Random Politics & Religion #27

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Random Politics & Religion #27
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Serveur: Hyperion
user: Rooks
Posts: 701
By Drama Torama 2017-08-17 08:35:26
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
they fired a guy for stating the obvious.

You're not this obtuse.

They fired a guy for creating a hostile work environment. They had absolutely no legal recourse, as not firing him would have left them open to lawsuits, and they are already under federal investigation for discriminatory workplace practices.

This stuff has been settled in employment law since the 70s. Whatever anyone thinks of the contents of his work, sharing it like he did was stupid, and the only possible outcome was his termination, full stop. Google couldn't have kept him if they'd wanted to.
Bug Hunter
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-08-17 08:48:05
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I would agree with you if it wasn't for 2 things:

1) They neither reprimanded, nor even attempt to reprimand him until after the internal memo leaked out into the public.

2) He stated an opinion based on his own knowledge of the matter. He also stated it in a way that doesn't call out anyone in particular. Well, not anyone but the company itself.

Sure, he was an idiot to release that memo to everyone. Sure, he was an idiot to release the memo to anyone other than upper management. Google is also stupid for firing him almost immediately, and for that reason, and publicly, because it also opens Google up for lawsuits (from both the fired employee and other fired employees, for discrimination). If Google was smart, they would fired him for some other reason than what they publicly shamed him for.

It also gives Google very bad press in this matter. It will also make it harder for people to work for them since it shows that Google will not accept anything other than whatever popular groupthink is at that time.

Have an opinion that doesn't 100% comply to the narrative? You aren't welcome here.

If they keep it up, they will find themselves hurting in the long run.
Bug Hunter
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-08-17 08:55:54
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Also, I'm not going to deny that Google has the right to hire and fire anyone. They could have handled this in a much better way and we would have never heard any of it.
Serveur: Hyperion
user: Rooks
Posts: 701
By Drama Torama 2017-08-17 09:02:00
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1) The document was leaked within minutes, and it takes a while to gather the necessary legal/HR cover to terminate someone. I expect the wheels actually started the second someone with any authority saw it. In any case, the timeline is too compressed to draw any real conclusions from that.

2) Women engineers already have a much harder go of it than their male counterparts. Google itself is under investigation for not paying them appropriately. Only the most charitable reading of that document doesn't paint it as "they're not as good at this", and given how much more they have to deal with, I don't think you can level the bad faith argument at them. I'm not normally one to play the identity politics card, but having been in the trenches, I can assure you that the hurdles are there, they are very real, and they drive good people out of the industry with alarming frequency.

Also, not for nothin', but the dude doesn't actually understand how high level engineering actually works. People skills are the most important ***imaginable once you're past the junior level UNGH ME CODE MODULE LIKE GOOD CAVEMAN phase. Getting everyone's disparate systems to work together involves more meetings and coordination than anything else. Code is like 15% of the job once you're past the entry ranks.

And again, re: lawsuits - Google acted according to the letter of the law. They had zero choice in the matter, and have exposed themselves to no extra legal liability.

(Plus, almost no one actually wants to work at Google anymore and hasn't for a while)
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 9849
By Asura.Saevel 2017-08-17 09:08:21
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Drama Torama said: »
They fired a guy for creating a hostile work environment.

No they didn't. I even posted an interview with the ACTUAL guy discussing his internal memo and his previous attempts at having an open discussion. Google had already created a hostile work environment towards anyone not conforming to the political ideology of their middle management.

If you haven't read the actual ORIGINAL document, then you don't know what your talking about. This is because leftists inside Google's twitter took his internal memo, stripped it of formatting, citations, charts, and other qualifying statements, then sent it to their contacts at gismodo who turned it into a hit piece. This nothing but pure bullying you just you become part of it.

Here the original unedited memo complete with citations from published peer reviewed sources.


But like KN says, sources are bad when they don't support your preconceived narrative.

As for the legality, he will likely get a nice settlement from Google as it's probable that Google just violated California laws. Those same super liberal laws that says your employer can't fire you for trying to improve work conditions or express dissatisfaction in work environments. Before the left media went full retard this has was internally talking with Google HR about work conditions which is why this memo was written in the first place.
Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-08-17 09:14:08
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Drama Torama said: »
2) Women engineers already have a much harder go of it than their male counterparts. Google itself is under investigation for not paying them appropriately. Only the most charitable reading of that document doesn't paint it as "they're not as good at this", and given how much more they have to deal with, I don't think you can level the bad faith argument at them. I'm not normally one to play the identity politics card, but having been in the trenches, I can assure you that the hurdles are there, they are very real, and they drive good people out of the industry with alarming frequency.
And I assure you that it is the same in most industries, but not because of sexism (mostly, but I will admit that sexism does exist in hiring, it's not as prevalent as some people portray) but because what situations occur in each individual case.

