List Of Moogle Mastery Requirements

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List of Moogle Mastery Requirements
Posts: 7
By Arcadina 2022-04-20 11:23:57
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I can't seem to find a simple list of all Moogle Mastery requirements, so I'm going to try to compile it here.

From what I gather, Moogle Mastery works on an experience points-style system where each tracked stat contributes points towards leveling up. However, regardless of how much "experience" you have, you need to fulfill certain prerequisites to raise your maximum level (think "limit break"). The below lists are these "limit breaks".

Any additions and corrections are greatly appreciated.

Sheol A

  1. Kill 1600-2200 Nostos monsters

  2. Kill ? total NMs

  3. Open a combined ? boxes

  4. Open ? Chests

  5. Open 16 Coffers

  6. Open 16 Aurum Strongboxes

  7. Kill all NMs 6 times

Sheol B

  1. Kill 1600-2200 Nostos monsters

  2. Kill ? NMs

  3. Open a combined ? boxes

  4. Open ? Chests

  5. Open 16 Coffers

  6. Open 16 Aurum Strongboxes

  7. 3 NMs with 3 kills

  8. 6 NMs with 3 kills

  9. 9 NMs with 3 kills

  10. 12 NMs with 3 kills

  11. 15 NMs with 3 kills

  12. 18 NMs with 3 kills

  13. 21 NMs with 3 kills

  14. 24 NMs with 3 kills

Sheol C

  1. Kill 1600-2200 Nostos monsters

  2. Kill ? NMs

  3. Open a combined ? boxes

  4. Open ? Chests

  5. Open 16 Coffers

  6. Open 16 Aurum Strongboxes

  7. 9 Asena kills

  8. 9 Bygul kills

  9. 9 Chaos Steward kills

  10. 9 Dabbat al-Ard kills

  11. 9 Kurmajara kills

  12. 9 Lotanu kills

  13. 9 Wayra Tata kills

Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-04-20 14:09:15
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Sheol C is 9 kills for each NM, and I think the upper limit for Nostos MM objective is 1600 Nostos kills.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6138
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2022-04-20 15:12:37
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I have been posting in the Odyssey thread as I rank up.

You are guaranteed to hit rank 45 if you:

* Kill 6 of each NM in Sheol A
* Kill 3 of each NM in Sheol B
* Kill 9 of each NM in Sheol C
* Open 16 Aurum Strongboxes in all 3 zones
* Kill something like 2200 Nostos in all 3 zones (hardest one to be exact about because it is the easiest one to get)

The particulars of when you rank up are trickier and it either night be nondeterministic or might be something other than the 5/5/5 level distribution from each type of objective that we had been assuming. I had a friend get his 5th level of moogles mastery in A from a first kill. I have never observed a rankup from NMs on a kill other than 1st kill of a specific NM or Nth kill of a specific NM (6/3/9 depending on zone). Generally chests level up on the 1st or 16th of a type (e.g. 16 coffers).

I have 2 levels left and then I am going to try to compile it all somewhere.
MSPaint Winner
Serveur: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2022-04-20 15:39:40
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Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
I have been posting in the Odyssey thread as I rank up.

You are guaranteed to hit rank 45 if you:

* Kill 6 of each NM in Sheol A
* Kill 3 of each NM in Sheol B
* Kill 9 of each NM in Sheol C
* Open 16 Aurum Strongboxes in all 3 zones
* Kill something like 2200 Nostos in all 3 zones (hardest one to be exact about because it is the easiest one to get)

The particulars of when you rank up are trickier and it either night be nondeterministic or might be something other than the 5/5/5 level distribution from each type of objective that we had been assuming. I had a friend get his 5th level of moogles mastery in A from a first kill. I have never observed a rankup from NMs on a kill other than 1st kill of a specific NM or Nth kill of a specific NM (6/3/9 depending on zone). Generally chests level up on the 1st or 16th of a type (e.g. 16 coffers).

I have 2 levels left and then I am going to try to compile it all somewhere.

Do you mean he went from 0 to 5 from a first NM kill?

I'm wondering about whether or not any kills you get in excess of your current "limit break" are remembered by the game for when you DO break the cap, or if they're just wasted.

e.g. If I "max out" on Nostos mobs but don't do any NMs, my mastery will stagnate until I beat some NMs. Would my previous Nostos kills carry over once I "limit break"?

My guess is that you don't have to "do-over" any requirements in that case, because the Moogle gives you a full list of stats for each zone. So it's possible to jump 2-3 levels at a time if you clear the sole requirement that is holding you back at that time.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-04-20 16:38:16
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Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
Do you mean he went from 0 to 5 from a first NM kill?

Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
So it's possible to jump 2-3 levels at a time if you clear the sole requirement that is holding you back at that time.

I don't think you can gain more than one Moogle Mastery level per visit to any of the Sheols. Even if you stack objectives just before the clear mark and do several of them in one run, you will only ever be rewarded with one MM level for that run, and you will get the next MM on your following visit(s) on a random action. At least it never happened for me, when I lined up several objectives in a row.

I recall getting a MM clear from killing an Agon Halo (but no actual monsters, it was my first action), which shouldn't be possible unless the Moogle tracks Halo kills under Nostos or something odd. I think the game saw that I had jumped the mark for the objective on my previous visit, but already gave me a level, so it carried it over into my next run and just gave it to me on whatever random action I performed first. I imagine if I had opened a chest first, killed an NM, or killed a Nostos, it would have given me a level for that instead. That's my guess.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6138
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2022-04-20 16:51:57
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You can get multiple levels on the same run.

We recorded 5 levels for him in Sheol A all from first-kills of NMs.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-04-20 19:02:10
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Interesting. I wonder if they changed that recently, as I don’t ever remember skipping levels even once
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3184
By Asura.Geriond 2022-04-20 19:11:04
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I've definitely gotten multiple levels in a single run (2, not 5 though).