Is It Worth Even Playing This Game From The Beginning?

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is it worth even playing this game from the beginning?
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 6969
By Sylph.Spency 2010-05-21 15:27:41
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The game is a tad more solo friendly IMO

You've said this'll be you third time restarting, I'm sure you know what's involved, so if you have some time to kill, come on back

There are a few helpful people kickin' around
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Meechia
Posts: 11
By Asura.Meechia 2010-05-21 15:30:58
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Errrr - make this my FOURTH time.

At least I'm persistent! and this time I hope to leave my account active IF I leave again.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
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By Sylph.Spency 2010-05-21 15:33:28
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Asura.Meechia said:
Errrr - make this my FOURTH time.

At least I'm persistent! and this time I hope to leave my account active IF I leave again.

Make sure to spam Dameshi and Citag for help :P

Tell them I sent you
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Sevourn
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By Carbuncle.Sevourn 2010-05-21 15:35:22
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Asura.Meechia said:
Well actually, didn't realize accounts sold for thousands, so I think I will pass on that idea.

I see in game that you can pay to get PL'ed, supposedly by the same token, you can pay to get assistance getting help.

the only accounts that sell for thousands are ones with relic weapons or incredible non-relic accounts

the kind that you have in mind are $1-200, if that

with 14 and the new level cap potentially making current gear obsolete, it's a buyer's market

the trouble with bought accounts is that if you have incredible gear for a job you've never played(or only leveled to 52) or you don't know something that someone with that gear would obviously know, it's going to be obvious you bought the account

unless you plan on buying gil(and buying an account is MUCH cheaper), you probably won't be able to make the kind of gil people would charge for help
By 2010-05-21 15:36:20
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Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Sevourn
Posts: 9481
By Carbuncle.Sevourn 2010-05-21 15:38:09
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Asura.Meechia said:
Sorry about the paragraphing......

If getting the rank that lets you get the airship pass is truly solable, then I wouldn't mind coming back to start leveling again.

yes, up to rank 5 is soloable, though i'd advise apradar to find your way around beastmen forts

incidentally, i started in mid 2009, and if i had it to do over again, i would have probably bought a cheap account with sea/sky access, and a 75 that i'd never want to play.

then i would level the job i wanted to play to 75, and have sea access as soon as i got there, because getting sea in 2010 is quite painful
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Jewkitten
Posts: 224
By Unicorn.Jewkitten 2010-05-21 15:48:05
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I just saw a RDM70 account sell for 50$, had some Clothcraft on it too:p
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Meechia
Posts: 11
By Asura.Meechia 2010-05-21 15:48:29
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So true - first time around playing, had a lvl 60+ BLM in our party who had no clue how to play, what to cast, etc. I doubt very seriously I'll buy any account - if I can reactivate my account, no problem. I stopped playing around May of 2009.

If not, then I will begin at ground and just try for assistance for rank.

And I do appreciate everyone's assistance in this link. Reminds me that FFXI is a game that is so uniquely different from other MMORPGs. (Yes, I played WOW - leveled all the way to end game with 2 characters. Got TIRED TIRED TIRED of playing with kids.) Plus, as a game, it didn't compare.

Sorry to all the WOW players. Case in point, I've never considered replaying THAT game.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Sevourn
Posts: 9481
By Carbuncle.Sevourn 2010-05-21 15:53:10
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airship passes are pretty much obsolete at this point, incidentally
Posts: 209
By Helix 2010-05-21 15:56:43
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Well no....I was meaning it would be nice if our holy and mighty game designers made it soloable....however, yes alot of the earlier content is kinda solo/duo/trio-able with the right job combinations...

(i was mostly whining for my own pains)lmao
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-05-21 17:27:26
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Lakshmi.Mabrook said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
Lakshmi.Mabrook said:
PL isn't easy to get, unless you have a shitload of gil which mind you, if you do have that much gil at such a low lvl then you're obviously buying gil (or so it is believed).

TBH though I don't support RMT but if you just want to buy an account to have some fun in game again and cure some boredom then go to the website and find one that isn't so expensive.

You can find a decent one for like pretty cheap nowadays.
yep. and if you want PL all times you would have to get a girl really in love with you or something like that?
Pretty much ya lol. But you still have to be a suger daddy for that to happen ><; either that or vent/web-cam buttsecks 8X

still need to be a hawt for that... and not married and stuff, I don't think OP applies to those.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-05-21 17:28:46
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Lakshmi.Mabrook said:
IDKY u quit from the beginning anyways :/ I always knew I would play FFXI again regardless of how many times I got bored of this game, you can never escape the addiction! True story.

it's a second life man.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Meechia
Posts: 11
By Asura.Meechia 2010-05-21 19:30:20
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Carbuncle.Sevourn said:
airship passes are pretty much obsolete at this point, incidentally

Why is that?
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2010-05-21 19:34:21
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Carbuncle.Sevourn said:
Asura.Meechia said:
Hello everyone - I'm a player from the "old days" when it was first released on the PC for the US. Back then there were ample players who were just starting, so achieving rank, sky, etc., was not a problem. After a hiatus of about 2 years, I came back, couldn't recover my characters so I restarted. (First char was a lvl 67 samuari, another was a lvl 56 bard). Due to outside circumstances, only raised a lvl 56 whm - achieved rank again, etc. After ANOTHER hiatus (please realize, had a job/college/marriage/moving, busy busy outside stuff!!), came back last year, again couldn't recover my character so got a samurai to lvl 56, among other odd jobs. That time, however, I was running into problems getting assistance achieving rank or sky or any other issue that being absent from the game for so long that I didn't even know about. I have decided to try to come back again, but this time purchased the Xbox version of the game. After my purchase had some hesitation because I may not be able to recover the character I had last year, so - once again - will be starting from the ground up. I miss the game somewhat (considering the things I have to have, i.e. rank and the assistance to get that), and miss just the general feel of the social community. However, the last time I was back, got a very different feel from the game - gone was the willingness to help - except for the assistance of 2 high lever characters (thanks Banjo and Killerofall) I would have given up. Just about everyone has rank, so no one is trying to get assistance to get that, or am I just looking in the wrong place? Farming has changed, and even the places parties used to go (back in the old days) have even changed. For instance, I used to love the Boyhada Tree, but got laughed at last time when I suggested going there. It appears everyone is more or less end game period. Any suggestions - in other words, any servers that may have people starting over that would be more willing to do the "lower level" things? Or would it just be a complete waste of time in that it's too late??

like even 6 months ago i would have said differently

but it's probably at the point where it's too late.

still, if you decide to stay, take comfort in the fact that you can solo or duo almost all of your rank missions up to six, and there aren't many tangible benefits beyond rank six

levelling is pretty fast, and you can duo or trio your way to sky, when the 80 cap comes(and it probably will before you hit 75) rotz missions up to sky access may even be soloable

Me and a friend duo'd my Sandy missions from 6 to 9.. We only needed help for the last one, so it's possible to solo/duo all but the last one.

I don't really think there's a feasible way to solo or duo the last one though.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2010-05-21 19:35:23
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Asura.Meechia said:
Carbuncle.Sevourn said:
airship passes are pretty much obsolete at this point, incidentally

Why is that?
No one really uses the airship anymore, there's so many other ways to get around.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Pwrless
Posts: 179
By Sylph.Pwrlessgirl 2010-05-21 19:43:28
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Phoenix.Darki said:
just buy an account that is basicly at where you left off... if you just want to continue gaming that is, otherwise level 1 would be very difficult.

Do not buy an account... level up a new character and start crafting to make your own gil. Being able to buy all the things you need is good if you craft. Buying a character is only supporting RMT business and remember if when FFX14 comes out a lot of people will leave FF11 and within a few years 1-2-3 ... FF11 will eventually die, and YOU my friend will be at level 1, rank 1, craft 0 once you come to FF14.

I am planing to move when FF14 comes out and won't regret the gil, armor and crafts i'll dump away. CARPE DIEM, and enjoy FF11 back from level 1... enjoy the moment as it is, and make new friends.

and BTW, being level 1 to level 75 is not difficult... All u need to do is become "leader" and make a party. There is a lot of people complaining they don't get a party... they just #$%!(%& tards who are lazy waiting for some1 hand them XP on a silver platter.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2010-05-21 19:45:48
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If you are going to come back, between Now and maybe a month after the new patch should be the best time to be playing, as many people will be raising Sub Jobs up in anticipation for the next Level Cap increase(s).

CoP zones are becoming uncapped, I don't know if the battlefields will be uncapped (Nothing in notes so far) but if they allow some kind of 75 battlefield for CoP missions (Sort of like Assaults) then I could see completing those missions becoming a lot easier, and hell, even if they don't, missions like the Gargoyles in "Three Paths" Will becomes much, much easier.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-05-21 20:03:23
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hopefully i hope they easy i still need to finish CoP :(
Serveur: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Akeda
Posts: 1698
By Kujata.Akeda 2010-05-21 20:43:10
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Ramuh.Kalyna said:
op: don't bother

wait til FF14 comes out and play that instead =D

Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-05-21 20:47:09
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Kujata.Akeda said:
Ramuh.Kalyna said:
op: don't bother

wait til FF14 comes out and play that instead =D


maybe ff14 wont be same gameplay as ffxi... i dont think so, maybe alot of people will still want ffxi, who knows?
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Caliber
Posts: 1712
By Phoenix.Airbag 2010-05-21 20:47:37
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Phoenix.Darki said:
just buy an account that is basicly at where you left off... if you just want to continue gaming that is, otherwise level 1 would be very difficult.

