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In my opinion, test out different equipment sets and gear combos you currently have at your disposal, to see what your damage is currently at. If you haven't already, of course. :D

Stats vs. Taru... Meh. Most BLM I've seen that aren't taru sacrifice MP for INT/MAB/MACC+, in order to try to get the maximum boosts in DMG, instead of taking away from their DMG to get more MP. These people also tend to have hMP sets that regain their MP rather quickly.

Also, I have heard (not yet found proof) that there is a soft cap on Attributes (100) and a hard cap around 140. Soft Cap meaning that you still get a boost, but it takes more of X Stat to get X Effect. Hard Cap of course means you no longer get a boost once you're at or over that number. I think thats something you ought to take into consideration, especially considering the prices on mage equipment/price fixers.

I definitely agree that you ought to have a balance of stats, and that you ought to have a Maximum DMG Set as well as a Maximum ACC Set, but right now you are wanting a set with a balance of both, from what I can tell.

Personally, when I'm looking for equipment, I look first for pieces that have multiple stats I want on the same piece. I write them and their stats down in a Word Document, and go search up equipment that has only one-two stats I want (like Omega Ring vs. Snow/Aqua Ring, etc etc). I compare price, amount of stat bonus, and also see how many of my gear sets can bonus from the piece - particularly so I can see if it replaces old gear, so I can sell the old pieces.

Hmm... Would Alkalurops be better as a staff, perhaps? As with everything, probably depends greatly on what other gear you're using. >.> Although with that much Magic ACC, you could probably focus more on INT/MAB. ._.;

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