Voidwatch Drop Rates

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Voidwatch Drop Rates
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2012-03-29 01:00:57
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I also hate how the destroy all option was moved :(
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Redox
Posts: 16
By Phoenix.Redox 2012-04-01 07:45:03
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Im goin to wear perle set doin Kaggen anymore... 0/700+ isnt fun really.. thats sad to hold ppl that long on ugly boring things to kill... ugliest part to shout over and over so where is the fun and sense, the new form of balance?! its true the game balance changed but not the right way puting a 1% droprate item in and make ppl cry about how long it can take to get et... maybe impossible by a lil chance to get it anyways in the next years lol
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2854
By Bismarck.Bloodbathboy 2012-04-01 07:50:20
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VW drop rates on good stuff= suck. On crap like logs or other junk = very good.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Aequis
Posts: 35
By Lakshmi.Aequis 2012-04-01 07:57:51
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0/36! I remember those days. They're far, far off in the past now...I think Pil alone is getting close to 0/152 now?

Agree with the comments about dwindling pool of people who will do the NMs. Aside from the biggest problem of the ridiculously random-based drops, this is the most pressing matter, as no-one who has gotten a Toci's harness or whatever wants to do these NMs again. The exception would possibly be Kaggen, which has a nice accessory drop but still, I hardly ever see shouts for this NM now. Can't remember seeing an Akvan shout for several months.

Not sure what SE can do to fix it, to be quite honest. I remember one guy at Pil, was white mage. Complained at DDs for changing equip because he couldn't target them. Few days later saw him with Heka's kalasiris...heh. Always happens.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2854
By Bismarck.Bloodbathboy 2012-04-01 08:02:16
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Point system for not taking your lot that can be used for items you do. May take forever. But atleast you know you would get something down the road. 0/100 on anything is just wrong.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: LadyRikku
Posts: 182
By Odin.Ladyrikku 2012-04-01 08:20:56
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They need to make it like Neo-Nyzul Kill 25 NM for a chance for 1 piece of equipment or something similar.

I have given up on Pil 0/god knows how many...

I have this strong feeling the game hates us more n more each day.
Posts: 117
By Kalima 2012-04-01 09:03:48
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I just hate how you can't transfer drops to other people. I've gone to kaggen a total of 8 times(1 run for clear, the other for boredom) and I've gotten every single drop from him which of course...I don't have any jobs that can use the body...but would have been nice to just hand it over to someone who was 0/9001

On the other hand, all the things I really want(Toci's and coruscanti would be nice...but I mostly do VW for plates these days) continue to elude me...
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19
By Fairy.Prometheus 2012-04-01 09:10:34
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I would like to get into voidwatch but these forums are pretty bleak.

Took me 6 months of work in a dynamis LS with a fair point system to get D-chap back in the day. Pretty sure in that amount of time (just counting stones it would take etc) a dedicated alliance could get anything they wanted and a few would complete their lvl 95* emp. Is that not true? Is there no way to make a point system that would keep people coming?
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10457
By Ramuh.Austar 2012-04-01 09:12:42
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wtf is a point system going to do for vw?
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9
By Sylph.Xpro 2012-04-01 09:14:22
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Well seems like the biggest complaint is attendance.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Sheelay
Posts: 2821
By Odin.Sheelay 2012-04-01 09:27:57
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They could make fights scalable depending on the number of people participating. Although it doesn't solve the main problem, it would ease the time wasted gathering 18 ppl, which can now take hours for certain NMs.

Set a "lvl cap like" difficulty so you can still fight the mobs adequately with 18/12/6 ppl.

If they allowed drops to be added to alliance pool it would favor Merc businesses, but it would surely get those unused drops to a new owner. When you see someone go "Oh, woop de doo, my 3rd Mekira body, /toss" it gets really frustrating.
Posts: 221
By Barleycup 2012-04-01 09:44:07
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Bismarck.Bloodbathboy said: »
Point system for not taking your lot that can be used for items you do. May take forever. But atleast you know you would get something down the road. 0/100 on anything is just wrong.

0/213 on Ace's Mail
0/114 on Heka Kalisiris
0/90+ on Toki's
0/80+ on Ogier's pants
0/140+ on Anhur's . . .
1/103 Lux Pugio

( . . all with 3 Cobalt and 3 Ruby traded)

9 months and 30-40 VW fights per week still not 1 single VW body piece with all VW fights cleared and fought.

This would not be too bad if not for these facts:

LS mate got Ace's Mail 2/4 with no stones
Random pickup got Heka's 3 times from 12 fights.
LS mate got Toki's twice in a row then got Dilarams fight after.
34 member LS I am only person now without Toki's apart from mules
34 member LS I am 1 of 2 people now without Ogiers Legs.

Momumentally stupid drop system is monumentally stupid.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Calatilla
Posts: 2507
By Asura.Calatilla 2012-04-01 09:55:58
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Barleycup said: »
LS mate got Ace's Mail 2/4 with no stones

I thought you didn't get a chest if you didn't use void stones. Or did you mean cells? Personally I dont think cells do anything, Ive done over 100 Akvan trading 3 rubi each fight and have yet to get one, friend had done 12 with no cells and got his on the 4th kill.
Posts: 221
By Barleycup 2012-04-01 10:16:14
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Asura.Calatilla said: »
Barleycup said: »
LS mate got Ace's Mail 2/4 with no stones

I thought you didn't get a chest if you didn't use void stones. Or did you mean cells? Personally I dont think cells do anything, Ive done over 100 Akvan trading 3 rubi each fight and have yet to get one, friend had done 12 with no cells and got his on the 4th kill.

meant cells sorrah!
Guide Maker
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-04-01 10:17:20
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You can't get the chest without voidstones.