In other words, because of the biological nature of the matter, women will take more time off than men due to various factors. I don't think I need to explain why though, it should be pretty obvious.

As for those hurdles, maybe that is what Damore is trying to show. It's a piss-poor attempt at it, but that could be the reason why he made/distributed that memo. He did state such just before he was fired.

Drama Torama said: »
Also, not for nothin', but the dude doesn't actually understand how high level engineering actually works. People skills are the most important ***imaginable once you're past the junior level UNGH ME CODE MODULE LIKE GOOD CAVEMAN phase. Getting everyone's disparate systems to work together involves more meetings and coordination than anything else. Code is like 15% of the job once you're past the entry ranks.
It doesn't sound like he was hired for that.

What is interesting to note is that planned protests against Google were canceled due to threats from domestic terrorist groups.

Drama Torama said: »
And again, re: lawsuits - Google acted according to the letter of the law. They had zero choice in the matter, and have exposed themselves to no extra legal liability.
On that case, by publicly shaming Damore, they opened themselves up for discrimination lawsuits.

Drama Torama said: »
(Plus, almost no one actually wants to work at Google anymore and hasn't for a while)
Google is the Walmart of Silicon Valley now.
Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-08-17 09:15:42
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Asura.Saevel said: »
But like KN says, sources are bad when they don't support your preconceived narrative.
I like you man, but don't get hyper aggressive against the guy who can silence you quicker than you can say "A wizard did it."

Trust me on this.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9849
By Asura.Saevel 2017-08-17 09:15:56
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Drama Torama said: »
1) The document was leaked within minutes,

Not it was leaked after a few weeks.

Stop watching leftist news sources for information on this, listen to the ACTUAL guy who wrote it.

Drama Torama said: »
Women engineers already have a much harder go of it than their male counterparts.

No they have it easier, due to affirmative action and "diversity" quotas at universities females can score lower then males to get accepted to those engineering programs. Due to various "pro-diversity" hiring practices women get bonus points on their resumes when submitting for engineering jobs.

Drama Torama said: »
Only the most charitable reading of that document doesn't paint it as "they're not as good at this"

Have you actually read the original, not the cut and edit job on various news sources but the actual original document? Seriously it says the exact opposite of that. The guy went out of his way to specify that he's for an all inclusive work environment. He noted that there is a mountain of study done on prenatal testosterone levels and how it effects brain development in drives the differences between male and female brains. This is accepted concrete scientific literature. He pointed out various other studies that demonstrated people focused vs things focused thinking and how there are generalized differences between males and females. This is hormone driven biology.

Basically your telling us that women have the same average height as men and that anything that says otherwise is sexist, misogynist and should be ignored.
Serveur: Hyperion
user: Rooks
Posts: 701
By Drama Torama 2017-08-17 09:16:44
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Yes, I read the original document. You think I had to wait for Gizmodo? PLEASE.

He will get no settlement.
Posts: 6509
By Rooks 2017-08-17 09:21:08
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »
But like KN says, sources are bad when they don't support your preconceived narrative.
I like you man, but don't get hyper aggressive against the guy who can silence you quicker than you can say "A wizard did it."

Trust me on this.

Actual administrative account, because I am so *** tired of this ***.

I have shown infinite *** patience with some of the *** that goes on around here, you in particular. The constant "be nice or Rooks will ban you" (despite linking to a Jaerik post) is so, so exhausting, and a big part of why I mostly let the mods handle this stuff.

If I wanted to ban people because I didn't like them or we got in an argument, this place would be a ghost town.

Anyway, you're topicbanned, because if I'm going to have a reputation as a big meanie, I'm gonna earn it.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9849
By Asura.Saevel 2017-08-17 09:22:19
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Drama Torama said: »
Yes, I read the original document.

Seeing as you said

Drama Torama said: »
The document was leaked within minutes

Which is patently false.

And this

Drama Torama said: »
Only the most charitable reading of that document doesn't paint it as "they're not as good at this", and given how much more they have to deal with, I don't think you can level the bad faith argument at them.

Which is also patently false.


