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Just because something is illegal doesn't mean it shouldn't be done...

That’s precisely what I’m saying. If it’s illegal, don’t do it, it’s illegal for a reason.

I think you're just butt hurt because either you don't run FFXI on pc,

I run it on PC. If you want proof I got screenshots outta the game in my profile. Try again.

or don't know where to get windower from

Cause Google is so hard to use… for god sakes it’s the first freaking link when you google “FFXI Windower”. Try again.

If people chose to use windower, that's their choice, there is absolutely not reason for you to get on your high moral horse and tell us all we're cheating.

You are cheating, and it’s a fact you cannot deny. In terms of morale, if you use Windower, then yes, I’m better then you. As a matter of fact, I’ll be going to bed tonight happy knowing that no matter what you say, no matter what you do, I’m better then you.

But in most cases people use it to provide them data they and YOU can already obtain just by using ingame commands.

If they’re so much the same, why don’t you use the in-game commands then rather then cheating with Windower? Hmmm? Apparently there’s absolutely no difference, so you should have no troubles using in-game commands.

Personally I haven't listened to ingame music for 4 years... it got freaking annoying after the first 2, so now I use windower to filter out that ingame crap and play what I actually want to listen to.

Let’s see… you could A.) Turn off your sound, B.) Turn on a radio, C.) Turn off the Music Volume in the Config Menu, D.) Stream radio online prior to opening FFXI, E) Any combination of the previous 4 options.

I use windower because now I can SS chat log

I SS chat log without windower. Learn to use a computer and maybe you can do it too.

As memories down the road when I chose not to play any longer.

Which I pray is soon. Game needs a lot less cheaters in it.

so what if its 10 pages ago? a point is still a point

ill say it again >.>

I stopped reading there. I don’t need to hear you try and justify why you’re cheating. You’re cheating, you need to stop, nuff said.

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