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Looking for members. This is a Merc Linkshell. Meaning every drop is sell able to make its members gil. Ill go over how we do our payout first since i am sure that's most important to those applying.

All events have attendance. All items sold will be split 95%/(number of campers) 5% will go to bank to pay for LS events. If the bank gets to be rather high, that will be distributed to the most active 10 members as a bonus, but still leaving a 5m base left in bank.

Payouts will be done weekly because we do NOT want a revolving bank. We want our members to get gil and better themselves and gear to better us as a linkshell.

Sales Breakdown

Items that drop will be offered first to the LS to buy. Yes LS members will have to buy items too. If no one in the LS wishes to buy said drops, we will then turn outside LS for a buyer. In the event of no buyers for said items, we will default to our LS DKP for members to cast lots.

As for the usual HNM LS drama. We will not partake in the drama. When we claim we will kill, leave, rinse repeat. Our linkshell will never talk trash in say as it is not needed. Nor will we ever attempt to MPK or steal claim from another LS. We ask other HNM shells do the same.

If this interests you please feel free to apply. We do ask that you have at least 1 mage job. Must have outstanding merits and above average gear. Thank you for reading my post and i hope to see some very nice applications on our forums soon^^


P.S. I posted here to allow all members of FFXI to see not just Asura. So mods can delete the thread in Asura area if needed. But this is where i would like this to be since i am reaching out to all servers^^


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