HERRO Leviathan

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HERRO Leviathan
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Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Ryujia
Posts: 50
By Remora.Ryujia 2010-03-03 05:26:01
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Remora.Izunita said:
I wonder,if the community in Leviathan has their inner wars between LSs, if not,.. well, we going with a good dosis over there (ι´Д`)ノ.

Hope Ryujia`s name is taken and SE change her name to "swineflu" or something. (joooking)

~Cheaaateeerr loool ~

PD: Yes, i don`t wanna be in Levi, i wanna stay in dead remora, but SE must kill urgent!! the AB parties, imo ¡_¡ .

You are so very mean. ; ; But nope! I already reserved my name. :D /pokeeeeeeeeee
Remora.Erriudo said:
My shell had been in sea for hours, we rotate the pops as opposed to wasting 15 minutes at a time doing nothing in between ???s. We were just getting back from Prudence when you guys showed up there, not sure how you think you had more right than us. Nothing was stopping you from popping it besides your own lack of initiative and/or organization.

All I'm saying is we were already at JoL. We were just about ready to pop it. I'm sorry you guys had left the pop area. When you go up to an unknown, and there's not one linkshell around, you're pretty certain that you're going to pop it next and some shell isn't going to jump right in and pop it. Though I won't argue with you about the prep speed of my linkshell lol

It doesn't matter how long you were in sea. That's HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE.. saying you were in a theme park since noon doesn't mean you can be first in ride lines just because everyone else came at 3.
Leviathan.Erang said:
to the ladies of remora: hit me up if you have facebook that has no reference to ffxi whatsoever. :P

Creepy! D:
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Eriuddo
Posts: 98
By Remora.Eriuddo 2010-03-03 06:02:17
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Remora.Ryujia said:
It doesn't matter how long you were in sea. That's HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE.. saying you were in a theme park since noon doesn't mean you can be first in ride lines just because everyone else came at 3.
Exactly my point. You implied that having half of your linkshell at love ??? gives you dibbs. As my linkshell does things more efficiently by cycling pops(and knows when ???s will respawn).. we felt that we were on the same level. We popped, you didn't, it's unfortunate you had to wait but you should be glad we let you do yours while we did all our other jailers and wasted our time later sitting there between pops instead of just whoring the ??? for the remaining 5 pops we had that day.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 16
By Remora.Willoflame 2010-03-03 07:59:52
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First of all, Leviathan, I would like to apologize on my server's behalf for starting this drama on your forum. It sucks because this topic was a social greeting, and turned into an accusation-fest.

As for the linkshells on Remora, I can tell you right now that we have some rude shells. I'm sure that Leviathan does as well. So it is safe to say that there will be even more on our merged server. I apologize for this also.

All apologies aside, I am quite excited myself to meet some of you Leviathan players. I've heard there's quite a few JP players, and that Leviathan is a very kind server. If this information holds true, I am absolutely stoked to be merging with you all. While the merge does suck, at least I will be among nice, understanding people.

It's going to be rough at first, but I'm sure that we will get used to each other within the first month or so. Again, I can't wait to meet you all!

P.S. My name is not Will-Of-Lame. It's Willo-Flame.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Rojo
Posts: 14
By Remora.Ojor 2010-03-03 11:49:13
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Remora.Willoflame said:
P.S. My name is not Will-Of-Lame. It's Willo-Flame.
You know, I've wondered that for a while and didn't want to sound like a *** by asking. I do appreciate tongue-in-cheek self-depreciation (wait, do those cancel out?) too so either way, good to know.

I would like to say that I don't think you should feel the need to apologize for someone else's behavior (though I hope the sentiment is appreciated) as it's this cut-throat mentality begat from the HNM competition that has eroded cooperation and trust between so many shells. The elitist attitudes certainly don't help to garner respect either. As of late, there really haven't been any issues I've personally seen. Granted, for end-game, I'm not an officer or in charge of anything other than being the self-appointed Administrator of Silly Stupidity, so there could always have been more going on at the 'top level,' but I won't speculate without cause.