Damore filed under a section of the law that deals with protecting statements made by workers' rights activists who have questions about wages and conditions.
Google may have difficulty establishing that he broke the company's code of conduct because he used message boards the company provided to allow employees to discuss these issues, and because his manifesto repeatedly states he favors diversity and intended to "increase women's representation in tech."

That's because he filed his complaint against Alphabet (Google's corporate parent) under a provision of the National Labor Relations Act that protects workers' rights activists. Under that provision, Damore's complaint will not be about whether he was discriminated against as a white person, a man, or a conservative, or whether the company had a right to let him go as an "at-will" worker.

Rather, the provision governs what workers are allowed to talk about in the workplace about pay, conditions, promotions, and other practices. The law was crafted to protect the right of union organisers to discuss pay rates with their colleagues, and more recently to protect anyone asking questions at work about who gets paid what, and why.

"It shall be an unfair labor practice for an employer — (1) to interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in section 7."
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9849
By Asura.Saevel 2017-08-17 09:29:31
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"Damore's possible claims really have nothing to do with whether white males are discriminated against in wages and promotion," Sharpe said. "It is about whether he was fired because he complained that Google's diversity efforts were unfair to men. He doesn't have to prove the allegation, just that he made the claim for the purpose of advancing working conditions of himself and others."

The company presumably might argue that Damore's manifesto was an example of using a company message board to post a discriminatory statement that violated the policy. The manifesto argued that "biological causes ... may explain why we don't see equal representation of women in tech and leadership." No doubt many women at Google complained internally that it was being circulated on Google's employee message boards.

But the manifesto was specifically worded. It repeatedly states that Damore favors diversity, but merely has a different view on how to achieve it, and it questions only whether Google's current efforts to encourage women and minorities are fair. The intent of the manifesto was to "suggest ways to address" biological differences between men and women "to increase women's representation in tech without resorting to discrimination," it says.

Sharpe said: "I have conducted probably 100 workplace investigations to *** whether employee complaints about harassment and discrimination violate employer codes of conduct, and I am not sure I would find this to be a violation of a code that merely prohibited 'unlawful' harassment and discrimination."

Lastly, Google may have trouble establishing that using its message board was a violation of policy, given that the company provides message boards precisely to allow workers to discuss workplace issues.

Google doesn't have much ground to stand on because the place where the memo was "obtained" was their own internal discussion forum. Specifically the place to discuss workplace conditions and things that might need changing. The memo itself had language early on that specifically state it's goal was to open a discussion about the best way to approach an inclusive environment at google.

He's already filed the lawsuit, there is already a large crowd funding effort to provide more then ample legal funds. Google is already in a one public legal battle, they don't want anymore bad publicity. They will make a settlement offer large enough that he will accept it with one of the conditions being a NDA and no more public discussion about the incident.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9849
By Asura.Saevel 2017-08-17 09:44:31
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Rooks said: »
The discourse has been, shall we say, lacking in value lately - I was hoping that closing the last one would reset things a little, because I am an optimist and like to be proven wrong. Anyway, a couple of things:

There is a pattern that happens.

Side 1 posts an argument
Side 2 posts a counterargument

Very soon it's realized that due to political religions they are irreconcilable and that's when the crusaders do what they do best. The crusaders like to use personal attacks to draw their opponent away from a fact based rational discussion into an emotional mud slinging contest. Once that happens they escalate and turn the whole thing to a ***show to shut down the discussion. This isn't something that only happens here, it happens on pretty much every Political discussion forum.

My suggestion to everyone is to not get personal, especially if the other guy is just trying to draw you into an emotional fight of who's a bigger victim.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9849
By Asura.Saevel 2017-08-17 09:56:46
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From the second page of the memo that was read but not really read.

Google’s political bias has equated the freedom from offense with psychological safety,
but shaming into silence is the antithesis of psychological safety.

● This silencing has created an ideological echo chamber where some ideas are too
sacred to be honestly discussed.
The lack of discussion fosters the most extreme and authoritarian elements of this

○ Extreme: all disparities in representation are due to oppression
○ Authoritarian: we should discriminate to correct for this oppression
● Differences in distributions of traits between men and women may in part explain why we
don't have 50% representation of women in tech and leadership.
Discrimination to reach equal representation is unfair, divisive, and bad for business.

Only facts and reason can shed light on these biases, but when it comes to diversity and
inclusion, Google’s left bias has created a politically correct monoculture that maintains its hold
by shaming dissenters into silence. This silence removes any checks against encroaching
extremist and authoritarian policies.
For the rest of this document, I’ll concentrate on the
extreme stance that all differences in outcome are due to differential treatment and the
authoritarian element that’s required to actually discriminate to create equal representation.

