Titles To Be Added To Achievement Points?

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Titles to be added to achievement points?
Serveur: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Galactus
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By Diabolos.Sovereign 2008-12-24 12:59:45
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I was curious that since titles can now be recorded on the profile, if any titles in particular were to be added into the achievement point calculations.

Certain titles I feel are important that show degrees of progression would include:
~ Most major ground HNM titles
~ Dynamis specific
~ Limbus specific
~ Sky/Sea specific
~ Salvage/Einherjar/Assault specific
~ Certain storyline/quest titles (DM, Apoc Nigh, completing expansion storyarcs, etc.)
~ Craft specific

I'm sure there is a laundry list of titles that people would want included, so it would probably be a very daunting task to translate into achievment points. But it'd be pretty slick, in my opinion.

What do you guys think?
Serveur: Shiva
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By Shiva.Stunx 2008-12-24 13:13:15
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i would own the *** out of the titles. be hard for the server i think to collect em all, would have to be over time and we would have to make sure to keep our titles to one title at a time per day..
Serveur: Ramuh
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By Ramuh.Bekisa 2008-12-24 13:25:19
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Sovereign said:
~ Sky/Sea specific
~Assault specific
~ Certain storyline/quest titles (DM, Apoc Nigh, completing expansion storyarcs, etc.)
~ Craft specific

-Sky/Sea is already covered with mission points. The only Sea title is given by AV (might be worth points I guess) and the only sky title is Kirin which is a joke by todays standards. Three hour kirin marathons of 2003 are only 5-15 minute kills now without even TP/2hr zerging.
-DM, Apoc Nigh are already covered under the ZM/COP mission points as you need Apoc Nigh completed to get the final mission.
-Crafts are already given points as well

I couldn't see doing one for every single quest. That wouldn't show achievement for many players -- it would show who has the most time to waste making sure they update their titles day in and day out. Then again, Maats cap only shows who has the most time to exp and we all know you can be a complete leech these days and still level sync haha.
Serveur: Diabolos
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user: Galactus
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By Diabolos.Sovereign 2008-12-26 10:05:07
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Bekisa said:
-Sky/Sea is already covered with mission points. The only Sea title is given by AV (might be worth points I guess) and the only sky title is Kirin which is a joke by todays standards. -DM, Apoc Nigh are already covered under the ZM/COP mission points as you need Apoc Nigh completed to get the final mission. -Crafts are already given points as well.

Actually, I'm certain that only obtaining access to sky/sea are covered in mission points. But just gaining access doesnt mean you've done anything there, so the titles given by final tier NMs I believe should be seen as important milestones... in my opinion, anyway.

Apoc Nigh, maybe you're right because yes, it is required to get the final ZM/CoP mission. DM on the other hand, is an optional quest and is not covered under the mission points. It is possible to finish ZM without ever completing DM.

Crafts are given points strictly by level. No points are given for GP accumulated, which is where you get crafting specific titles from. The difference between 100 and 100+3 is huge and unaccounted for.
Serveur: Fairy
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By Fairy.Yakutatazu 2008-12-26 12:54:48
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I don't think title achievement points would even be credible until the LS community site were to have some feature to store all titles a person has obtained. Everything we get points for atm is credible and makes the ranking system legit and worthy. Once you add stuff that is user inputted or saved one title by title to the ranking system then you leave room for either inaccurate or lacking information and it becomes no longer a legit system.
Serveur: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Galactus
Posts: 550
By Diabolos.Sovereign 2008-12-26 14:29:26
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Yakutatazu said:
I don't think title achievement points would even be credible until the LS community site were to have some feature to store all titles a person has obtained. Everything we get points for atm is credible and makes the ranking system legit and worthy. Once you add stuff that is user inputted or saved one title by title to the ranking system then you leave room for either inaccurate or lacking information and it becomes no longer a legit system.

So... you dont believe the titles reported from the linkshell community site are legitimate?

Pretty sure no one is even able to user input a title to the FFXIAH.com site...

And... recent updates to the FFXIAH.com profile system have made it possible to save a record of all current titles, including the date and time in which they were updated from the linkshell community.

So basically everything you said made absolutely zero sense.

The only problem I can see with implementing a system like this would be that it is not retroactive. So any title you recieved before the system's implementation, or one that was not updated to your FFXIAH profile via the LS community, would not be accounted for and therefore unapplicable for achievment points.
Serveur: Fairy
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Posts: 588
By Fairy.Yakutatazu 2008-12-26 14:52:17
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If you read instead of glanced w/o thinking you would notice I was talking about more than only titles.

Titles would only be a 100% accurate way to determine points when the LS community site lists all titles a person has had and not just the one at the moment. The admins have said before they will not add stuff that isn't fully accurate so your title idea although it sounds nice will not ever work until SE adds to the LS community site.

