Final Fantasy XIV Database -

Eorzea Time
Langues: JP EN FR DE
users online
Members: 107 | Lodestone
Last Updated: 7 years 9 months
Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. Welcome to the guild
Rang Nom
9 Catnip Junkie
2 Wolf Midnight
12 Farlis Chere
9 Beaster Frostborn
9 Emelin Dreadnaught
2 Beater Kirito
1 Unleashed Caitsith
0 Budd Royce
4 Honda Accord
3 M'eisa Qolnh
9 Besharia Silmari
9 Eliash Winterburn
9 Rhett Highwind
2 Cheddarjack Cj
2 Mysia Lihzeh
2 Olivia Lolomeja
2 Omiyasha Tobishu
2 Serocrea Alamoza
9 Sinister Ocelot
2 Sir Bloodwarrior
5 Suhzu Sunseeker
6 Vee Khazd'in
2 Zedd Strongwall
2 Estelle Ashford
1 Jade Wolf
9 Jasmine Nevaeh
2 Matthias Kantor
9 Willow Rosenberg
9 Lindzorz Ailuridae
9 Izzy Varros
5 Ruu Lerato
5 Warped Devotion
2 Aria Bhen
2 Que Cumber
12 Kurtis Down
9 Aeris Stotle
9 Katniss Wilde
7 Quintin Qinn
4 Suzume Mandana
2 Garrison Gerraldieux
9 Hallow Death
2 Dievater Inebriated
9 Jiro Ishii
5 Kasei Yamanako
9 Pink Aurora
2 Babyithink I'loveyou
2 Sypher Uzumaki
9 Sazun Kage
2 Shadow Nightstalker
2 Talim Mezanine
6 Lord Ganajai
2 Naota Nandaba
2 Cryo Dragoon
4 Sjoi Djgo
5 Rae Trenet
2 Auburn Flame
2 Kitten Milkshake
2 Theo Xedeas
9 Sethidus Vorscye
9 Der Krimi
9 Nav Velenda
5 Desi Himura
9 Scarlet Noire
2 Ash Pebbleton
2 Lysan Arthie
2 Bruce Schwayne
9 Husky Mikiger
9 Tristan Antares
9 Atropos Circe
2 Phydra Delarose
2 Magic Touch
2 Scary Lucky
2 Butters Creampie
9 Brutus Gilligan
9 Flu Ra'moo
2 Kintori Verinet
2 Spicy Boi
2 Tireur Isole
2 Island Breeze
2 Nyx Nova
2 Thrillbo Swagginz
2 Kae'li Xhelne
2 Lego Lass
2 Swagwise Gamzee
2 Fro-do Swagginz
2 Rijan Lusky
5 Rinzy Ringtail
2 Talsun Archedes
2 Tonka Opossum
2 Azuma Kikuchiyo
2 Bjorn Felhammer
2 Tokala Toska
2 Kiw'ula Linta
2 Sir Meow
2 Vulcan Kirminas
9 Andy Nonimose
9 Chippy Munks
2 Spice Dandy
9 Rioux Razia
2 Ura Yabuqa
2 Wifi Cabbit
2 Athena Brave
2 Bail Aleph
2 Noki Varis
2 Sarnai Kahkol
2 Noah Tyker
2 Teeny Littlemog