There are at least a few other shells on Remora I've personally noticed being proactive with checking on others' schedules to minimize any conflict, Willo's included. I do believe the 'cut-throats' are in the minority, just much more prolific. After all, you never hear inane rants about Shell-X patiently waiting for another group to finish Byakko or disparaging rumors of Shell-Y, the *** that they are, checking with other Dyna leaders to verify a zone's availability two weeks out.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Luz
Posts: 62
By Remora.Aneu 2010-03-03 14:10:40
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Not to sound rude towards Ninian, I've talked to her briefly once and she is quite nice. But she really is sugarcoating the Kirin drama. Take away the fact that she was afk and admits to speculating to a certain extent in some of her posts.

Just some quick notes before I go into this: I left before Covenant's pop. I was not at the time part of Covenant. I was just staring at my moogle and heard of some Kirin drama so thought I'd rather stare at my chat log.

Covenant may have more than it's share of inexperienced and/or players with subpar gear (yo!), but they are easily capable of killing Kirin. The ls has potential, and the players are learning.

Thorny, everyone knows, loves to flame people. He flames people for being gimp while they're trying to ungimp. Since before endgame gear you are inherently gimp. He would LOVE to flame Covenant ls for ruining their own pop. Fact of the matter is he didn't. That alone is a red flag that something malicious took place. Like I said I left before Covenant's pop but from what I HEARD IdkBro (who earlier were lowmanning their Kirin with RDM/NIN kiters and SMNs) used their RDM/NINs to claim Covenant's minigods then unleashed them at once to wipe Covenant and take their pop.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 39
By Leviathan.Xepherhiro 2010-03-03 14:23:31
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Leviathan.Erang said:
When you get here we can have a bar-b-q; I'll put my meat up on yo grill! \('o' )
Leviathan.Erang said:
to the ladies of remora: hit me up if you have facebook that has no reference to ffxi whatsoever. :P

...Dot dot fuggin' dot dood...lol. You might as well just Holla at the main girl Ninian and just be like "WHAT UP, DURL!?!? LEMME STICK MAH BEEF IN YOH TACO KKTHX!!"
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Arucaurd
Posts: 602
By Remora.Brain 2010-03-03 16:19:48
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To be fair, it's not Leviathan's server. It's Remora's server too like it or not. Not trying to be rude or anything, just saying, it's not my server or your server, it's our server. I seriously doubt either culture's really going to change itself over a merger.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Eriuddo
Posts: 98
By Remora.Eriuddo 2010-03-03 17:30:40
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Remora.Aneu said:
Thorny, everyone knows, loves to flame people. He flames people for being gimp while they're trying to ungimp. Since before endgame gear you are inherently gimp. He would LOVE to flame Covenant ls for ruining their own pop. Fact of the matter is he didn't. That alone is a red flag that something malicious took place.
Trust me, you can be good before having endgame gear or gimp after it. There are millions of examples of this all over, ever check ATG?
used their RDM/NINs to claim Covenant's minigods then unleashed them at once to wipe Covenant and take their pop.
one RDM/NIN and one god, but yea, present and accounted for /
I mpked them and I stole it. No justification, /shrug. They were rude as hell to us during our pops and popped before us when we were there first.. we do about one sky day every 2-3 weeks, so not very much appreciated.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Ryujia
Posts: 50
By Remora.Ryujia 2010-03-03 18:58:08
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Remora.Eriuddo said:
I mpked them and I stole it. No justification, /shrug. They were rude as hell to us during our pops and popped before us when we were there first.. we do about one sky day every 2-3 weeks, so not very much appreciated.

Huh.. you were there first at the unknown.. yet someone popped before you, and you threw a fit and stole their mob..

Oh the irony..
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Hohenheim
Posts: 3351
By Leviathan.Hohenheim 2010-03-03 20:05:59
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Remora.Brain said:
To be fair, it's not Leviathan's server. It's Remora's server too like it or not. Not trying to be rude or anything, just saying, it's not my server or your server, it's our server. I seriously doubt either culture's really going to change itself over a merger.

The server name is Leviathan. But yeah.

