File Path For WoTG

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File Path for WoTG
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Chulo
Posts: 9
By Caitsith.Zsins 2010-05-22 08:30:25
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Can anyone tell me the file path for the WoTG zones? I know all the others but can not for the life of me find a list of the WoG zones anywhere. I namely want the Batallia Downs (S) one. From the ones I know I can surmise that they are probably somewhere in ROM5, or maybe they recycled the zones with WoTG somehow?
By 2010-05-22 08:32:49
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Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Chulo
Posts: 9
By Caitsith.Zsins 2010-05-22 08:34:25
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Any help is welcome, I've exhausted all my resources trying to figure it out. Your a gentleman and a scholar.
By 2010-05-22 08:36:32
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By 2010-05-22 08:37:44
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By 2010-05-22 08:41:58
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Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Dalight
Posts: 5163
By Asura.Daleterrence 2010-05-22 08:45:49
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What the hell is up with the textures there? o.o
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Chulo
Posts: 9
By Caitsith.Zsins 2010-05-22 08:46:31
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lol I can't get that tool thing to work for me, just a bunch of giberish and a black screen.

By 2010-05-22 08:48:48
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By 2010-05-22 08:49:41
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Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Dalight
Posts: 5163
By Asura.Daleterrence 2010-05-22 08:50:22
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Asura.Bartimaeus said:
Asura.Daleterrence said:
What the hell is up with the textures there? o.o

It's a viewer ripped directly from the datfile, so it's not utilizing anything other than what the dat gives it.. I guess. :x

Looks broked. =P

Edit: Shame the PXI Wiki isn't up anymore, that had the DAT Locations for every area in the game on it >.<
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Chulo
Posts: 9
By Caitsith.Zsins 2010-05-22 08:51:46
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I'm using XVI32 Hex Editor and all of those zones are not pulling up the npc/mobs that are in them. Maybe they coded WoTG zone dats differently.
By 2010-05-22 08:52:11
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Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Dalight
Posts: 5163
By Asura.Daleterrence 2010-05-22 08:53:13
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Asura.Bartimaeus said:
Asura.Daleterrence said:
Asura.Bartimaeus said:
Asura.Daleterrence said:
What the hell is up with the textures there? o.o

It's a viewer ripped directly from the datfile, so it's not utilizing anything other than what the dat gives it.. I guess. :x

Looks broked. =P

Edit: Shame the PXI Wiki isn't up anymore, that had the DAT Locations for every area in the game on it >.<

No way! Don't your trees normally look like paper machete' (sp) too!? :b

Thats clearly Dynamis-PS1.
By 2010-05-22 08:53:41
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By 2010-05-22 08:55:06
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Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Chulo
Posts: 25
By Asura.Chulol 2010-05-22 09:00:30
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28 zones in WoTG

Southern San d'Oria S
East Ronfaure S
Jugner Forest S
Vunkerl Inlet S
Batallia Downs S
La Vaule S
Everbloom Hollow
Bastok Markets S
North Gustaberg S
Grauberg S
Pashhow Marshlands S
Rolanberry Fields S
Beadeaux S
Ruhotz Silvermines
Windurst Waters S
West Sarutabaruta S
Fort Karugo-Narugo S
Meriphataud Mountains S
Sauromugue Champaign S
Castle Oztroja S
Beaucedine Glacier S
Xarcabard S
Castle Zvahl Baileys S
Castle Zvahl Keep S
Throne Room S
Garlaige Citadel S
Crawlers' Nest S
The Eldieme Necropolis S

Edit: idk why it striked those out >.>
Edit: yes I do lol I put [ S ] on them all
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Dalight
Posts: 5163
By Asura.Daleterrence 2010-05-22 09:04:14
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Asura.Bartimaeus said:
You could do a test, take your moghouse dat for an area and swap it (rename it), with a copy of a wotg zone, then you can run around in game "in your moghouse", but just in that zone..

Used to do it to explore places. Furniture in the clouds ftw :X

Only works with certain areas, otherwise you'll get stuck. =P
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Ciecle
Posts: 191
By Cerberus.Ciecle 2010-05-22 09:05:15
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s strikes it out when you place it in [ ] like this

Edit: Ninja Editor! >.> Lol but for anyone else that doesn't know already(seen people ask every time...) there is your answer.
By 2010-05-22 09:05:31
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Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Chulo
Posts: 9
By Caitsith.Zsins 2010-05-22 09:08:06
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Asura.Bartimaeus said:
Also it APPEARS the viewer only goes up to 19 for me.. I dunno how many zones ffxi wotg actually has, but it seems more than that.. lol

Odd mine goes from ROM5/0/0 to ROM5/0/32
By 2010-05-22 09:09:17
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Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Dalight
Posts: 5163
By Asura.Daleterrence 2010-05-22 09:09:18
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Asura.Bartimaeus said:
Asura.Daleterrence said:
Asura.Bartimaeus said:
You could do a test, take your moghouse dat for an area and swap it (rename it), with a copy of a wotg zone, then you can run around in game "in your moghouse", but just in that zone..

Used to do it to explore places. Furniture in the clouds ftw :X

Only works with certain areas, otherwise you'll get stuck. =P

Yeahp. I got stuck in a boat once.. I couldn't reach the "door" or reset my position, so I had to freak out and finally switch my mh back to normal.

I'm a taru, and my friend Jubi forever on said I got stuck underneath my bed. :(((((((((

(Didn't have my noclip utility at the time)

By 2010-05-22 09:09:50
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Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Dalight
Posts: 5163
By Asura.Daleterrence 2010-05-22 09:12:07
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Asura.Bartimaeus said:


Edit: Also you can change Sandy MH to South Sandy, and exit from your MH out to Ronfaure. =P