President Trump was kinda elected over this point.

At Google, we’re regularly told that implicit (unconscious) and explicit biases are holding women
back in tech and leadership. Of course, men and women experience bias, tech, and the
workplace differently and we should be cognizant of this, but it’s far from the whole story

On average, men and women biologically differ in many ways. These differences aren’t just
socially constructed because:
● They’re universal across human cultures
They often have clear biological causes and links to prenatal testosterone
● Biological males that were castrated at birth and raised as females often still identify
and act like males
The underlying traits are highly heritable
They’re exactly what we would predict from an evolutionary psychology perspective

Note, I’m not saying that all men differ from all women in the following ways or that these
differences are “just.” I’m simply stating that the distribution of preferences and abilities of men
and women differ in part due to biological causes and that these differences may explain why
we don’t see equal representation of women in tech and leadership. Many of these differences
are small and there’s significant overlap between men and women, so you can’t say anything
about an individual given these population level distributions.

There is that evil paragraph that left news sites cut and pasted to change his words. And that's just the first few pages, the whole thing is a solid read, again plenty of citations and based on various studies done on gender differences. Nothing the guy said was controversial among scientists in those fields. It's only controversial to those wanting to push a narrative with a draconian crusader mentality.

But hey dishonest reporting is perfectly find as long as it agree's with the lefts narrative.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9849
By Asura.Saevel 2017-08-17 10:11:49
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Start of source train



Cross-cultural research has shown gender differences on the tests measuring sociability and emotionality. For example, on the scales measured by the Big Five personality traits women consistently report higher Neuroticism, agreeableness, warmth (an extraversion facet[68]) and openness to feelings, and men often report higher assertiveness (a facet of extraversion [68]) and openness to ideas as assessed by the NEO-PI-R.


Gender differences in personality traits are largest in prosperous, healthy, and egalitarian cultures in which women have more opportunities that are equal to those of men. Differences in the magnitude of sex differences between more or less developed world regions were due to differences between men, not women, in these respective regions. That is, men in highly developed world regions were less neurotic, extroverted, conscientious and agreeable compared to men in less developed world regions. Women, on the other hand tended not to differ in personality traits across regions. Researchers have speculated that resource poor environments (that is, countries with low levels of development) may inhibit the development of gender differences, whereas resource rich environments facilitate them. This may be because males require more resources than females in order to reach their full developmental potential.

The authors argued that due to different evolutionary pressures, men may have evolved to be more risk taking and socially dominant, whereas women evolved to be more cautious and nurturant. Hunter-gatherer societies in which humans originally evolved may have been more egalitarian than later agriculturally oriented societies. Hence, the development of gender inequalities may have acted to constrain the development of gender differences in personality that originally evolved in hunter-gatherer societies. As modern societies have become more egalitarian again it may be that innate sex differences are no longer constrained and hence manifest more fully than in less developed cultures. Currently, this hypothesis remains untested, as gender differences in modern societies have not been compared with those in hunter-gatherer societies.

Science has validated what he has said. Our early ancestors evolution had gender specializations, just like every other animal species on the planet. Those specializations resulted in an unequal distribution of personality traits between the sexes. Different personality traits offer a competitive advantage for different jobs. Thus that early difference in genetic distribution has resulted in an unequal distribution of job preferences between men and women.

The key determiner here is that he more wealthy and equal a society is, the more those biological differences appear.

But hey sources and science are bad when they don't support a liberal narrative that all humans are just blank slates with completely equal distribution of all traits.
Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2017-08-17 10:35:44
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Cerberus.Pleebo said: »
Nausi said: »
The idea that Trump NEEDS these people is horseshit.
So where's this made up argument coming from?

The left-media establishment. It thrives on social justice and nohing rallies up the troops like "your president is a nazi".

They dont care that it isnt true, truth isnt important to them, only power.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Zerowone
Posts: 6949
By Lakshmi.Zerowone 2017-08-17 11:13:08
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Nausi said: »
Cerberus.Pleebo said: »
Nausi said: »
The idea that Trump NEEDS these people is horseshit.
So where's this made up argument coming from?

The left-media establishment. It thrives on social justice and nohing rallies up the troops like "your president is a nazi".

They dont care that it isnt true, truth isnt important to them, only power.

That's a different argumentative point than what you originally presented.

