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well now i was wondering when you would stick your big nose into this yakoo after recent events, and since we are pulling out the truths on ppl and you made the mistake to start this ill happily finish it now,

first off i didnt steal ***from your ls unlike you who magically got the money for a are's body after our coin bank (which you was in charge of) magically going bust (even tho YOU posted on YOU'RE forums that we had like 400 coins) im aware this isnt the cost of a body but yea it never hurts to have that much more gil.

2) the LS died because you and your e gf are to *** stupid to lead a limbus group and had me do it all for you thats why when i lost interest everyone did go figure,

3) chips are non tradeable LS was dead what am i ment to do? do your *** job for you AGAIN and win these 2 zones we needed while you and meff make a LS only to not bother coming after getting your homam bodys (which you actaully promised to me but o well screwed x2), then kill omega without you? and since i lie anyone is free to type on google "TeamOpoOpo" register and check for themselves (if yak hasnt deleted site)

4) a thief? my LS trusts me with a *** kraken club and im still on odin? nice try, ask anyone on odin who knows me and im by far one of the most honest players when it comes to items, yes im an *** i dont mind admiting to that and yes ive had my fun provoking ppl who deserve it but a thief? no.

and finallyyyyyy since you want to be a little *** and lie your *** off ill hit you with a home truth that you should like.

5) when me and meff were friends she said on vent to me once that she was nervous about the baby i asked why thinking it would be the whole pregency nerves ***want to know what she replied? and ask away about this if you please, she said she was nervous because she wasnt sure if it was even yours lol....

Truth hurts yakoo

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