Odyssey Sheol Gaol Setups For New Groups

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Odyssey Sheol Gaol Setups for New Groups
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4324
By Cerberus.Kylos 2021-06-09 09:33:44
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Hi folks, as the title implies, I have had a difficult time finding information on winning party setups for groups in Sheol Gaol. There are plenty of videos and testimonials on how to solo v0, or how to defeat v15 in a party, but finding winning setups for v0's in a group is tricky.

Some groups are not as equipped or quick to react as others, so some players in a LS may get their clears while others struggle. One team might win right away, while the others struggle through several attempts and lose out on segments. We're looking to minimize losses so segment farming doesn't go to waste.

This isn't just about [insert six jobs here] throwing around combos, but the minimum gear and roles each job is expected to have and do before they are deemed worthy of taking that slot. Odyssey gear is well sought after, so there are some who undoubtedly try to skip ahead before their time.

I'd like to keep this to T3 bosses for the time being, simply because T1s and T2s cause the least trouble. I'd also appreciate keeping this free of clutter and remembering it's for players who are brand new to the content. They do not have access to the gear you unlock by defeating them, so this has to be accounted for. Xevioso would be a good place to start if anyone wants to chime in, thank you.
Posts: 8848
By SimonSes 2021-06-09 09:47:37
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Idk if you need any strategy for V0 tbh. PLD BRD COR DD DD WHM. Buff with Clarion SV songs, do 2 rolls, use Sentinel + Invinsible + Rampart, use SPs on both DD. Asylum on WHM, spam Cure/Curaga. Everything should die in like 30-60 sec tops even with ambuscade equip. Just remember to not make skillchains that involve element that NM can absorb, so no Light, Fusion or Liquefaction on Kalunga for example. Dont remember if V0 Mboze can use Tiiimbeeer, if it can, its probably better to use BST as one of DD and do Killer Instinct with Bertha, but if one of DDs is DRK and you use Soul Enslavement, Mboze probably wont even TP move before it die.
By 2021-06-09 11:40:33
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Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4324
By Cerberus.Kylos 2021-06-09 12:19:45
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SimonSes said: »
Idk if you need any strategy for V0 tbh. PLD BRD COR DD DD WHM. Buff with Clarion SV songs, do 2 rolls, use Sentinel + Invinsible + Rampart, use SPs on both DD. Asylum on WHM, spam Cure/Curaga. Everything should die in like 30-60 sec tops even with ambuscade equip. Just remember to not make skillchains that involve element that NM can absorb, so no Light, Fusion or Liquefaction on Kalunga for example. Dont remember if V0 Mboze can use Tiiimbeeer, if it can, its probably better to use BST as one of DD and do Killer Instinct with Bertha, but if one of DDs is DRK and you use Soul Enslavement, Mboze probably wont even TP move before it die.

Something worth trying for sure, thank you.

I found a set up last night for Xevioso which used RUN DRG THF BRD COR WHM. Thief would SATA the DRG, who would lose hate with jumps. The incisive moves sometimes one shot, how are people getting around that?
Posts: 107
By Veydal1 2021-06-09 12:45:22
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Ballads on WHM to help cure bomb and keep up cureskins.

Regens for everyone.

Melee bring panaceas (Incisive Denouement) and remedies (poison while zombie effect is on) WHM can sacrifice, but it can get dicey in there if you get unlucky with TP move selection. Better to use panacea so the healer doesn't get caught with their pants down.

Melee turns if they get zombie.

At higher difficulty, consider using DT sets full-time to mitigate spike dmg while in WS lock.

With ballads, the healer should be able to spam cures without MP consideration. Go nuts. It'll mostly come down to managing your spell cycles to keep everyone near topped off.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4324
By Cerberus.Kylos 2021-06-09 12:47:56
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Veydal1 said: »
Ballads on WHM to help cure bomb and keep up cureskins.

Regens for everyone.

Melee bring panaceas (Incisive Denouement) and remedies (poison while zombie effect is on)

Melee turns if they get zombie.

At higher difficulty, consider using DT sets full-time to mitigate spike dmg while in WS lock.

With ballads, the healer should be able to spam cures without MP consideration. Go nuts. It'll mostly come down to managing your spell cycles to keep everyone near topped off.

This is super useful, thank you. Does the WHM enfeeble at all, or is someone else doing that? What do they focus on?
Posts: 8848
By SimonSes 2021-06-09 12:52:07
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Cerberus.Kylos said: »
SimonSes said: »
Idk if you need any strategy for V0 tbh. PLD BRD COR DD DD WHM. Buff with Clarion SV songs, do 2 rolls, use Sentinel + Invinsible + Rampart, use SPs on both DD. Asylum on WHM, spam Cure/Curaga. Everything should die in like 30-60 sec tops even with ambuscade equip. Just remember to not make skillchains that involve element that NM can absorb, so no Light, Fusion or Liquefaction on Kalunga for example. Dont remember if V0 Mboze can use Tiiimbeeer, if it can, its probably better to use BST as one of DD and do Killer Instinct with Bertha, but if one of DDs is DRK and you use Soul Enslavement, Mboze probably wont even TP move before it die.

Something worth trying for sure, thank you.

I found a set up last night for Xevioso which used RUN DRG THF BRD COR WHM. Thief would SATA the DRG, who would lose hate with jumps. The incisive moves sometimes one shot, how are people getting around that?

Just use SPs, really. Logical soloed Xevioso on NIN with 2min30sec remaining. It cant be that hard.

If you are using RUN, Use SP, use Battuta. Use DRG SP2 and spam High Jump and Impulse Drive with Shining One. THF spam Evisceration with Tauret and steal Perfect Dodge. It only has like 425k hp or something. It should die in 60 sec top.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2021-06-09 13:12:35
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Both Xevioso and Ngai use a hate reset move, so you probably don't even need a tank at all. Just add an extra DD or support. If your Corsair is fighting, have him do it up close so Xevioso doesn't run around when he hits someone with incisive denouement.

Speaking of the incisive moves, they are both throat stab, but I feel like I have gotten one shot from them before with full health. Maybe I wasn't fully topped up at the time and it's just severe damage, but it seems every once in a few fights, that move with full one shot me, either on Sam or war. So I haven't figured that part out yet.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4324
By Cerberus.Kylos 2021-06-09 13:32:13
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Both Xevioso and Ngai use a hate reset move, so you probably don't even need a tank at all. Just add an extra DD or support. If your Corsair is fighting, have him do it up close so Xevioso doesn't run around when he hits someone with incisive denouement.

Speaking of the incisive moves, they are both throat stab, but I feel like I have gotten one shot from them before with full health. Maybe I wasn't fully topped up at the time and it's just severe damage, but it seems every once in a few fights, that move with full one shot me, either on Sam or war. So I haven't figured that part out yet.

I thought I was seeing this too, was wondering if there's something to it. Apparently paralyze works really well on this one?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: HyaAsura
Posts: 295
By Asura.Hya 2021-06-09 13:57:10
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Cerberus.Kylos said: »
This is super useful, thank you. Does the WHM enfeeble at all, or is someone else doing that? What do they focus on?
WHM is not going to have an easy time landing most enfeebles on T3. Dia 2 is about the best you're going to get. Focus on cureskins, removing debuffs, rebuffing as necessary(for kalunga/arebati), and keeping Haste and such on those who need it. Pretty much every T3 NM will keep you busy enough with just the above tasks