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Cyr said:
Artemicion said:
Cyr said:

BRD or COR. Pick one, level it. Then level the other one. Everyone loves support jobs, get one/both for meriting and events. Sidenote: Never equip any staff on cor, ever.

Vulcan's Staff, kthxbye.

Squid + Joyeuse + Mkris + Martial Gun onry.

Not everything you fight can afford to have TP shoveled into it's mouth via snow plow. Especially in endgame situations you will -not- be able to hit things physically nor is it worth granting all that mob TP putting tanks in serious danger from overuse of particular attacks or being stuck in AOE range and thus being another MP sponge. For the most part you're safer and more efficent just standing back to shoot, QD and buff.

Edit: If you're just meriting on birds then sure, go nuts with whatever weapons you want, but as wood said: don't use joy/merc kris together, dual wield will actually make em slower together than with only one equiped. If you sub nin i'd recommend a joyeuse and trailer's kukri so you keep a ranged bonus and have balanced out TP gain with decent dps.

Anyways, I apologize for derailing the thread once again, but my advice if you're still indecisive is to take em all to subjob level and see which one is most fitting for you. You never truly get a "feel" for your job until post 30. In my opinion jobs are not developed enough to really know or experience it's finer points and details of purpose. I find valkurm and qufim to be like cavemen playgrounds; you beat something with a stick enough times til it dies and repeat the process.

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