Obama Press Conference

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Obama Press Conference
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By Serj 2010-11-03 22:32:48
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Seraph.Rafik said:
Serj said:
Seraph.Rafik said:
Serj said:

Check this out!

As I said, it's easy to blame the black guy.

I guess you fail to realize that Obama is going to be spending $2billion on a ten day trip?


As I said, it's easy to blame the black guy.

you cant read

this is what it says in the article that you have linked

"Two new Boeing 747-200B's were purchased for presidential use in 1990, at a cost of approximately $650 million, plus $140 for a "maintenance and support complex" (an enormous hangar) at Andrews Air Force Base."

Nowhere does it say that the $1billion you claim was spent on a one trip. Aircrafts gets old and need to be replaced from time to time. You, didnt know that?

one fail troll

carry on

And I can't read? 650 + 140 + 185 = 975 million. EXCUSE ME. Also

Carbuncle.Shokox said:
Also the numbers were found to be widely ludicrous and from an Indian source (i.e. not an American nor informed source).

I agree with the blame the black guy sentiments partially.

Which is what I'm looking for currently. I'll be back when I find something reliable and not blown out of proportion to fuel hatred for the president as a political tactic.

And it's always easy to blame all you can on the black guy. I'll try to get to that point later, if I feel like it.
Serveur: Phoenix
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user: Excelior
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By Phoenix.Excelior 2010-11-03 22:35:41
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Did anyone here ever think that we don't have a problem on our hands at all and it's just your mentality.

First of all wallstreet has recovered it's losses and is now back up into the 10 trillions.

Secondly, jobs can not develop without industries expanding. Industry can not expand unless they have the money. Industrys don't have the money unless they're making increased profit margins and are meeting budget. The only way to increase profit margins is to LOWER THE INTEREST RATE. You want jobs yet to get jobs you're asking for companies to over expand AGAIN.

Some people are going to have to suck it the *** up and understand that even though we want them to have jobs, we can't just magically *** produce them because they are deserving and the world owes them everything. If people want jobs they are going to have to wait for real economic recovery and shut the *** up and make the best of the situation until then. Obama can't force companies to hire people and doing so wouldn't even be an intelligent decision.
Serveur: Seraph
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user: dascorp
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By Seraph.Rafik 2010-11-03 22:41:58
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Serj, how do you compare spending money to purchase new aircrafts for the presidency to an actual trip that is going to last ten days?

Those aircrafts have and will be used by other presidents.... and the money to replace them would be in the budget, unless of course you expect our presidents to use ships?
Serveur: Phoenix
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user: Excelior
Posts: 2093
By Phoenix.Excelior 2010-11-03 22:45:46
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If you want to see real change in america than the citizens of america need to change. Great Britain's population accepted and supported decreasing their wellfare state to balance the budget.

American's need to do this:

1. Be willing to concede Medicare and Medicade.

2. Be willing to cut wellfare

3. Be willing to cut unemployment

4. Be willing to cut special interest

However, almost all americans oppose those ideas so the government can't do ***. You guys all *** demand and concede nothing. I swear to god people in this country are gready as hell and is NOT wallstreet.
Serveur: Ragnarok
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Posts: 374
By Ragnarok.Shadowknoll 2010-11-03 22:55:42
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Phoenix.Excelior said:
If you want to see real change in america than the citizens of america need to change. Great Britain's population accepted and supported decreasing their wellfare state to balance the budget.

American's need to do this:

1. Be willing to concede Medicare and Medicade.

2. Be willing to cut wellfare

3. Be willing to cut unemployment

4. Be willing to cut special interest

However, almost all americans oppose those ideas so the government can't do ***. You guys all *** demand and concede nothing. I swear to god people in this country are gready as hell and is NOT wallstreet.
1. partly agreed
2. agreed
3. agreed (money for food nothing else.)
4. the only people who should get money from the government are people who are disabled or cant physically take care of them selfs.

Otherwise cut all this BS spending for stupid ***and for people to sit on their *** because if you get right in the sweet spot you can get **** loads of benefits and live better than people who can't because "You make to much money to qualify" and they work and are living on less income then people with "benefits".
Serveur: Seraph
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user: dascorp
Posts: 1051
By Seraph.Rafik 2010-11-03 22:55:55
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Exceilor, how about we start with no more bailouts to business that are, too big to fail first? and let the market run its course

Oh, right that is not going to happen anytime soon.

It makes you wonder how the US government has the money to bailout all of these large corporations, but none to bailout the people. Is the whole idea of a government to be working for the people?