So instead of telling the admins here you would like them to do something they won't yet, you could do what would be smarter and contact SE and request them to store more titles or at least ones that actually mean something.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 588
By Fairy.Yakutatazu 2008-12-26 14:56:32
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And of course the titles saved are accurate. But giving someone points b/c they want to increase their e-pen and go and save the titles and not to someone that has not had the title saved but has had them before would not be accurate ranking.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 588
By Fairy.Yakutatazu 2008-12-26 15:09:24
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I'm pretty sure they won't give CPT rank to those that have saved it and not to others that might have it but just not saved for the same reason they don't give ranking points. I give them a lot of credit for how reliable they do their ranking system.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 240
By Lakshmi.Septroth 2008-12-26 15:51:06
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for titles like apoc nigh why not just use the earing you get for a reward insted of the title its self
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 588
By Fairy.Yakutatazu 2008-12-26 15:55:08
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Using gear would be the same as using titles. Unless it's a relic or mythic I'm not aware of them actually saving gear history.

As far as AN is concerned mission status easily verifies completion. Unless you're re-questing a different earring being on "The Last Verse" means you've done it.
Serveur: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Galactus
Posts: 550
By Diabolos.Sovereign 2008-12-26 16:06:12
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Yakutatazu said:
If you read instead of glanced w/o thinking you would notice I was talking about more than only titles. Titles would only be a 100% accurate way to determine points when the LS community site lists all titles a person has had and not just the one at the moment. The admins have said before they will not add stuff that isn't fully accurate so your title idea although it sounds nice will not ever work until SE adds to the LS community site. So instead of telling the admins here you would like them to do something they won't yet, you could do what would be smarter and contact SE and request them to store more titles or at least ones that actually mean something.

Actually, I had to read your original post like five times before I could write anything about it because it was so incoherent and poorly organized. And as far as I could tell, you were only speaking of titles. That was the topic of this thread... right? Titles? I dont think we were talking about anything else...

Again, I fail to see how you could consider a title achievement point system as inaccurate. Especially when FFXIAH.com now saves a record of all reported titles.

Oh, and by the way... technically, the entire ranking system is inaccurate because it only takes into account and ranks those who have registered with FFXIAH.com. And trust me when I say there are a ton of players who've never used this site, much less thought about registering. Chew on that thought for a little while, then come back and tell me how reliable you think it really is.

And another thought... if YOU had taken the time to read my first post, you'd have noticed that I in no way told the site admins to do anything. It was a simple suggestion and theory, nothing more. You and I both know that contacting SE, trying to ask them to do this on thier end would result in nothing more than a laugh, and my request would promptly be discarded. So if you consider that move as "smart" (as you stated in the quoted post), then you're obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Oh right... and some advice for the future: People will take you more seriously if you use proper grammer in your writing. As well as spelling, punctuation, and proper sentence structure.

Also, on every post you make there is an edit button. You can utilize this feature in case you have to add anything to your previous post. This way, you can only make yourself look like an *** once, instead of three times.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 588
By Fairy.Yakutatazu 2008-12-26 17:08:57
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First of all lol at you thinking everyone needs perfect grammar.. If you think people really care about grammar that much you're mistaken.

I did read your first post and a suggestion is still asking.

I did talk about titles and of course it only takes into account those that register on this site as it is only for those that do register.

You obviously read what I've said but have yet to think at all. If you think it is fair that someone who is indeed REGISTERED and has for example beaten AV or PW and the titles were not saved having lower ranking points than someone that beat lolground HNMs who did have them saved then I'm wasting my time even talking to you.

Again think before you ask for something. The admins are not going to do something like you requested after saying they will only give points for things verified on LS community site. So requesting them to, as you like to put it is just dumb to ask of them until the LS community site does something across the board.
Serveur: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Galactus
Posts: 550
By Diabolos.Sovereign 2008-12-26 17:42:39
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Yakutatazu said:
First of all lol at you thinking everyone needs perfect grammar.. If you think people really care about grammar that much you're mistaken.

Here's an example: You apply for a job. On your resume, your sentences are broken up, mis-punctuated, and spelled incorrectly.

Another guy applies for the same job. He's doesnt have the experience you do for that particular job, but his resume is clean, precise, and well written.

Who do you think is going to be hired?

If you answered with yourself, you're out of your *** mind.

Trust me when I say that unless you are content with going nowhere in life, you will need to learn how to speak and write with correct grammar. But hey, I guess someone has to man the counter at Chick-fil-A so I can get my breakfast every morning... guess that can be you!

But, your poor English skills aside...

By making this thread I put up a suggestion that I thought some might be interested in. I figured I could fuel discussion on the matter. I never said it would work, or that it would be fair, or that it needed to be implemented. It was only a suggestion, not a demand.

On the topic of being fair... Achievment points have a long way to go before they can be considered fair. Fair is a complete matter of perspective. As an example: I've spent upwards of 55 million gil leveling Goldsmithing. For over two years I've struggled to fund it, and I'm almost to 100. Yet even when I hit 100, I'll still get the same amount of achievment points as some guy who spent a couple million leveling cooking. Explain to me how that is fair?

And by the way... if you think a suggestion is still asking, you might want to look up the definition of "suggestion."

