BST would never do without using Familiar, especially in an exp party really). The exp penalty only affected the BST themselves otherwise.
well thats what i meant.. this gave bsts the ability to use higher level mobs in xp parties without gimping xp
No, even today, if a BST uses a mob higher than EM (T, VT, IT) it will still drag down party exp. Like I said though, this won't happen because everything higher than EM has a shortened charm duration.

Before if a BST had a pet charmed when an exp yeilding mob died, the BST's exp would be hurt simply for having the pet charmed.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Degs
Posts: 2448
By Phoenix.Degs 2010-08-23 16:00:43
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OIC, i thought it was where if the bsts pet was in the party and a higher level then the rest of the party it would drag down everyone elses tp... and then they patched it where the pets level or the pet itself does not reflect on a party at all.. but you live and learn, thanks for the info
Serveur: Siren
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user: VonnTaru
Posts: 306
By Siren.Vonn 2010-08-23 16:11:13
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something has been bothering me....



Where is the resemblance??? Why the hell do people keep comparing them to rats? Rats are small, short, stubby, rodents,covered in fur, non-firebreathing and non-flying. Dragoon's wyvern's are much lankier, flying, reptilian, covered in scales and firebreathing. I can't say at all that i understand the confusion that everyone in this game seems to have...
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Mizuharu
Posts: 271
By Ramuh.Mizuharu 2010-08-23 16:45:52
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People consider Wyvrens pest as they tend to lag them or mess with SATA. That's why they call them flying rats. To which I have to say...

You are the one who is the rat!
Serveur: Siren
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user: Kunimatsu
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By Siren.Kunimatsu 2010-08-23 18:52:23
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DRG isn't a pet job in the same way SMN BST and PUP are pet jobs, but i guess its up to an individuals perception of what makes a job a "pet job" imo DRG is a DD that just so happens to have a pet that follows and "superlinks" to their master

EDIT: Most people percieve a pet job as one that has a primary focus on using their pet, which DRG isn't so much, unless you're DRG/MAGE :/
By 2010-08-23 19:01:11
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Serveur: Fenrir
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user: Schutz
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By Fenrir.Schutz 2010-08-23 19:12:06
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Pandemonium.Spicyryan said:
In a pet LS? No. Anywhere else? Yes.

I think it comes down to this. No matter what the myriad MMO definition of "pet" (in Champions Online and WOW, for example, they have "non-combative pets" which are entirely cosmetic and cannot be damaged) in FFXI a "pet"--for a "pet LS"--is seemingly defined as having the ability to pull a target.

That seems to be why SMN/BST/PUP are lumped in that group, and DRG are not, right or wrong definition-wise.

However, my take on it, is that wyverns can pull and hold hate (at times) from their masters (to allow escape, SA, screenshots, whatever.) That right there indicates they are a pet job for me.
Serveur: Shiva
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user: SuperDan
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By Shiva.Superdan 2010-08-23 19:23:05
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Simple question is simple. There's no need for any of this. Is DRG a pet job? Here's a simple tutorial to answer this question..

Does DRG have a pet? Yes.


Just because the job isn't BASED ENTIRELY AROUND HAVING YOUR PET - Does not mean it isn't a pet job.

DRGs pet contributes to damage, heals yourself & the party, hell it can even give you some tp and take a couple hits for you. It makes a huge differance to the job. If DRG didn't have it's pet (Like back in the day) it would be a pretty 'loljob' in comparison to other DDs imo. Sure, DRG are still capable with hitting up high dmg drakesbanes, but the extra DPS & Elemental breaths really add up (Which a lot of people don't actually seem to notice).

Main reason I levelled DRG was for my wyvern & /mage. Really, DRGs can work great in combinaiton with other DRGs when it comes to their 'pet style' killing, just like BSTs & SMNs work well together. Just because one of the four pet jobs works in a differant way to the others, doesn't mean it's not a pet job.