Anyway, am I the only one who doesn't count how many times I've fought a nm? Most of these x/x seem so arbitrary lol.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 215
By Bahamut.Kujah 2012-04-01 10:19:11
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This may just be superstition but I think having x2 periapt of glory is making a difference. Ive had 4 glowy bodies since update, 3 of em in the last 2 days, tho I have been on top of all VW nms since its release - picked up 2nd mekira , tocis, hekas and anhur all since i got 550% red per kill. Not just me noticing either, alot of posts on BG about similar happenings.
Serveur: Alexander
Game: FFXI
Posts: 39
By Alexander.Kryptonitic 2012-04-01 10:27:27
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0 / random very high number I just made up on Aliyat Chakram just to fit in. (Chatting ***, we all know it drops all the time just like Ace's Mail)

For all the people that post about their bad luck I'm sorry you've had bad luck, really I am. I'm sure the amount of time (in months) it takes you to get a Toci's is way, way longer than the 2+ years it took your average Rdm to get pimp hats from dyna. As for farming HMPs and only getting 27/900+ from VW I assume you've never spammed a Zilart T3 or been one of the people who have gone 0/200+ on Toci's?

I'm well aware that people have had horrific luck on VW drops especially bodys but I think it's ridiculous that people actually come out with crap like "It's obviously gonna be the pink person who gets the good drop" Why do people troll themselves? Fact is, if that person attends the NM and has a voidstone on them they have as much right to a drop as you do wether they've never done it before and you've done it 700+ times or not.

VW is what it is and the proposed implementation of a ticket system to prevent obtaining dupilicate items is awesome but when people post with massively skewed numbers depending on their mood crying all the time that they can't get an item and think they're the only one it's ridiculous.

Toci's Harness, situationally the best body piece in the game for a lot of jobs and because people haven't obtained it within 3 months of solid VW the game is broken.... le sigh
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Crolion
Posts: 221
By Carbuncle.Crollion 2012-04-01 10:30:40
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i feel ur pain tbh 1/322 on mekira
aces is a lie same with ogier legs.

did 4 pils last night the leader of the group finally got tocis after going 1/574 i onno about u guys but that pretty HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE.

the gear i want 0/100+ the gear i dont want (lux ogier body etc) like 1/15 max its beyond stupid tbh.

but i sit there and grind em out regardless as long as i keep getting plates i keep making the gils to do VW lol.
Guide Maker
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-04-01 10:43:20
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I'm 0/1 on Akvan...no one ever shouts for that one.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: RawrrZ
Posts: 3
By Asura.Rawrr 2012-04-01 10:47:25
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I was around 0/455ish on Mekira, and like 0/375 for Toci's. Stuff is just silly.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Sheelay
Posts: 2821
By Odin.Sheelay 2012-04-01 10:53:03
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Phoenix.Sehachan said: »
I'm 0/1 on Akvan...no one ever shouts for that one.

Sempre, qui a Odin!
Posts: 1167
By Fupafighters 2012-04-01 11:14:39
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DO yourselves a favor. If you do VW for plates, don't trade cells lol. I seem to get more metals that way. And I figure the HQ body drops and such are so low, that Cells arent going to help lol.
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Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Celll
Posts: 79
By Cerberus.Celll 2012-05-15 22:07:28
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Im 0/2349839047832459734598734053 on all bodies.

Could really use the body from kaggen for my pld and bst.
But since SE decided to make the 90-95 trials 1500 plates(really? I can make a relic for that much!) they needed a reason to nerf the drop system for it.

That as far as I can tell is the only reason why the drop rate is so low.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: altar1
Posts: 1676
By Bismarck.Altar 2012-05-15 22:09:04
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Cerberus.Celll said: »
really? I can make a relic for that much!
That's the point.
Posts: 107
By tigroux 2012-05-23 19:53:50
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0/200+ on the Anhur Robe.
Mate is 0/400 >.<
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Lynxblade
Posts: 1654
By Carbuncle.Lynxblade 2012-05-23 19:55:58
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didnt they add something to help drop rate?
Posts: 35
By Shaokahn 2012-05-23 20:01:29
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buddy got ogier's breeches on very 1st gaunab. Lol lucky ***
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Frobos
Posts: 261
By Fenrir.Frobos 2012-05-23 20:02:58
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Carbuncle.Lynxblade said: »
didnt they add something to help drop rate?

They gave us another red lights KI 25% boost which is like .0000001% higher chance for your bodies!
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Minjo
Posts: 2269
By Fenrir.Jinjo 2012-05-23 20:03:18
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Ogier's, Rubeus, Athos's etc. are not even comparable to the rates of the aura bodies - they are significantly more common.
Posts: 35
By Shaokahn 2012-05-23 20:05:13
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well i got mekira body in about 30 kills or so lol