But you probably slept through that part of English class too, huh? You remember that day where they taught you to use a dictionary? Nope, I didnt think you did.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 588
By Fairy.Yakutatazu 2008-12-26 18:10:14
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Um, tell me where at all a forum for an online game is in anyway close to applying for a job. Honestly if your only comeback every post is grammar then why don't you go critique the rest of the posts here. You waste at least half of most of your last posts on grammar. I never said you're personally stupid, it's obvious you're not. All I was implying was thinking about what you are suggesting after what the admins have already stated. So keep this about the subject not about grammar that only matters like you said on a resume.

All I said initially was that this would not work at this time before you made this a personal attack thread. It won't work and that's pretty much why they haven't done it. I personally think it is a good idea once there is a better way to obtain title histories other than saving one day after day.

And yes you're 100% right on the GS 100 being worth more than really to be honest any other craft period, maybe smithing being second. I spent more getting my GS sub to 30 than I did my leather to 60. But then how is it fair when you are only limited to one 100 craft not counting fishing of course?

If you take job levels into consideration you can get multiple jobs to 75 but that is not the way it is with crafting. If you're going to say, if you level this craft you won't get as many points because you didn't pick the highest point yielding craft, then you would have to say that the points for jobs like BRD or PLD would be not be worth close to jobs like SMN or PUP just due to the difficulty of getting a party.

There will never be a 100% fair system for ranking but what is in place is by far the best ranking system for this game. The admins do a great job and are smart to keep it as fair as humanly possible.

Edit: Oh and by the way guy don't even try to say you know anything about me or what I can achieve in life. I put my life on the line in Iraq so that guys like you can go and eat your breakfast at some fast food joint that will probably lead to obesity. I use to care about your lol grammar when I was in school but when it comes to forums like this you have to have OCD or something to really give a damn.
Serveur: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Galactus
Posts: 550
By Diabolos.Sovereign 2008-12-27 07:20:29
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Man I wish I still gave a ***in the morning... maybe after I've been here at work for a couple hours.

And I care about your grammar because I have to read it and try to make sense of it, and I know you can do better (refer to your previous post).
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 588
By Fairy.Yakutatazu 2008-12-27 07:37:15
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You have yet to give any good reason for this to be an even possibly fair way to give ranking points. I could really care less about how well you can read, I want to know about the subject of this thread not about sentence structure.

I'm not going to stoop to your level with personal attacks. Grammar really doesn't matter, you read other posts with equal or worse grammar and I've yet to see you complain about those. This thread seems more like you trying to prove to everyone how great you are because you can't come up with a good excuse to back up your suggestion.

So if you want to argue about what really matters here i.e. titles giving ranking points then I'm all for a discussion but if you just want to prove how well you type for an online forum then I have nothing to say to someone like you.
Serveur: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Galactus
Posts: 550
By Diabolos.Sovereign 2008-12-27 08:30:46
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You're still going on this?

Yesterday I cared... today I dont. I'm not going to argue with you anymore, it's just not worth it. Maybe I'd be all about it in person because at least I could slap you... But as it is now, I think I'm actually getting dumber trying to explain things to you.

I dont need a good "excuse" to back up my suggestion. Suggestions dont require excuses. Seems you still havent looked that one up.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 588
By Fairy.Yakutatazu 2008-12-27 08:43:44
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I'd like to see you try to slap me lol. I'll snap your arm when you try first of all.

It appears the world revolves around you(just look at your name) and your ego. When you look all high and mighty you care. When you can't back anything up you try to make others look bad. If you're so smart why did you even suggest it in the first place, it makes you look dumb even doing so. You say you're trying to explain things to me
Sovereign said:
But as it is now, I think I'm actually getting dumber trying to explain things to you.
but you have yet to explain anything what so ever other than that you can say
Sovereign said:
And I care about your grammar because
over and over again like it will actually matter to someone other than you. But then I guess you would have to have someone else in your small world that you seem to rule.

English may not be my specialty but I have respect for my fellow man, something you really need to learn. This country needs to make military service mandatory so that little punks like you can learn some discipline and respect.

Oh and btw when you excel on your next resume make sure to leave out "..." which you seem to be fond of. Like you have implied over and over how you type on an online forum is how you apparently would type on a resume.
Serveur: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Galactus
Posts: 550
By Diabolos.Sovereign 2008-12-27 08:47:12
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I stopped reading your drivel like four posts ago.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 588
By Fairy.Yakutatazu 2008-12-27 08:52:24
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Yeah, you look cool guy. You haven't read any, yet you keep replying. You're the smartest guy around aren't you? How about this suggestion: Let's give Sovereign 1k rank points because he is so much better than everyone else and uses proper grammar.
Serveur: Fairy
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user: Bigmikr
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By Fairy.Buttehrs 2008-12-27 11:06:10
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the thing i find funny is, if you stopped reading his drivel 4 posts ago why did you bother to type that? seems to me like your butthurt about it.
Serveur: Shiva
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user: Bungie
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By Shiva.Stunx 2008-12-27 11:32:18
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slipknot is gay
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 588
By Fairy.Yakutatazu 2008-12-27 11:49:45
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Stunx said:
slipknot is gay

lol yeah they kinda suck now, but 10 years ago they were good lol.. Go go selling out! D: