Who Plays For FFXI For Fun Anyway?

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Who plays for FFXI for fun anyway?
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Serveur: Titan
Game: FFXI
user: Radatz
Posts: 69
By Titan.Radatz 2010-05-30 06:43:23
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fun? FUN!? wtf you think this is some kind of game!? this is FF11 GDI! this is LIFE! if you dont show up tping in wally turban homam and vbelt, and weapon skilling in heca and ares gtfo my party!!!! XD jk.
Posts: 1134
By Zekko 2010-05-30 07:08:56
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FF is serious sometimes and fun other times.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Dannie
Posts: 65
By Fenrir.Dannie 2010-05-30 07:14:04
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I wont tell you how to play, if u dont tell me how to play ok. its a game so have fun.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Rule
Posts: 220
By Asura.Rule 2010-05-30 07:36:12
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its fun when your doing events, or missions, or trying to get pop item gear when everyone understands how to play their job and plays it right.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Bogamoga
Posts: 1161
By Fenrir.Mtmoogle 2010-05-30 07:53:55
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I play for fun ^^/
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Revgrigor
Posts: 36
By Leviathan.Revgrigor 2010-05-30 08:04:42
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I play for fun but i also like to try and politely help others if i see them doing something odd. Sometimes they're polite and hear me through and try it, like helping a thf learn to sata+ws, but sometimes theyre real *** and pull the "you pay for my account and you can tell me how to play" card.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Dannie
Posts: 65
By Fenrir.Dannie 2010-05-30 08:13:00
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1-29 helping some one learn a job is ok. but if they 30+ and don't know the basic stuff. I don't help them cause most of them wont rember a word u tell them specially if your in a pt w/ them.

but yea im the type that plays how i want idc if ppl dont like how i play, i get by, by learning a job while i solo.
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Vahriel
Posts: 32
By Caitsith.Vahriel 2010-05-30 08:19:41
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One thing that annoys me is this:

Say you're starting a new job, experimenting with it a little, for example, I'm starting RNG now for lulz... anyway, it annoys the ***out of me when some *** comes up, and tells you, the level ~20-30 player of the job, how to play it, just because, "they're 75, and they know how to play it."

Whatever happened to learning how to play the job, hell, when I first started the game, I didn't know how to play DRG (all I knew was that I wasn't wanted in PTs) I had absolutely no idea what a healing breath was, and I found out, I didn't know that Accuracy was important, but I found that as I was missing quite a bit against monsters in PTs, I amended that and got myself some accuracy to help me hit things. That's one of the things I enjoy about starting a new job, learning what makes it better. But when people deprive me of that learning experience, it completely ruins the fun, albeit, if they were nicer about it, it wouldn't be so bad, like someone said a few posts ago, if they announce it like, "Have you thought about trying xxxxx?" That's helpful. When people start carrying on and say "Why the *** don't you have a xxxxxx, are you some kind of idiot?" Whatever...

The point here is... don't act like you know everything about a particular job, and don't ruin someones time playing the job, as they're just starting to learn how to play it.

One more thing, and I'm probably gonna get shitloads of quotes calling me a noob for this:

Even though personally, I do have TP sets, and WS sets, and whatever, once again, lets go pre-ToAU, and I know, it's in the past, and whatever, but nobody, ever, ever, had TP/WS/Eva/Phys DMG- sets, or any of that, so, if someone doesn't want to carry more than one set on them, let them be, even if it's not the way you would play the job, or even if it isn't "effective" to your standards, does it really matter... I mean, is it so crucial that someone has to carry around 5 different sets. People should be able to play how they want, freely, without having to be bitched at for TPing in STR Rings, or not reaching the Equipment Haste Cap.

Why should everyone have to play to the general consensus' way of playing? I think people should be allowed to play whatever they want, in whichever way they want, wearing whatever they want.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Bogamoga
Posts: 1161
By Fenrir.Mtmoogle 2010-05-30 08:24:25
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All i have to say if ur a drg using a sword.. u shudnt
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2010-05-30 08:39:54
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Even though personally, I do have TP sets, and WS sets, and whatever, once again, lets go pre-ToAU, and I know, it's in the past, and whatever, but nobody, ever, ever, had TP/WS/Eva/Phys DMG- sets, or any of that,

It's what is known as progression!
People should be able to play how they want, freely, without having to be bitched at for TPing in STR Rings, or not reaching the Equipment Haste Cap.