yeah a decent account is not that much money and really enhances your experience because you cant really hang out with people when all you can do is XP in the dunes, but do what you want to do OP! I still like the game~ and I will keep playing until ff14 comes out
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Darki
Posts: 9949
By Phoenix.Darki 2010-05-21 21:00:19
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Phoenix.Airbag said:
Phoenix.Darki said:
just buy an account that is basicly at where you left off... if you just want to continue gaming that is, otherwise level 1 would be very difficult.

yeah a decent account is not that much money and really enhances your experience because you cant really hang out with people when all you can do is XP in the dunes, but do what you want to do OP! I still like the game~ and I will keep playing until ff14 comes out

what if ff14 doesnt live to your expectations!?
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
Posts: 177
By Midgardsormr.Zenshiro 2010-05-22 00:03:59
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1year and half i would have said sure join but with ffxiv coming out and lvl 99 i would say don't waste your time. The ppl in the game really just make you want to quit like i just pretty much did. Everyone care more about themself then anything now at days.

Go for ffxiv ffxi is a dead house now. Only reason SE making this lvl 99 is to have ppl who wont go to ffxiv something to do on ffxi. But soon ffxiv kick around does not matter if it not meet ppl expectation ppl going to quit go to wow or just go to ffxiv matter what.
Posts: 123
By Mystluna 2010-05-22 00:17:10
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I myself have just recently started. I think its just fine starting at level 1 and working my way up. If you are on Asura say hello. The Linkshell I belong to is very friendly and always usually talkitive and very informitive. Sence you have played befor the last might not be that big of a deal for you but for someone fresh out of the box its very nice to have someone to ask questions of and be able to chat with.
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 53
By Seraph.Kinkashito 2010-05-22 00:20:04
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Ramuh.Tousou said:
If you actually want to attempt to get things done, or play "catch up," you're probably better off spending your time doing something else.

I spent 3 hours shouting for help in Whitegate for WotG mission 19, and that's not exactly old like nation ranks or Zilart.

A lot of people just don't feel ambition to help people anymore. I can't say I honestly blame them, but it is frustrating when you want to get things done.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: kvazz
Posts: 5345
By Cerberus.Kvazz 2010-05-22 00:23:11
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I'd say it depends on what kind of person you are.
If you easily make good friends that help you out if you help them, yes.
If you'r a loner, no.
Basicly shouting for stuff takes ages, specially missions as far as I can see.
Serveur: Alexander
Game: FFXI
Posts: 77
By Alexander.Suzumebachi 2010-05-22 00:31:23
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FFXI just don't have enough solo material in it and It's like they add something small here and there and slowly make it better but It's still like they don't give a damn or understand how hard the game can be on a new player not to mention time consuming. I really think they need to work on that, and removing level caps is another small step but still a ways to go.
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Neonracer
Posts: 2748
By Caitsith.Neonracer 2010-05-22 00:32:54
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Ramuh.Tousou said:
At this point in the game, I'd say no. As you've said, most everyone has rank and few want to go through the hell of certain missions. If you play for the social aspect, you should be okay when you find a nice group to chat/hang out with. If you actually want to attempt to get things done, or play "catch up," you're probably better off spending your time doing something else.

For example: I've managed to put about 8 hours into XI in the past few days. When I say that, I mean I was sitting around with my Flag up waiting for a party invite. Spoiler: I didn't get one.

Obviously, this won't always be the case, especially if you play during peak times, but nevertheless be prepared to spend your "Playtime" doing something completely different.

That is not always the case. Some ppl like myself do not mind helping out with Missions for other ppl just for the fact they are fun to redo. I wouldn't quite be pessamistic yet. Just b.c some ppl feel the way, like the person above, doesn't mean everyone will feel the same way. It is all up to you if you want to rety once more. I mean you did say you tried to come back, like what.... 3 or 4 times...<shrugs>....
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
Posts: 269
By Caitsith.Silvaria 2010-05-22 00:33:33
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Let's not start the "This game is dead because of FFXIV" stuff again, LOL...only time will tell with that. Personally, I'll be sticking with this game, as will nearly everyone I know.

To the OP, "everyone" is not about end game. There are still plenty of things to do - I just spent several hours soloing the map for Ulegeurand Range, and was damn proud of myself when I finally got it - that don't involve end game. I know several people who literally just started this game, and are having a blast.

Good luck to you, either way. 8)

Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Neonracer
Posts: 2748
By Caitsith.Neonracer 2010-05-22 00:37:25
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Caitsith.Silvaria said:
Let's not start the "This game is dead because of FFXIV" stuff again, LOL...only time will tell with that. Personally, I'll be sticking with this game, as will nearly everyone I know.

To the OP, "everyone" is not about end game. There are still plenty of things to do - I just spent several hours soloing the map for Ulegeurand Range, and was damn proud of myself when I finally got it - that don't involve end game. I know several people who literally just started this game, and are having a blast.

Good luck to you, either way. 8)

I can totally agree with you Silvaria.. even being on the same server as you, there is ALWAYS something to do. Case in point!