The president needs the neo-nazi/white supremacist vote (David Duke's narrative not the left or it's media)


The president is a nazi sympathetizer based on his comments where he said the people at the Friday night rally (where there were chants of "blood and soil" & "Jews will not replace us") were good people. Along with the condemnation of the counter-protestors and his combativeness.

Which is not leftist media narrative and in fact something that happened.

You're going to find the desire for a neutral conversation impossible. That is due to the core ideology of the side that wants to eradicate anything that's not "white", and those whom are considered to be guilty of betrayal. Along with it's own self (mis)attributed stance of being a persecuted class; is anything but neutral.

There was a World War to settle this conversation. Which is why you are finding both Conservative and Liberal politicians in the US and outside it condemning Trump for his comments and ambiguities on Tuesday.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9849
By Asura.Saevel 2017-08-17 12:05:52
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Nausi said: »
They dont care that it isnt true, truth isnt important to them, only power.

This is something everyone needs to learn and take to heart.

Despots don't walk up to you with a giant sign saying "Facist Dictator" over their heads, instead the parade around as a "Great Liberator" to the mass's. They emotionally manipulate the general population into thinking the "Great Liberator" will save them from some great evil, real or imagined, and in order for that "Great Liberator" to do so they need to merely give them power. Of course the Great Evil always takes longer to remove then originally though, and the Great Liberator needs even more power and authority to truly root out this insidious evil.

And then you get a Communist government, the state goal of the left.
Posts: 17756
By Viciouss 2017-08-17 12:21:28
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I can already tell this thread isn't going to last long.
By 2017-08-17 12:39:53
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Posts: 9772
By Zerowone 2017-08-17 12:56:16
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Nausi said: »
They dont care that it isnt true, truth isnt important to them, only power.

This is something everyone needs to learn and take to heart.

Despots don't walk up to you with a giant sign saying "Facist Dictator" over their heads, instead the parade around as a "Great Liberator" to the mass's. They emotionally manipulate the general population into thinking the "Great Liberator" will save them from some great evil, real or imagined, and in order for that "Great Liberator" to do so they need to merely give them power. Of course the Great Evil always takes longer to remove then originally though, and the Great Liberator needs even more power and authority to truly root out this insidious evil.

And then you get a Communist government, the state goal of the left.

In previous P&R threads you've described Trump as exactly this "Liberator". He even advertises himself as such. #DraintheSwamp = Combatting the Great Evil. MAGA etc.

So it's interesting that the conclusion being drawn by you, is that this is the agenda of the left. In light of the fact that the right currently holds the Executive, the Legislative and Judiciary majority. Not to mention 2/3rds of the state governments.

There isn't a "Champion" on the left. Time and time again you and like minded posters have made comments as such. That they won't take back the seats in 2018 or win back the presidency in 2020.
Which again makes your conclusion a contradiction.

The analysis and conclusion you're making comes off as really bad propaganda to whatever target audience you're hoping to reach.
Which by the way, is no more than 12 active posters and possibly 20-30 lurkers, who more than likely have already made up their minds.

Seems like a waste of time and energy to continue pushing it.
Serveur: Garuda
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user: Chanti
Posts: 11325
By Garuda.Chanti 2017-08-17 13:20:18
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Poll: Support for Trump impeachment grows to 40 percent
The Hill

I only see two problems here.

Trump hasn't done anything impeachable yet.

The GOP still holds congress.
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 9849
By Asura.Saevel 2017-08-17 13:39:44
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Zerowone said: »
In previous P&R threads you've described Trump as exactly this "Liberator"

No I haven't, that's just what your mental filter converted it into. You even frequently put words into my mouth and try to draw me into the same cesspit that CJ and Vic live in.

Trump is the result of both parties failing to provide a viable political system that represents their actual citizens. Now if this was a socialist country then we would indeed have a facist dictator take over the government, yet since we have a (still) solid foundation for rule of law coupled with checks and balances, instead we get a loud obnoxious leader who does the exact opposite of his predecessors.

President is a symptom of a deeper problem, nothing more nothing less.
Posts: 17756
By Viciouss 2017-08-17 13:42:09
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Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9849
By Asura.Saevel 2017-08-17 13:44:39
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Garuda.Chanti said: »
Poll: Support for Trump impeachment grows to 40 percent
The Hill

I only see two problems here.

Trump hasn't done anything impeachable yet.

The GOP still holds congress.

That pole was done by Public Religion Research Institute and it did so in Washington DC and Northern Virginia.

Just to give everyone an idea of the demographics of Washington DC.


