League Of Legends

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League of Legends
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Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Hev
Posts: 15,273
By Ragnarok.Hevans 2013-06-03 22:10:14
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just saying. the ability to ensure your combo through cc makes tenacity so gewd.

hito i've never even seen you play mid.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,901
By Odin.Hitoseijuro 2013-06-03 22:18:27
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Fairy.Ghaleon said: »
still trying to figure this out...

Spirit of the elder is good, um building Muramana on a manaless champ is a hmmm. Does anyone know if you still gain the 1000 mana? reason I ask is because this player is building gold efficient damage items.

You pay roughly 800g per 20 attack damage(think long sword 400g).

So assuming you get the 1000 mana, thats 40 attack from a transformed manamune. Roughly 1600 gold worth. That means youre paying 500g for the active, which will give you like (60 extra damage?). So again, assuming you get the mana from it, its gold efficiency for extra att dmg that this player is trying to get. At least thats what Im deducing from this.
By volkom 2013-06-03 22:22:42
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i'm pretty sure you'll get 'mana' but it won't show but the item will receive the extra mana per attack/ability use charge up
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 4,415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2013-06-03 22:24:58
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Manaless champions may charge the Tear of the Goddess, Manamune and Archangel's Staff to get Muramana and Seraph's Embrace. However, they won't get any bonuses from Muramana's Awe and toggle, as well as Seraph's Embrace's Insight and Mana Shield.

Taken from wiki.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2,956
By Asura.Lolserj 2013-06-03 22:28:30
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Best Riven NA has become Best Troll NA since the tournament probs
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,901
By Odin.Hitoseijuro 2013-06-03 22:34:48
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Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »
Manaless champions may charge the Tear of the Goddess, Manamune and Archangel's Staff to get Muramana and Seraph's Embrace. However, they won't get any bonuses from Muramana's Awe and toggle, as well as Seraph's Embrace's Insight and Mana Shield.

Taken from wiki.
Also read this comment on there, not sure if its true or has any merit:

Yes, because I'm sure some people will wonder whether or not manaless champions can still charge it.

Riven used to actually benefit from it. She wasn't officially "manaless", she merely started with 0 mana and had no mana per level. She could still buy mana and benefit from it.

Asura.Lolserj said: »
Best Riven NA has become Best Troll NA since the tournament probs
That could probably be it too
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Tikal
Posts: 4,945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2013-06-03 23:04:01
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Its a troll build. He grabbed those items LAST, probably as they surrendered.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: MisterRyu
Posts: 2,742
By Fairy.Ghaleon 2013-06-03 23:07:44
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Cerberus.Tikal said: »
Its a troll build. He grabbed those items LAST, probably as they surrendered.

that site actually shows their item progression during the game, and it doesn't look like that's the case, unless riven had like 5k gold to just unload at the end, which could have happened i suppouse, he didn't seem like he was snowballing like that trist was lol.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Tikal
Posts: 4,945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2013-06-03 23:09:17
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? Manamune and blue elixir were bought last. Those are the only troll items.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Hev
Posts: 15,273
By Ragnarok.Hevans 2013-06-03 23:18:57
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Odin.Hitoseijuro said: »
I dont think Liandry's is a good enough reason to skip out on sorc boots, I think with the changes to s3 its a good reason to postpone sorc boots but not entirely skip it. And if you do, youre probably on a champ that already did(Lux, vlad, and ad nid) or really heavy cc team and your getting focus'd a lot which you can get merc.

Reason I say that is because champs range around 30-50 mr depending. On top of bruisers and ADCs generally using blue runes for mr so thats another 24 mr, so basically youll still want all that magic pen just to get close to true damage(Thats not even considering MR shields/passives, items, auras, abilities).

most people wouldn't of built a haunting guise before, but they'll build a liandrys now. sorc boots have always been lackluster. the fact that you can build a good ap item with magic pen equivalent to sorc boots while still getting tenacity or cool down for cheap is a pretty big deal. while i agree sorc boots have their place and are best on a few champs, i hate that some people think they are the only boots for mages.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Minefield
Posts: 11,417
By Odin.Minefield 2013-06-04 02:12:48
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Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Tikal
Posts: 4,945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2013-06-04 02:40:58
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Like 10 games today, lost every single one lol.
By volkom 2013-06-04 11:11:07
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Cerberus.Tikal said: »
Like 10 games today, lost every single one lol.

ranked or normals?
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,901
By Odin.Hitoseijuro 2013-06-04 11:51:03
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That feel when the bros invite you to play a game of league and your mouse's right clicker dies at the start of the laning phase at mid against a lux who can poke you from afar.

Good thing I was Karthus and it was k. Or as Minefield would chime in it was "R". Never died once, what.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2,956
By Asura.Lolserj 2013-06-04 14:44:55
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*** qtpie on bronze

"As long as you're not like a *** vegetable you can carry out of this ELO"
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Hev
Posts: 15,273
By Ragnarok.Hevans 2013-06-04 16:39:44
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made a smurf and transferred it to huehuehue server just for the free morg thing. gonna log onto it when i get bored and troll.

*edit* cool. all champs are free to play.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 4,415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2013-06-04 17:28:55
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Asura.Lolserj said: »
*** qtpie on bronze

"As long as you're not like a *** vegetable you can carry out of this ELO"
Didn't Hotshot do it too the past few days?

Didn't have the luck to fall on him today!

Ragnarok.Hevans said: »
made a smurf and transferred it to huehuehue server just for the free morg thing. gonna log onto it when i get bored and troll.

*edit* cool. all champs are free to play.
What is the morgana thing exactly? I looked earlier but I didn't find anything.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 4,415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2013-06-04 22:14:38
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Fiddle is rather easy to jungle at low level, too. He's ton of fun and people are scared shitless, it's hilarious. Literally made Leblanc run away from start to end.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2,956
By Asura.Lolserj 2013-06-06 19:54:27
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Pick Thresh, hook other ADC in lane

your ADC jumps away instead of hitting the helpless enemy carry because he does too much damage
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Minefield
Posts: 11,417
By Odin.Minefield 2013-06-06 20:06:34
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Hmph, coward!
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Minefield
Posts: 11,417
By Odin.Minefield 2013-06-06 21:24:37
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Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 4,415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2013-06-07 01:36:55
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>Alistar missing his Q
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: MisterRyu
Posts: 2,742
By Fairy.Ghaleon 2013-06-07 01:57:17
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Asura.Lolserj said: »
*** qtpie on bronze

"As long as you're not like a *** vegetable you can carry out of this ELO"

Not as easy as it sounds, but definitely doable with some patience. Don't expect to win Every game with afkers and trolls. Keep trying and keep carrying and eventually you will get out of bronze.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Kaisuko
Posts: 287
By Odin.Hirokei 2013-06-07 03:14:53
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I was placed in Silver and it doesn't feel any different than normal queue. Doubting this ***is any better than Bronze.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2,956
By Asura.Lolserj 2013-06-07 08:02:16
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Odin.Hirokei said: »
I was placed in Silver and it doesn't feel any different than normal queue. Doubting this ***is any better than Bronze.

***players are ***, doesn't matter where they are
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2,956
By Asura.Lolserj 2013-06-07 08:03:03
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Fairy.Ghaleon said: »
Asura.Lolserj said: »
*** qtpie on bronze

"As long as you're not like a *** vegetable you can carry out of this ELO"

Not as easy as it sounds, but definitely doable with some patience. Don't expect to win Every game with afkers and trolls. Keep trying and keep carrying and eventually you will get out of bronze.

I don't need to worry about it, but I kind of want to get a smurf to 30 and tank it to bronze 5 and play

that would be fun
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,901
By Odin.Hitoseijuro 2013-06-07 10:49:48
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Fairy.Ghaleon said: »
Keep trying and keep carrying and eventually you will get out of bronze.
Eh, bronze is a pit that you have to pull yourself out of, just to hit silver and realize silver is a choke point held by an army of chimps, gl with that to those struggling to get out. Doesnt matter the ELO though, youll find bad no matter what.

Was watching a stream from diamond tier and he was like "yea guys....this is diamond".
By volkom 2013-06-07 10:50:43
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silver V or IV is the average elo of most ranked NA players i heard
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 4,415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2013-06-07 12:55:57
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V's are irrelevant in general between elo boost and the fact that you cannot go under. You can be Paper V and still be stuck in Platinum V. If tomorrow I reach even Gold V, I will not be worth Gold V, much like a majority of the people there.
The average would be Silver I/III, around there, for the simple reason that it's where the "1200 elo" is nowadays, which is the ultimate average.

Bronze isn't that bad, really. If you are truly Silver III+ in level, you can carry your *** out of Bronze. Now, there is no secret, you need to play a ton to increase your level when you are so low in division and also to go against the odds.
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