You can do it Senkyu!
I have given up on gold as I am too busy now with college work. But I am happy, I am out of ELO Hell (yes it does exist stfu), happily floating around in Silver 3. Good enough. I tried :D
Was 2-2, hopeless, I just picked the champ that brought me the further out of all. We started the game 4v5, Janna couldn't log in, we fed some bad kills but then, we started destroying everything.
I'll check if I can skip divisions, sounds fun, but for now, I'll be drowning in champagne.
I need more people to play with. Due to school every1 seems to have different playing times. Also, kina tired of getting yelled at by random people ><. If any1 wants some1 to play with add me plz ^^
Yesterday was fun. It was a rare to have so mny people I know on. It was super fun doing the all random no repicks. I wanna be able to do that more often with people who won't rage. Like who would ever let me support Ashe? And it worked awesome
Yesterday was fun. It was a rare to have so mny people I know on. It was super fun doing the all random no repicks. I wanna be able to do that more often with people who won't rage. Like who would ever let me support Ashe? And it worked awesome
I was asleep :(
It's nice that they accepted the player concept of K-pop Ahri and made it better.
They explained that due to the game's age and situation, skins are their only revenue (along with champion bundles). Because of this, they had to up the base quality of 975 skins and create a new tier at 1350.
This is also why they didn't make a discount this time around for the legacy skins and why they shifted to making a lot of player based skins, such as this one.
They also explained that the most sold skins are this kind of skin (Battle Bunny Riven) and ultimates, followed by Assassin Yi (for obvious reasons). So ya, they're trying to be on all fronts to keep making money with old players while seducing new/future players with good concepts.
Lost first series, Silver III-I confirmed for worse than 600 elo. I wish there were criteria to demote people down to Bronze XII, these people are just rock bottom.
Has anyone here at least given this game a try or plays it? I enjoy it a lot for what it's worth. It's a MOBA-style game and it's completely FREE unless you want to buy skins(merely aesthetic) for champions. All the champions are well-balanced and can be purchased with Influence Points earned from matches.