91% Clinton
4.1% Trump

Every election there is straight blue ticket.

Northern Virginia is still liberal but not quite as bad as DC itself.

So congrats, 40% of those living in DC and NOVA area want Trump impeached.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Pleebo
Posts: 9720
By Cerberus.Pleebo 2017-08-17 13:56:42
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Aside from the lack of any indication the poll was so geographically restricted, sampling in a poll like that would account for demographics.
Posts: 17756
By Viciouss 2017-08-17 14:09:29
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I see Trump has gone back to the completely fabricated story of General Pershing. Seems like he is having a bad day on twitter. What else is new?
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 9849
By Asura.Saevel 2017-08-17 14:09:34
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Oh the California law that Google seems to have broken.

No employer shall make, adopt, or enforce any rule, regulation, or policy:
(a) Forbidding or preventing employees from engaging or participating in politics or from becoming candidates for public office.
(b) Controlling or directing, or tending to control or direct the political activities or affiliations of employees.

California Supreme Court has already ruled that it's a very broad definition and covers all forms of political speech, its the exact law that protects all the SJW's in CA from being fired for pushing left leaning political agendas. Since his memo specifically referenced an ideological chamber at Google, that those of a conservative political belief felt threatened and harassed due to it, and that he sought an open discussion on how to change, it qualifies as protected political activities. That he posted it on an internal Google provided forum specifically designated as a place to discuss improvements in the work culture just adds to it even more.

Basically Google has very little ground to stand on for justifying why they lawfully terminated him because they have already stated why in an attempt to win PR points. Well that stated why doesn't jive well with established labor law and I guarantee Google's labor lawyers went apeshit when they saw someone made a public statement without consulting them.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Zerowone
Posts: 6949
By Lakshmi.Zerowone 2017-08-17 14:10:55
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Such kind descriptive words.

Asura.Saevel said: »
Trump is the result of both parties failing to provide a viable political system that represents their actual citizens.

So as to not be accused of putting words in your mouth are you referring to the modern day application of the electoral college or the failings of representative democracy due to money interests? Or something else, socially that you've yet to pontificate on?

Asura.Saevel said: »

Now if this was a socialist country then we would indeed have a facist dictator take over the government, yet since we have a (still) solid foundation for rule of law coupled with checks and balances, instead we get a loud obnoxious leader who does the exact opposite of his predecessors.

It's not a socialist country so again why all the pandering paranoia of cascading political calamity in the previous post?

Asura.Saevel said: »
President is a symptom of a deeper problem, nothing more nothing less.

Care to elaborate what this problem is? It is the second time in your post you alluded to it without description. Again far be it from me to assume what specifically you're referring to; only to suffer the accusation of putting words in your mouth.

It's no big secret that people feel disenfranchised by the federal government. The interesting thing is that everyone tends to have a different reason why.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9849
By Asura.Saevel 2017-08-17 14:28:16
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Lakshmi.Zerowone said: »
Care to elaborate what this problem is? It is the second time in your post you alluded to it without description.

Again your mental filter and selective memory.

On several occasional, nearly in every thread, I've mentioned how much the left and the right have failed in the USA. You just remove the words from the page because they disagree with your own Political Religion.

The right failed by focusing on "core conservatives" which were just the socially conservative super religious folks and warhawks while ignoring the younger generation of fiscal conservatives who couldn't give a damn about what people do in their bedrooms. Ever since Bush Jr the right has been nothing but "I pray to Jesus to know which breakfast I should eat" and "we need to bomb those heathens".

The left failed by focusing on social change and social justice via enforcement of fascist authoritarian censorship policies. Any dissenting voice is quelled by the mass social bullying coupled with disruption of life and even removal from employment or expulsion from a university. "Don't disagree with us or else" isn't a very endearing thing to do. While doing so the left completely ignored it's traditional worker focused platform, it paid mere lip service to workers while pushing for more power for itself.

Mass disenfranchisement resulted in the population wanting a third party candidate who didn't represent established political interests. Those candidates were Trump and (supposedly) Sanders, the Democrats would never allow another Obama situation where their carefully chosen candidate losing the primary. Established Republicans didn't want Trump at all yet he prevented them from using dirty tactics and ended up handily winning the candidacy.

That's the past year in a nutshell. Though like usual you won't read any of this and just skim over looking for something to attack me with.

Must be hard living with a Religion that states all people are perfectly equal, that any inequality must be the fault of the Evil White European Males (EWEMs) and that you need a big group of perfectly Omnipotent overlords to save the day.
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