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Bekisa said:
one thing to remember on RDM is don't use too much +enfeebling skill gear for enfeebs. You only need enough to make them land most the time, not 100% of the time. It's better to have a great +MND set and have to cast para2/slow2 1-3 times before they stick than it is to have them stick almost every time but never proc. Slow 2 slow amount is based on your MND vs. the mobs MND. Same as Para2.

I love using Para2 on some weak HNM like Fafnir and it para's 10-15 attacks in a row :P Thats one great use for RDM/BLM also. Stack up MND and just use ES Slow II on something like Khimaira or Cerb. Rotate 2-3 rdm/blms and you'll have near max slow2 on constantly. Much better than some gimped slow2 because the rdm used +skill over +mnd.

Yeah I definitely get what you mean. I was playing around with MP+ vs. MND+ on Paralyze II a while back when fighting Roc, and noticed the difference in the proc rate increase dramatically. That drove me to start looking into MND/INT sets and so on.

I figure 314 Enfeebling Magic will work on most things...if something resists, most likely its immune to what I'm casting. >_>

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