So much corruption is being uncovered lately, but not being covered by the prime news.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 374
By Ragnarok.Shadowknoll 2010-11-03 23:00:56
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on a lol side note,
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Excelior
Posts: 2093
By Phoenix.Excelior 2010-11-03 23:02:51
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Seraph.Rafik said:
Exceilor, how about we start with no more bailouts to business that are, too big to fail first? and let the market run its course Oh, right that is not going to happen anytime soon. It makes you wonder how the US government has the money to bailout all of these large corporations, but none to bailout the people. Is the whole idea of a government to be working for the people? So much corruption is being uncovered lately, but not being covered by the prime news.

Wallstreet pays 98% of US taxes. Middle class and average Americans pay about 2%. Guess what pays for all wellfare benefits? Taxes. Therefore wallstreet pays for all wellfare benefits for the middle class. I guess since they've been giving us a bailout since the start of the graduated income tax maybe we should stop QQing about trying to not make them fail. You know, since if they went out of business people would *** that they lost their job. It's so easy to just blame corperate America.
Serveur: Unicorn
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Posts: 64
By Unicorn.Brock 2010-11-03 23:20:02
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Lol, enjoy your gridlock with Senate/Obama.

I do not have an agenda. If I did then a gridlock in both chambers would be a problem. For me, this is about Checks and Balances and in the wonderful bicameral government that we enjoy here in the U.S. means that all this crazy crap that gets pushed through is going to get holed up by the House of Representatives and debated. For those that do have an agenda you'll have to wait two more years for anything major to be passed. Yay Checks and Balances!

Also you're kinda slow on the uptake-- be it Democrats or Republicans, people want change... that's why people are biting Obama's head off.

Yes, people want change. Look what has "changed" so far.

A medicare bill was passed with the American people still angry about how it was handle. There was really not a debate on a senate and house floor or 'Transparency' when the massive 5000 page essay was provided to us. It was crammed in our face when the voter was dealing with a 10% Unemployment Rate and $13Trillion Debt was our main priority.

The gays are still pissed that the DADT policy is still in place as well as Gay Marriage hasn't been formally and properly addressed.

There is ire by both sides on how to deal with the Mexico border policy or how it was handle thus far.

Guantanamo is not closed yet (Campaign promise; although there is improvement)

We still have Troops serving on two fronts overseas (One is hopefully beginning to wrap up, the other is nowhere close to being finished)

The bailout money is sitting in a coffer at the moment and is waiting to be either spent or sent back to the U.S. Treasury to be reabsorbed.

The Whites are pissed that the unemployment rate is still hovering at numbers near preobama rates.

Seems the only people that are happy are the blacks because they got their Black president and even then, some of the blacks are dealing with one of the above issues in some form or fashion.

People wanted change and in a government where Democrats hold super-majorities in both Legislative and Executive branches of government they were not able to meet many of the promises that voters voted him in to office to do.

If this was McCain he would be getting his own head bitten off, and we would continue to see a Democrat-ran House (albeit not as bad due to being white, lol) However, change doesn't come fast at all, Obama said this full well knowing MANY times before he won and immediately after. Also the fact that the economy is *** to hell and worse than that of 60 years ago.

I do hope that if the situation we're reversed and it was McCain and the Republicans back in the hot seat that he and the rest of his lackeys would be held accountable. Its not about party affiliation or color. If you get voted into office and are making $174,000.00 yearly as a representative in the house, you better be doing something that can be measured in the form of progress.

You sound like one of this idiot pundits that like to speak your dumbass opinions and commentary with no real solution to anything.

That makes sense. Because being given options and knowing which of the options you are given is incorrect makes you an idiot. I will remember that the next time:

A thief robs me on the street at gunpoint demanding my wallet and I am given the option of:
A.) Reaching for my knife and fighting
B.) Running
C.) Give the wallet over
D.) Call his mom and *** and a wh0re

I don't know which of the options will get me out of the situation without me getting shot and killed but I sure as hell know which of these options would likely lead me to getting shot and killed.

I know what Obama shouldn't have done. After rereading his press conference transcript a 4th time I can tell you that I think he might have gotten it too. He shouldn't have pushed party agenda through the system without first taking care of the economy and jobs. We had a "LOLJobSummit" last December when the Unemployment Expension Benefits was brought back to the forefront and that was his solution; and Job Summit.

Mind you, I don't agree with all of Obama's ideas and planning, nor do I agree with him trying the bi-partisan thing (he shoulda just ran in with some "I run ***now ***, we gonna do ***like this, lets go"), but some of you are really blunt, and won't listen to anything.

Sounds like a Dictatorship to me. From his Election in 2008 up until yesterday, a super-majority which he had was about as close as you can get in the US to a dictatorship and that is why I like opposing parties to hold one of the houses opposite to the executive branch.
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Moldtech
Posts: 611
By Unicorn.Moldtech 2010-11-03 23:22:25
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Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Thunderz
Posts: 4118
By Ramuh.Thunderz 2010-11-03 23:23:15
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Phoenix.Excelior said:
Seraph.Rafik said:
Exceilor, how about we start with no more bailouts to business that are, too big to fail first? and let the market run its course Oh, right that is not going to happen anytime soon. It makes you wonder how the US government has the money to bailout all of these large corporations, but none to bailout the people. Is the whole idea of a government to be working for the people? So much corruption is being uncovered lately, but not being covered by the prime news.

