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Akajoyroth said:
BLU also got jipped...
Some of my Friends have stopped Leveling BLU cause they don't have sea access.
Its sad to see that people still think the "Need" certain things(Gear/Spells) to take a job up...but I cant blame them...its sad you get examined by a person who has those things and they blow up on how crappy you are.

It's because they run into a party with elite jackasses. I've run into that so many times. Only once has someone offered to help me get the spell(s) I was missing after the party disbanded.


Manage MP, but even then you will eventually run out of MP and need to rest. I know someone gonna mention drinks or some form of refresh, but that still doesn't cut it. I can only speak from my own experiences, but if the party wants to kill fast BLU just can't do it as good as the heavy DD's.

Aly, thats very true and it's hard for me to drop those stat boosting spells just to load up on spells that work. Being a taru I end up sacrificing those STR+ spells I need so I'm not hitting the mob for 1-10 dmg.

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