If you're going to be gimpy by TPing in STR rings or whatever you will actually be reducing my fun and the fun of four other people in the party. If you want to be gimp and play the game "your way" solo. When you're in a party, pull your weight or you're letting down five other people.
Posts: 100
By Anniel 2010-05-30 08:51:18
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Yesterday i was in a pt at E Ronfaura (S), we invited a RNG. He comes up, using full Centurion gear, a NQ bow (HQ bows on RNG offer Ranged Attack, which is the best, and in those levels it costs like 30k.) and missing some slots in rings / earrings.
I must admit it was a bit shocking since I never saw a RNG or THF or COR even without NQ noct, at least.

Exp went down from 20k+ per hour (cuz the rng was a rep) to 12k.

We didn't ***, sure, people were sometimes making comments in ls chat, etc, but we didnt say anything to him, we dont know him, we dont hate him, we wont *** at him. Maybe he's new and doesnt know vit offers nothing to RNG.

We talked, we joked, he even actually liked us :) and after many jokes and talk, I bring up Im a RNG 75 and if he ever has questions or wants advice, he can go ahead and ask, I am no expert, nor do I have the best gear (I use selene's bow, for example ><) but I still have a lil notion about the job. And it's not like I learned about my jobs by only playing them, I also like to read about them :)

The RNG was nice, the party was decent. We had a good time.
Does he still need to learn about RNG? Yes. It does bring down the exp for the whole of the members, and you know, some people have fun leveling and like to level fast @.@ so what about them?

I was once new too, and my first job was horribly geared... I had no notion about the game. Around level 40 I met Edmon, who offered me gear advice, I took it and was never offended by it, on the contrary, I like to improve and improve my playtime and the playtime of the people around me.
I seriously got DRG 75 on Scorpion Harness because I couldn't even camp Ose. Askar was an Impossible Dream. And no one, even at my worse, ragged on me cuz of my gear.

Right now, I might not have Salvage gear, but that doesnt mean I'm a bad player (though some may differ! lol). I always stand up for the fact there are cheap alternatives. If I didn't, I wouldnt be doing BRD without sha ir manteel, RNG without ebow, etc.

Don't let bad comments get to you, surround yourself with better people :) and... "old players" arent all elitist ***, you know? But it's nice if you also keep an open mind and take advice. It won't hurt you, trust me. I was there. I mean, there's no reason to get all offended and upset about it, right? It's just a game... so, don't take it too seriously it makes you upset if people don't like your gear. And like everywhere, there's always room for improvement.
And by that I dont mean relics / salvage gear. There's always cheap options, you just have to know about your job to find them. And be aware that you don't play with only pixels. There's real people behind all those characters you see.

Sorry for the freaking huge wall of text -.-
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Dannie
Posts: 65
By Fenrir.Dannie 2010-05-30 08:57:20
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i use 1 set if ur lucky i might switch out gear. because ones agaim im paying for my account not you, i dont have the funds to but 4-5 different gear sets, nor do i have many friends, im sure there other people like this, so think befor you ragg on others.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Tuvae
Posts: 1277
By Ragnarok.Tuvae 2010-05-30 08:58:58
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I play for fun, but i get competitive with myself alot. I do get annoyed if i dont WS high enough for my own liking >.> lol. Im just constantly trying to better myself to make the game more enjoybale :X and to feel like im accomplishing something
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anniel
Posts: 24
By Phoenix.Shibahime 2010-05-30 09:04:03
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Caitsith.Vahriel said:
Why should everyone have to play to the general consensus' way of playing? I think people should be allowed to play whatever they want, in whichever way they want, wearing whatever they want.
Dannie said:
i use 1 set if ur lucky i might switch out gear. because ones agaim im paying for my account not you, i dont have the funds to but 4-5 different gear sets, nor do i have many friends, im sure there other people like this, so think befor you ragg on others.

Thing is -.- No one is forcing you to do anything... you have absolute freedom to use whatever gear you want to use and play whatever way you want to. It's your 12 dlls.

But it's also his or hers 12 dlls to choose or not partying with you, cuz you could ruin his or her exp pt. So you don't have room to complain... cuz the same way no one can force you to gear up or play in a different way, no one can force that other person to include you in an event or in an exp pt.

Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: M4k4i
Posts: 61
By Bismarck.Makai 2010-05-30 09:04:13
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Why should everyone have to play to the general consensus' way of playing? I think people should be allowed to play whatever they want, in whichever way they want, wearing whatever they want.

Well that's kinda easy. If FFXI is the one and only thing in your life, you don't play just for fun anymore. For some ppl, FFXI is their job, their relationship, their alpha and omega. And the game isn't about the story it tells, the world you can explore, it's just about gear and maths. And if someone has another opinion, they react with aggression, cause if FFXI is the one and only thing that is important to you, you wanna be "someone", you wanna be good in at least one thing and such ppl can't tolerate other opinions. I'm sure every human needs to have the feeling to be good in something, whatever it is. Well, if it's FFXI, it's ok, but you shouldn't be an *** to others that like to play other games or don't have the time to play hours a day and thus don't spend month in optimizing their gear. At least, FFXI is a digital experience, the gear you hunt was programmed by ppl, that sat around a table and were like "Ermmm...hey John how much Haste on Haidate again? 5% or 6%? "Well, 5% should be enough Peter, add some Dex and it should me fine." "Damn I'm hungry, lemme finish this real quick and I'm gonna grab something to eat. Will do Defending Ring later". "Sure lol, btw, you've seen the football game yesterday? OMG it was *** great!" and so on and so on.

My answer to your post is that long, cause it's a question that many ppl ask. And it's one of these things, that I find damn annyoing. I learned to laugh about it and /blacklist them within seconds. ^^ I play this game alot, cause SE created a great playground with a great gameplay and I'm aware, that i need skill and good gear to achieve certain goals, like doing HNM and stuff and that in such circumstances, you have to rely on the skill of your team mates. But hell, FF should be for everyone.

Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Dannie
Posts: 65
By Fenrir.Dannie 2010-05-30 09:05:17
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we all do it shouldn't matter who did most dmg "most will disagree" i play to beat my personal goal and help others as long as they don't expect me to everything for them.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2010-05-30 09:05:28
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Fenrir.Dannie said:
i use 1 set if ur lucky i might switch out gear. because ones agaim im paying for my account not you, i dont have the funds to but 4-5 different gear sets, nor do i have many friends, im sure there other people like this, so think befor you ragg on others.

This is something you should actively improve! With 10 75s, there is no excuse for not being able to make decent money (it really doesn't cost much to have at the very bare minimum a TP and WS set for a DD job). Especially since RDM is one of them!

Your DRK isn't wearing any earrings <_< you could sell Amemet +1 and buy Headlong Belt + a Spike Earring or something and sell Victory Ring and buy a 5acc ring + second Earring. Desperately need a Bomb Core too. Honestly though, with 10 75s... 300k or less should just be a drop in the bucket.

If not, you need to take some time off leveling and improve the jobs you have. Expanding your social network is also a good idea.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 21
By Gilgamesh.Cecilharvey 2010-05-30 09:07:50
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Bahamut.Raenryong said:
If you're going to be gimpy by TPing in STR rings or whatever you will actually be reducing my fun and the fun of four other people in the party. If you want to be gimp and play the game "your way" solo. When you're in a party, pull your weight or you're letting down five other people.

While i agree with you 50% i'd like to ask you a question, if you don't mind, why on shitbags forums like BG you can see a thread calld "Gimp/confused PPL X" [X equal to the number of threads] because we all know human stupidity reach new limits every days, why when you look at this thread you can see ppl soloing?

In PT ok i can understand that its annoying to have somes ppl TPing in STR rings "even if i don't really care about it tbh", but why solo ppl are posted as well? if its not hipocrisy how its called then ? i ask you the question because i seen you on BG ^^

Anniel said:
I was once new too, and my first job was horribly geared... I had no notion about the game.

QFT we all been, my 1st job was PLD & i was so much of a newbe i tough PLD would be able to DD well, i *** a Great Sword past 30 & i was refusing to use a shield & a sword!
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2010-05-30 09:11:19
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While i agree with you 50% i'd like to ask you a question, if you don't mind, why on shitbags forums like BG you can see a thread calld "Gimp/confused PPL X" [X equal to the number of threads] because we all know human stupidity reach new limits every days, why when you look at this thread you can see ppl soloing?