Wallstreet pays 98% of US taxes. Middle class and average Americans pay about 2%. Guess what pays for all wellfare benefits? Taxes. Therefore wallstreet pays for all wellfare benefits for the middle class. I guess since they've been giving us a bailout since the start of the graduated income tax maybe we should stop QQing about trying to not make them fail. You know, since if they went out of business people would *** that they lost their job. It's so easy to just blame corperate America.

this is soo true

honestly if those Company's failed the economy would be in a worse shape then it is now. Government can only do so much to generate jobs or push businesses to hire. Only in time that the economy will recover.

In the end all the money that was paid out are actually loan's and in time those company's will pay the government back (with interest)
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 64
By Unicorn.Brock 2010-11-03 23:26:21
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Damn spellchec...aww fk it you got my point hopefully.

for the record I am neither Dem or Rep. In fact I didn't even choose a Rep in the 6th District in Georgia. The rep on the Ballot was a douchebag and hopefully the bum is in the unemployment line come January.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Excelior
Posts: 2093
By Phoenix.Excelior 2010-11-03 23:27:25
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Unicorn.Brock said:
Damn spellchec...aww fk it you got my point hopefully. for the record I am neither Dem or Rep. In fact I didn't even choose a Rep in the 6th District in Georgia. The rep on the Ballot was a douchebag and hopefully the bum is in the unemployment line come January.

Based on your posts I'd say you just like to complain regardless of political party. Kudos
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Thunderz
Posts: 4118
By Ramuh.Thunderz 2010-11-03 23:31:04
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Ragnarok.Shadowknoll said:
Phoenix.Excelior said:
If you want to see real change in america than the citizens of america need to change. Great Britain's population accepted and supported decreasing their wellfare state to balance the budget.

American's need to do this:

1. Be willing to concede Medicare and Medicade.

2. Be willing to cut wellfare

3. Be willing to cut unemployment

4. Be willing to cut special interest

However, almost all americans oppose those ideas so the government can't do ***. You guys all *** demand and concede nothing. I swear to god people in this country are gready as hell and is NOT wallstreet.
1. partly agreed
2. agreed
3. agreed (money for food nothing else.)
4. the only people who should get money from the government are people who are disabled or cant physically take care of them selfs.

Otherwise cut all this BS spending for stupid ***and for people to sit on their *** because if you get right in the sweet spot you can get **** loads of benefits and live better than people who can't because "You make to much money to qualify" and they work and are living on less income then people with "benefits".

people want more services but also want to pay less taxes. This mentality is found everywhere. That is why I don't bother with politics.... since everyone is HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE in the end
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 64
By Unicorn.Brock 2010-11-03 23:33:54
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Based on your posts I'd say you just like to complain regardless of political party. Kudos

That's pretty much the sentiment that I've been getting from a lot of my friends who lean a little more left than I do but I'm so thankful and blessed to live in a country where my representatives are not decided in the forums by strangers with their own personal ideas and agenda's but rather in the ballot boxes.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Excelior
Posts: 2093
By Phoenix.Excelior 2010-11-03 23:35:48
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Unicorn.Brock said:
Based on your posts I'd say you just like to complain regardless of political party. Kudos
That's pretty much the sentiment that I've been getting from a lot of my friends who lean a little more left than I do but I'm so thankful and blessed to live in a country where my representatives are not decided in the forums by strangers with their own personal ideas and agenda's but rather in the ballot boxes.

I'm pretty rediculously far right and conservative so it's nothing to do with what liberals think of you.
Posts: 10631
By Serj 2010-11-03 23:37:41
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Totally appropriate.
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 64
By Unicorn.Brock 2010-11-03 23:38:40
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So then you mean to tell me you just wanted to post to feel "included in the discussion". Fair enough.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Excelior
Posts: 2093
By Phoenix.Excelior 2010-11-03 23:41:04
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Unicorn.Brock said:
So then you mean to tell me you just wanted to post to feel "included in the discussion". Fair enough.

I'm posting to say that your views are inconsistant with all politics in general and that you just don't understand the issues atm. It's not a matter of agreeing with policys of one side or not.
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Jetackuu
Posts: 9001
By Bahamut.Jetackuu 2010-11-03 23:46:57
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I'll say I'm impressed by Excellior, and Serj in this one, both bring good points to the table.

