When Should You Start Dynamis?

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When should you start Dynamis?
Serveur: Gilgamesh
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By Gilgamesh.Xarchangel 2009-01-06 11:12:03
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After reading the question about when to stop being PL'd... I started to think about this question.

Should a person be lvl 75 and no how to play there job before joining a dynamis group?

It seems so much lately that you have people wanting/joining dynamis groups as soon as they hit lvl 65 or so, is this to low or is this acceptable every where? My thoughts were that a person should know there job inside and out before taking it to dynamis where a single mistake can cause a wipe. Is it ok for whm's to come before raise 3, blm's before tier IV magic, pld's before 75 and chivalry... These are just a few examples of what i am seeing through out LS's now.

Has this become the normal for everywhere?

I have nothing against anyone wanting to experience dynamis, it is very fun and can be rewarding, I just think you should be 73+ and know how your job works inside and out since you affect so many people there.
Serveur: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Scuzzelbutt 2009-01-06 11:19:36
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Long time ago people used to shout for 65+ jobs now it seems to be 75 only.

This game is really old so most everyone already had at least 1 75.
Serveur: Sylph
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user: Hitetsu
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By Sylph.Hitetsu 2009-01-06 11:28:33
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Most shells I see will take almost any job 70+ and some jobs as soon as they're 65.

Obviously it depends on what jobs. WHM's at 65 can be just as useful as a 75 one in most cases. They can be put somewhere where they aren't quite as essential (like with a DD party instead of a tank party).

BLM I think you need at least 73 for. BRD you could do at 65, just have a hard time sleeping the mobs. Melee you can get away with at 70 with Sushi quite easily.
Serveur: Caitsith
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user: Neonracer
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By Caitsith.Neonracer 2009-01-06 11:28:46
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IDK I just waited till I got to 75.. and I kept playing and meriting my Samurai and My friend told me about this event LS..

So I got mine at 75.

I was offered a sky LS at 65...took it, but ppl kept tell'n me to get to 75...

so Xarchangel, it only seems right at 75...

IDK about anything lower like 65+
Serveur: Ramuh
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By Ramuh.Bekisa 2009-01-06 14:35:40
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I'd say it would depend on their job and their role in that LS. Obviously it is not hard to get the last 10 levels but there can be a huge difference in the abilities of not only the player but the job in those last 10 levels.

I wouldn't ask a lvl 65 PLD to main tank Dyn-Tav but a 65 WHM would be fine as a healer as long as they know what to do. Raise III is not needed, get your self a buffer or bring a RR2 item if you are concerned about exp loss. WHM should not be waiting for R3 timers and MP during LS events. I would not allow a 65 BLM to attend Dyn-Tav just due to the fact how hard those mobs can be to sleep even at 75. I have some of the best available enfeeb gear for BLM and occassionally get resisted on sleeps there still.

Some BRD's are just ballad *** in dynamis where it would be fine as long as they have Ballad 1 and 2 as +skill does not effect ballad potency. Melee party BRD on the other hand +skill effects some songs which they may find of use. Even more so, a fully merited BRD is better than a 65 BRD for non-ballad reasons tenfold.

City dynamis I've seen a PLD under 75 tank before a few times in my old days and do fine. Lately, PLD's are just a first voke in dynamis and the SAM's and DRK's tank the majority of normal fights soon as they WS -- and face tank MNK mobs hundred fists.

In my opinion, it's ok to have a few people learn their jobs at 65 in dynamis but not ok for every one. Play it on a case by case, person by person, job by job basis.
Serveur: Pandemonium
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By Pandemonium.Luignata 2009-01-06 14:38:32
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When you should? 65.

When you can? Nothing we can answer because it depends on the LS you're joining.
Serveur: Pandemonium
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Posts: 6
By Pandemonium.Celebrindor 2009-01-06 14:45:28
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75. In my opinion, this is clear as day 4+ years after the introduction of Zilart Dynamis areas. Sorry if you're on your first job and want to do Dynamis pre-75 (and I commend you on sticking through the game this late in the party to make 75 on your first job these days!), but the fact is that there are enough people around that have your job at 75 that you really are not much but a mooch prior.

Fact is, a 65 WHM cannot do the job just as well as at 75. Gear options of -emnity, a complete list of spells, job traits, merits, etc. make a huge difference. Plus, it may only be 10 levels, or about 1/7th of the levels left for you....but its a whole lot larger percentage of EXP we're talking about, and that's a lot more experience on a job.

Same goes for pretty much any job. No one in their right mind would let a 65 PLD tank in dynamis- for the same reasons stated above (gear options, job traits, base stats, etc). DDs can "get away" with it if they use sushi? I'd much rather have a melee eat meat and tear up mobs faster than feed TP with puny damage hits. BLM? Those extra levels of elemental skill (and merits in it if you desire to be even partially effective in Xarcabard and beyond), JSE, and a complete spell list really make a huge difference. RDM? If you want your RDMs to be nothing more than refresh/haste bots sure....or like most people I know have your RDMs be 75 and have the enfeebling skills to reliably sleep mobs and handle crowd control.

And for the CoP zones there is NO WAY I want someone sub 74 there for the party. Spots are limited in those zones...I'm not going to feel good with a 71WAR without Utsusemi: Ni thinking they can take on the world.

Its best to wait. Get a nice buffer at 75 (10k minimum in my book, I know its hard to do but you'll be happy you did!), and some basic merits for your job. It makes a WORLD of difference in today's low-man mentality. In the time of 64 ppl in a dynamis zone because it was believed you needed it, I can see some lowbie members getting in. But I'd rather take 24 and demolish a zone rather than hold someone's hand while they don't contribute anywhere near the same even an AH, lightly merited 75.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
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By Carbuncle.Zanno 2009-01-06 14:50:41
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My personal opinion is that it all depends on what job you play. If you are just a DD, then all you need to know on how to do dynamis is how to make an assist macro, whack that sword/katana/great axe/great katana or w/e, its just as simple as that. If you are a blm, or any mage for that matter, I'd suggest you get to 75 before starting, this goes for tanking and pulling too. Just my opinion.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 89
By Bismarck.Scuzzelbutt 2009-01-06 14:52:07
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Celebrindor said:
Get a nice buffer at 75 (10k minimum in my book, I know its hard to do but you'll be happy you did!)

This + 500k in merits :)
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6
By Pandemonium.Celebrindor 2009-01-06 15:04:46
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Zanno said:
My personal opinion is that it all depends on what job you play. If you are just a DD, then all you need to know on how to do dynamis is how to make an assist macro, whack that sword/katana/great axe/great katana or w/e, its just as simple as that. If you are a blm, or any mage for that matter, I'd suggest you get to 75 before starting, this goes for tanking and pulling too. Just my opinion.

In the opinion of a mage, get 75 as a DD in particular. I don't want you feeding TP to yagudos so they do their sweep move over and over as you consistently hit for crap damage with your katana of trials (hooray for sushi? not in this situation!). It just makes our job to keep the ally alive harder with all the extra damage those extra TP moves the mobs get off. This means less MP and more resting for the group. This also means a higher likelihood of your WHMs grabbing hate causing those Dyna mobs to hit an AoE TP move in the midst of the mages....causing even more down time.
Serveur: Fairy
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Posts: 263
By Fairy.Lethewaters 2009-01-06 16:41:09
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I'd say 65+. The only time I'd see 75 only is dependent on the Dynamis you are doing (i.e.- Tav or Qufim). The city runs are practically cakewalks and a nice way to get a 65+ interested in Dynamis and how to operate in them. I wouldn't however take nothing but lvl 65s into a dynamis if you are going for a win.
By 2009-01-06 18:31:22
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Dynamis can be really difficult no matter what level you are. Depending on your job, you can be useful or useless at any level between 65-75.

For the most part, only WHM, SCH, BRD, COR and BLM seem to be okay starting off at 65. If a shell is using RDM's for sleeps, RDM's need to be 75 and merited. NM's, PLD mobs, WHM mobs, can still be a pain in the rump with 312 Enfeebling Magic, and Sleepga at LV70 is a joke, even with capped Enfeebling. RDM healer though, could start at 65 I suppose, just don't expect much out of them.

Personally in my LS, I recruit mages & COR LV70+ and DD/Tanks @LV75 only.

It seems to me, that the more lower levels you have for Dynamis, the more people you need total to clear. /shrug
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Stubbie
Posts: 321
By Unicorn.Smurfo 2009-01-06 18:34:18
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Celebrindor said:
Fact is, a 65 WHM cannot do the job just as well as at 75. Gear options of -emnity, a complete list of spells, job traits, merits, etc. make a huge difference.

lol @ -enmity, hello, you do realize that as WHM you dont stack -enmity for crap like dynamis where mobs die super fast? Fact is at lvl 40 i did WHM job better than most 75 whm's do, its the player when it comes to main healing mage jobs not the lvl or gear, I could easily have kept a party alive in dynamis at lvl 50 could i have entered.

In fact the only situations i would even consider stacking -enmity for whm are long lasting HNM fights, any mob that takes 30mins+ to kill deserves -enmity gears.

As far as the other jobs you mentioned i'd agree to an extent, melee does do just fine @ 70+ though ->at least in cities<-, not at all "puny dmg" it's not, you do realize that dynamis mobs are like... T to a 75? the most would be a slight lack of acc, being 70 wont be like omg hits for 0dmg.

I would agree that most LS's would rather you be 75 but in all reality a well geared melee does do ok at 70ish as does a blm, rdm anything, honestly dynamis isn't *** hard, it's one of the easiest endgame events by now, we've only been doing dynamis 2x a week for how long?

Since one guy expressed his as "the opinion of a mage" This is my opinion as a mage/tank/DD player, i've played each kind of job class and i've dynamis'd as all of the above, mostly as mage but whenever i ding a new job 70+ if i'm in a dynamis shell i like to see what my new job can do, i think he seriously exaggerated his yagudo scenario, must have just been a bad windy run but this is how i see it.

Dynamis is old game content and if your shell cant handle having one or two people slightly below the lvl cap, then your shell isnt worth staying in anyway lol
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 2849
By Carbuncle.Zanno 2009-01-06 22:33:40
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Celebrindor said:
Zanno said:
My personal opinion is that it all depends on what job you play. If you are just a DD, then all you need to know on how to do dynamis is how to make an assist macro, whack that sword/katana/great axe/great katana or w/e, its just as simple as that. If you are a blm, or any mage for that matter, I'd suggest you get to 75 before starting, this goes for tanking and pulling too. Just my opinion.
In the opinion of a mage, get 75 as a DD in particular. I don't want you feeding TP to yagudos so they do their sweep move over and over as you consistently hit for crap damage with your katana of trials (hooray for sushi? not in this situation!). It just makes our job to keep the ally alive harder with all the extra damage those extra TP moves the mobs get off. This means less MP and more resting for the group. This also means a higher likelihood of your WHMs grabbing hate causing those Dyna mobs to hit an AoE TP move in the midst of the mages....causing even more down time.

dunno how it is in your dyna shell, in mine, mobs usually dies before all melee even had the chance to engage (in the cities). maybe you guys takes 10 min/mob and beeing 68 would feed that mob enormous amount of TP.
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6
By Pandemonium.Celebrindor 2009-01-06 22:53:08
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NMs. Trust me mobs die plenty fast enough- normal mobs. But tower NMs in xarc and NMs in CoP zones are no place to feed TP.

In regards to Yags- again the NMs.
Serveur: Unicorn
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user: Stubbie
Posts: 321
By Unicorn.Smurfo 2009-01-07 00:43:42
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Either way the point of dynamis is supposed to be to have fun zerging a ton of ***, i find that too many rules and nazi dictator style ls's rob me of that fun

If i had a shell that wont let me play a fun new job i leveled recently because its slightly under cap... I wouldnt stay, just the same as i wont stay in any shell that tries to make me be BLM onry 100%, i leveled blm at NA release, im *** bored of it something new or gtfo, its not like i need any drops really lol.

Like i said, dynamis is old game content after doing it for years and years its childsplay, i can't take it completely seriously, it's too easy... even though many shells/people lack coordination in mass numbers.
Serveur: Leviathan
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Posts: 568
By Leviathan.Celestinia 2009-01-07 03:24:05
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As soon as I hit 65 on blm (my first main job) I was getting people asking me to join their dyna shells because everyone needs blm's. I refused at the time as I didnt think i'd be of any use and i'm really glad I didnt join as the xp loss on blm per dyna would have made it take even longer to lvl blm.

I started dyna at 70Blm and was doing good dmg on statues and blm can probably get away with being a lower lvl but taking non 75 jobs really seems like ur shell is desperate for members imo.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Gilgamesh.Xarchangel 2009-01-07 08:45:43
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There is no doubt that a person can start dynamis before 75, people do it all the time, its more just, does it help a group or hurt a group more if your skills are not that of a 75. being a 65 blm/rdm/whm you are lacking many spells and abilities along with magic skills. Sure you can still do decent damage as a blm to stats, but in an emergancy, are your sleeps gonna get resisted?

I think DD is the only jobs really that can go there pre 75, a 72 sam is gonna do about the same damage as a 75 sam.

And sure a whm can heal at 65-70, but you still lack abilities and spells such as protectra/shellra V and devotion, when it gets down to crunch time and your pld/blm/rdm or what ever needs that little extra MP, do you really want your whm not to have Devotion? (just an example)
Serveur: Gilgamesh
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user: alyria
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By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-01-07 09:09:01
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Well I'd say about 3 years ago when my BLM was level 65 I started Dynamis and the LS didn't bother me about me not 75, I did notice a difference when I did magic spells against the statues, I was doing probably 300 damage at most. I tried dyna at 75 and I do 1000++ damage, so I guess if its a blm an that's kinda an extra in the dyna then I guess it shouldnt matter. I think DD at 65 would miss alot more imo, whm I don't think should matter if the person could be a back up healer. But I guess it just depends on the LS.
Serveur: Pandemonium
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user: Trollox
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By Pandemonium.Trollox 2009-01-07 09:48:04
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i started dynamis at 65(blm).

most of us were 65 when I started, dynamis was fun then... more challenging. Now we can clear zones, the final stat and all the ***he pops after.. I'm gonna delevel my tune to make dynamis hard and fun again
Serveur: Unicorn
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user: VxSote
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By Unicorn.Vxsote 2009-01-07 10:09:58
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I run a major dynamis shell on Unicorn. I DO allow members under 75 to join, mainly so that they can start picking up wins, work toward xarc access, and learn our system. A dynamis newbie -- 75 or otherwise -- is still a newbie who can benefit from the experience. When we can full clear bastok with 80 minutes to spare, the only real harm in having a lowbie in the zone is a little more lag. There is also a risk of someone being stupid, but you have that regardless of level. At the same time, I only take people under 70 if they are specifically vouched for by another member in good standing. There IS a difference between a member in training and someone who just comes to leech, and we try to avoid the latter.

One thing, however... people under 75 should not expect to do everything that someone at 75 will. A PLD under 75 is too squishy to tank effectively at our pace, and will either suck his mages dry or just plain get wtfpwned. A DD at 70 will be lucky to do 25% of the damage of a merited 75 DD. A BLM under 73 will do crap damage and have a hell of a time trying to sleep anything. Shell leaders need to take this into account, and people under 75 need to understand that they'll likely wind up in an "extras" party.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-01-07 10:26:24
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I think you posted that in wrong thread :P
Serveur: Midgardsormr
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user: amaron11
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By Midgardsormr.Amaron 2009-01-07 10:26:57
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Alyria said:
I think you posted that in wrong thread :P

I sure did. :p
Serveur: Unicorn
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user: Stubbie
Posts: 321
By Unicorn.Smurfo 2009-01-07 12:24:19
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Hi, vxsote!

I remember you, this is StUbBiE.

Honestly though guys there is no right or wrong answer to this question, it all depends on the particular dynamis group, some shells flat out suck and can't clear zones easily even with all 75's, It's alot like debating gear vs other gears, which is dumb, everything in the game is situational, granted some gears have absolutely no purpose or reason, as do some players lol.

Any experienced shell it should be no problem though to have a few members below the cap.
Serveur: Seraph
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user: ZoeyofS
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By Seraph.Zoey 2009-01-07 15:39:09
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I recoment you have atleast 2 lvl 75 jobs that you enjoy playing. You will have more chances at getting something you desire.

You should shop around and make sure that the Dyna shell you join is competant, and has fair rules. If a group has a rule something like "you must do X amount of runs before you can lot" consider it a bad group to join. Points systems work out. Also consider what the Dyna shell is already able to accomplish. I think it is worth the gamble to join fresh Dyna shells providing you have played with some of the members and know that ownage.