In PT ok i can understand that its annoying to have somes ppl TPing in STR rings "even if i don't really care about it tbh", but why solo ppl are posted as well? if its not hipocrisy how its called then ? i ask you the question because i seen you on BG ^^

You make a fair point. Most people don't care about the solo pics etc though (towngear is actually bannable to post and most people don't care about campaign gear at all) - the only time people will really bat an eye at solo people is if their gear is actually strange (like DRG wielding Sword or whatever) or if it includes a REALLY rare piece (say Ebody + full WAR AF1).

Obviously everyone who posts in that thread have different standards etc, but I don't mind if people are gimp when soloing because it's not impacting me in the least.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-05-30 09:11:20
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Hey my blu tps in str rings!!! Side affect of having too much acc in my tp set already
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2010-05-30 09:14:38
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There are some instances where STR rings are okay to TP in, but these are most definitely not the norm! Also Tiercel Necklace/Acuben's Helm at overflow acc gogogo before STR rings!

On topic though, while I understand not everyone's idea of fun is being really good at the game (my idea of fun does incorporate pushing myself to my limits etc but regardless), I'm pretty sure everybody here has felt that feeling you get when you have a promising party developing and then the 6th DD arrives... and your heart drops because it's some full AF STR-ring using melee and you just know that he has singlehandedly ruined your chance of a really good party.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Dannie
Posts: 65
By Fenrir.Dannie 2010-05-30 09:15:47
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most of my jobs been solo and i don't care about drk i'm just playing it for the fail box achievement. i play rdm on my other account and my back item is augmented so meh i dont NEED anything, my jobs are fine and no one complains because i know how to play them.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2010-05-30 09:17:17
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Part of knowing how to play a job is knowing how to gear it. If you knew how to play RDM in a solo capacity, you wouldn't have any difficulty whatsoever with money (or small group of friends since RDM can solo 95% of stuff). If you've been soloing DRK all of the way then fair enough but it'd be a drag in a party situation right now :x
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Dannie
Posts: 65
By Fenrir.Dannie 2010-05-30 09:19:58
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theres a difference about know how to play and how to gear tyvm just cause u have good gear dont mean ur a good player, also why would i wanna farm on rdm when im 75thf....
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2010-05-30 09:21:14
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Can THF solo sky/sea/znm/vnm/bcnm/ksnm/isnm/random mercenary things? :x

RDM can make 500k/hr+ in Sky with little competition and that's not even the best money spot.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-05-30 09:21:15
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Bahamut.Raenryong said:
There are some instances where STR rings are okay to TP in, but these are most definitely not the norm! Also Tiercel Necklace/Acuben's Helm at overflow acc gogogo before STR rings!
I know I know I'm working on them. Can't afford to spend the money on the neck right now saving up for my morri body and VNM shell recently got put on hold.

Think I will still have over flow issues though lol. Especialy if I finish my swd merits.

str rings make Mkris dmg sky rocket though if you can afford the acc
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: NoStylin
Posts: 405
By Cerberus.Nostylin 2010-05-30 09:21:23
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Princesasari plays for fun. =O
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Dannie
Posts: 65
By Fenrir.Dannie 2010-05-30 09:25:03
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i seen plenty THFs solo sky NMs serket ksnm znm just cause they do it dont mean i am like i said I PLAY FOR FUN
not to be told u suck cause u dont have xx gear.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2010-05-30 09:34:25
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Poidh on THF soloing Sky NMs that aren't Despot or Genbu. Which KSNMs and ZNMs can THF solo?

Surely you'd have more fun playing if you weren't broke? <_<
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 551
By Gilgamesh.Cardinalgate 2010-05-30 09:38:55
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i play to have fun with friends

i posted a pic of me getting my hands on Byakko's Haidate at Sam73 and i get alot of shitty comments like

this comment is by Phoenix.Raigne
"I spy with my little eye, a complete and utter gimp. Seriously? Level 72-73 (w/e) and wearing AF boots and hands? And an Onikiri?

And just to rub salt in the wound, you're getting BH? *** hell."

ppl like Sylph.Kyogi i <3 his commends
"Yeah who gives a rats *** if he can't wear them yet, he has them, and like he said, he'll get to in 3-4 days."

i mean FFXI no congrats?
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