As on the Obama spending money on trips, stop QQing, it's pointless to *** about it. Also the entire sweeping movement of the tea party is unfounded and quite frankly ignorant anger directed at the party in charge.
Serveur: Carbuncle
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user: Sevourn
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By Carbuncle.Sevourn 2010-11-03 23:50:46
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Unicorn.Brock said:
Based on your posts I'd say you just like to complain regardless of political party. Kudos

That's pretty much the sentiment that I've been getting from a lot of my friends who lean a little more left than I do but I'm so thankful and blessed to live in a country where my representatives are not decided in the forums by strangers with their own personal ideas and agenda's but rather in the ballot boxes.

and you don't think that the slips of paper in ballot boxes come from strangers with their own ideas and agenda

don't judge me

some of my best friends are ballots
By 2010-11-03 23:52:53
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Serveur: Fenrir
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Posts: 1344
By Fenrir.Weewoo 2010-11-04 00:19:19
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In the words of a fictional big black guy with a prosthetic gun attached to his arm:

Money; shucks!
By 2010-11-04 00:26:52
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Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Jetackuu
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By Bahamut.Jetackuu 2010-11-04 00:43:19
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Fenrir.Weewoo said:
In the words of a fictional big black guy with a prosthetic gun attached to his arm:

Money; shucks!
Damn those Shinra!
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Shokox
Posts: 633
By Carbuncle.Shokox 2010-11-04 08:16:11
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Unicorn.Brock said:
Mind you, I don't agree with all of Obama's ideas and planning, nor do I agree with him trying the bi-partisan thing (he shoulda just ran in with some "I run ***now ***, we gonna do ***like this, lets go"), but some of you are really blunt, and won't listen to anything.

Sounds like a Dictatorship to me. From his Election in 2008 up until yesterday, a super-majority which he had was about as close as you can get in the US to a dictatorship and that is why I like opposing parties to hold one of the houses opposite to the executive branch.

Nah, not a dictatorship. A super-majority has it's advantages, especially since everyone and their mother knew that GOP would take the Party of No stance from day one of dudes Presidency. However no, he wanted to be nice and bi-partisan way too early, without first garnering any small shred of respect from GOP, and they took advantage of that weakness and soiled his name and authority up. Then the Tea Party Movement basically being formed from his healthcare agenda also added to that.

If you read a few of my posts long ago, you'd see that I actually agree with you, and took it one step further -- I wish GOP took the House AND the Senate, because it would have given Obama a full-on adversary to work with (against) and the blame would be shared evenly between the Executive and the Legislative for all of this mess. The Right owns a lot of the mess now, so it's all good. Probably just enough to get Obama elected by 2012, lol.
Posts: 124
By Vittles 2010-11-04 08:42:04
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Serj said:
Unicorn.Brock said:
We did and so did the rest of America. That's why the US Political Map was Red when we all woke up this morning.
And the democrats still control the senate. I really fail to see your point.

Dems control the Senate by a weak margin, and they wont see ***unless the house wants them to. The house can also defund programs, have fun with your Dems. in control... lmfao
Posts: 145
By Crighton 2010-11-04 09:39:50
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Bahamut.Jetackuu said:
Phoenix.Excelior said:
Lakshmi.Jaerik said:
Hopefully he'll learn from how Clinton handled a similar situation back in 1996. Although back then, Republicans controlled both chambers of Congress, so the situation was a bit more dire for him. Honestly, I expect nothing more than absolute government gridlock for two years. It would probably be more constructive for Obama and Congress to just take a 24 month vacation and try again in 2012. It kinda makes me long for the Parliamentary system of government, like Britain or Japan. Where once we get into a situation like this, the head of state can simply dissolve Congress and call for mass elections for every seat again.

He's taken about 6 vacations just this year! Let the guy work. Not to mention his wife's trips.


cry moar, the man is allowed time off.

You are right let the man have his time off, but there is no need to leave such a carbon footprint. I don't see any of the other Presidents you showed in the article you quoted doing this.
Serveur: Leviathan
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user: ChaosX128
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By Leviathan.Chaosx 2010-11-04 10:24:06
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Crighton said:
Bahamut.Jetackuu said:
Phoenix.Excelior said:
Lakshmi.Jaerik said:
Hopefully he'll learn from how Clinton handled a similar situation back in 1996. Although back then, Republicans controlled both chambers of Congress, so the situation was a bit more dire for him. Honestly, I expect nothing more than absolute government gridlock for two years. It would probably be more constructive for Obama and Congress to just take a 24 month vacation and try again in 2012. It kinda makes me long for the Parliamentary system of government, like Britain or Japan. Where once we get into a situation like this, the head of state can simply dissolve Congress and call for mass elections for every seat again.

He's taken about 6 vacations just this year! Let the guy work. Not to mention his wife's trips.


cry moar, the man is allowed time off.

You are right let the man have his time off, but there is no need to leave such a carbon footprint. I don't see any of the other Presidents you showed in the article you quoted doing this.
talk about a lame duck Q_Q
By 2010-11-04 10:48:52
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