Which Pup Frame To Start With

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Which pup frame to start with
Serveur: Lakshmi
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user: Drekien
Posts: 241
By Lakshmi.Drekien 2010-08-09 12:15:34
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Pandemonium.Spicyryan said:
Lakshmi.Drekien said:
I got stormwaker first, probably the best imo for solo.

Since the auto-repair kit and armor plate upgrade Sharpshot is the clear best at those very low levels for soloing.

how so? stormwaker can equip the very same stuff plus cure and debuff the mob. Also, the rate at which sharpshot will ranged is about the same as stormwaker casting offensive magic.. at least in my experience.
By 2010-08-09 12:19:57
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Serveur: Bismarck
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user: Gael
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By Bismarck.Gael 2010-08-09 12:30:12
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They have to be evasive, kited, etc. Valoredge lacks a powerful WS and falls behind easily on regular mobs.

Sharpshot is better on something like Genbu or Seiryu, but I would use Valoredge on Byakko (at 75, have not been to sky since the level increase) due to his evasiveness. Most likely still would, but the higher we get the weaker he gets obviously.

I know but when i read the previous msgs it was like "ya valoregde only if the tank is dead"

And you should use it more now, with Tactical Switch (for when you melee too)
By 2010-08-09 12:33:21
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By 2010-08-09 12:39:11
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Serveur: Shiva
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user: Xellith
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By Shiva.Xellith 2010-08-09 13:06:24
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Pandemonium.Spicyryan said:
Shiva.Xellith said:
Bismarck.Touvan said:
Don't level lolpup.

/sigh.. another person who has no idea how to play the job..

Id say use the sharpshot frame since you get melee skillups too which are good for your valoredge. Magic skillups you can get solo either from yes.. soloing or by doing the skillup trick in beadeaux.

Look, you can not say they have no idea how to play the job then say the reason you get Sharpshot is because you can get archery and melee skill ups which are good for Valoredge. It has nothing to do with Valoredge in anyway, period.

Sharpshot is used in a party because it does the most damage out of any frame. If you are using anything besides Sharpshot in a party you are doing it wrong or your pt sucks.

Half the information on this page is correct and half is wrong. Some posts are half correct and half incorrect. This is why every single thread you people get lolpup, at least from me.

I believe I can and I just did say that.

Valoredge uses melee skill. So naturally using a ranger puppet in melee range can get it skillups and kick some *** with its own ranged attacks. That confirms what you said about using a sharpshot in a party anything else you doing it wrong etc etc. So yes. what I said has a LOT to do with valoredge.

Ranged puppet can get melee skillups.. just so happens the valoredge only uses melee skill - and you can get magic skills really easily. so w/e man. Your entire post called me wrong then confirmed what I said.. makes a lottasense...

By 2010-08-09 13:33:45
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Serveur: Ragnarok
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Posts: 11
By Ragnarok.Infernalfire 2010-08-09 13:38:01
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Ifrit.Furyan said:
Well i just started lvling pup and now i can choose a new frame i wasnt sure if i should pick sharpshot frame or stormwaker frame at lvl 10.

I read some forums and aparently sharpshot is the prefered frame to pick at lvl 10 as its the only frame you can skill ranged on. My problem is that there isnt many partys available untill 37 east ronfaure S partys. so i was thinking of getting stormwaker untill 30 then getting sharpshot and skill up ready for 37.

Could i get some advice please as im new to pup, Thanks in ad

Keeping the flame fest aside about what the best and what not,you could always,providing your jobs on your profile are correct , take the mage frame just now and choose the rng frame at 30.
Sub pup onto your sam and let it shoot and melee away at mobs on or about 30s lvl ,providing you hold hate the skill ups will roll in
By 2010-08-09 13:41:47
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Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11
By Ragnarok.Infernalfire 2010-08-09 13:44:35
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choices sunshine ,the world is full of choices
By 2010-08-09 13:46:53
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Serveur: Valefor
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user: sketchkat
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By Valefor.Sketchkat 2010-08-09 13:54:00
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I don't usually agree with Spicy because I've always been a PUP supporter and he obviously isn't. However, in this thread, I can't help but go along with his points because they're exactly what I would have said. PUP is a very versatile job, but that can also be detrimental, because the more ways there are of playing, the more ways there are to do it wrong.

I hate to say one person's way is "incorrect", but there are obviously some choices that are much more efficient than others.
Serveur: Carbuncle
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user: Sharkycan
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By Carbuncle.Sharkycan 2010-08-09 13:57:26
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That was (2500+1250) every 1-1.5 min. Not 2500+(1250 every 1-1.5min)
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11
By Ragnarok.Infernalfire 2010-08-09 14:00:18
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Tell you what you keep arguing about what the best end game ,that more than fair , you could be right in your opinions you could be wrong.
The OP asked about now in the low levels where most xp is solo or fov, he has just been given ANOTHER CHOICE (notice i didnt say it the right way) where he will have most of his frames skilled to cap,when they get to these and higher levels they will either have a good understanding of the job and come back to ask more advice or they will have found out how expensive it can be and how much extra skill is sometimes required and drop the job
By 2010-08-09 14:01:49
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By 2010-08-09 14:03:29
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Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11
By Ragnarok.Infernalfire 2010-08-09 14:07:19
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Think i have a rough idea about pup
By 2010-08-09 14:08:42
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Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Sharkycan
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By Carbuncle.Sharkycan 2010-08-09 14:17:14
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That is his opinion. It isn't wrong.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: sketchkat
Posts: 340
By Valefor.Sketchkat 2010-08-09 14:18:35
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Pandemonium.Spicyryan said:

Please, it is absolutely horrible to call the job versatile. I have this quote on call constantly for whenever I hear that. It got to be a big thing for that forum when I posted more over at Zam.

Ah, sorry, my mistake, I should have clarified that more. I mostly talk about PUP in solo/duo/trio situations, rather than endgame, so my use of the "V" word was with regard to that. I don't do much endgame these days, I usually just mess around with a few friends, and in these situations the different abilities of the frames makes a decent replacement for any job we don't have.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11
By Ragnarok.Infernalfire 2010-08-09 14:19:43
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Read my post again ,I didnt recommend anything.
I dont know what the players server is like for parties that a pup can get an invite to ,I know what mine was like before the h2h update and unless it was an LS one there was never going to be invites.
I gave an easy option to skill the rng frame to cap ,IF they choose to go that route.

You were going on about end game pup and as i said where your points might be valid,the OP was asking about low levels and OPTIONS.

I gave a choice where they would have all there frames capped by 30 and could come back and ask for more advice,rather than getting to there first bird party and find they cant hit the side of a level 3 bee
By 2010-08-09 14:23:16
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By 2010-08-09 14:33:25
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Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11
By Ragnarok.Infernalfire 2010-08-09 14:41:16
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My apology the wife was giving head ,my 16 yr old was mugging a few neighbours and my great aunt was selling dope on the street corner ,wasnt paying attention to the way i worded my post
/ end sarcasm

You have got my post right now,I had looked at the OP profile and just saw his Sam , if they have a 75 job then that is my bad I missed it.

It was meant as more of an option to skill if the choice they make finds themselves in a position where they are lacking
By 2010-08-09 14:44:38
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Serveur: Ragnarok
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Posts: 11
By Ragnarok.Infernalfire 2010-08-09 14:50:04
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Wasnt with me that what put me off

Correct i should have worded it that way, bad habit of baby sitting people that have not thought of subbing pup for the skill ups ,didnt give the OP credit they deserve in figuring that one out ,,but we have got there in the end
By 2010-08-09 14:52:25
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Serveur: Ragnarok
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Posts: 11
By Ragnarok.Infernalfire 2010-08-09 14:55:17
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Nope no sarcasm intended,just my scottish way of putting things
By 2010-08-09 14:58:29
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Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11
By Ragnarok.Infernalfire 2010-08-09 15:00:24
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Now that i lol'd at