Why don't you guys take this as a fresh start since there will be 1200 people who don't know this Remora drama and just put all the ***behind you. Just quit being douches to eachother with whatever the problem is, and if it happens again on Levi, then have cause to ***.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 39
By Leviathan.Xepherhiro 2010-03-03 20:11:25
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Leviathan.Hohenheim said:

The server name is Leviathan. But yeah.

Why don't you guys take this as a fresh start since there will be 1200 people who don't know this Remora drama and just put all the ***behind you. Just quit being douches to eachother with whatever the problem is, and if it happens again on Levi, then have cause to ***.

GG, Well put. You guys are comin' to a server and ya'll will meet a bunch of cool new peeps ;] Besides, no one likes a person that that's ***about others, We've all made mistakes (especially on this game, we've all had nub moments). Besides, despite all the other bad things that might come with merging servers, gotta look at the good side of things. Ppl always think about the negative things to ***, let's think positive yoh!
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Eriuddo
Posts: 98
By Remora.Eriuddo 2010-03-03 23:36:43
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Remora.Ryujia said:
Remora.Eriuddo said:
I mpked them and I stole it. No justification, /shrug. They were rude as hell to us during our pops and popped before us when we were there first.. we do about one sky day every 2-3 weeks, so not very much appreciated.

Huh.. you were there first at the unknown.. yet someone popped before you, and you threw a fit and stole their mob..

Oh the irony..
Q_Q harder. I stole a Kirin, I'm not denying it or trying to justify it. You can make your cheap comments and imply I 'threw a fit', but there are a few key differences;

1. We were there, having not left the room for hours, had done plenty of pops, told them that our sky days are few and far between so we didn't intend to leave.

2. They talked ***in say for literally 90 minutes during several of our fights before the incident.

3. I warned them it wouldn't end well if they ninja popped.

***wasn't even about the Kirin, it was about the time. If they asked politely I'd give them a set, it takes all of 2 hours to solo anyway..

Really, nobody cares that your shell had to wait for our JoL. We were in sea, we knew when the ??? repopped, we spent the 15 minutes killing Prudence instead of sitting on our ***. That doesn't give you any more right than us, sorry. We got back after it was up anyway, why didn't you pop if you were in such a rush?

On top of all that, we spent the hour+ it took your guys to kill it doing Prudence/Justice repeatedly, which meant forced downtime for us between Love respawns later. We could have kept popping them and ended up saving time in the long run.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Arucaurd
Posts: 602
By Remora.Brain 2010-03-04 00:22:10
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You can't really argue with a narcissistic douche like thorny.

You just ignore him and put the screws to him when you can.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Luz
Posts: 62
By Remora.Aneu 2010-03-04 00:37:24
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Meh, can't really generalize him either. I only made my post to get his side, the argument between Cav and Ninian was going nowhere. Thorny is too intelligent for his own good sometimes, he's hard to figure out. I personally think it's fun to observe IdkBro in general. Everyone I know in it is quite a character.

Doesn't really concern me too much what happened before I joined Covenant but I do think there is potential in at least the core members of the ls if not more of them. I say this with no particular merits (No, not ingame merits) of my own to call myself any good. I don't doubt that some of Cov were probably rude towards IdkBro. I also can say with assurance that Will (the leader) probably tried to stop his members, he's a good guy.

Noobs and IdkBro alike are mean to any player not in league with them. I know some real noobs with attitudes who buy stuff like Nash legs without having HQ staves, Ixion capes with Philomath stoles who try to talk down to me. I think to most, it matters more when a players you know are skilled are the ones to mistreat you. So don't take anything anyone says personally.

I think everyone should make their own judgement of what Thorny is like. I'm not his friend, but for no reason he has always given me advice when I ask him questions. I respect his skill and knowledge of game mechanics. I respect his devotion to his linkshells. I used to have an ill impression of him just because I heard of stuff he had done till members of Apotheosis that I was friends with set me straight. Who knows why he does the stuff he does sometimes lol.

I may just be too happy though that he just killed an Armed Gears pop for me a few hours ago >_> Despite seemingly having already read my previous post in this thread. Yay Aurum feets for me, one slot less gimpy!

(On a side note, I'm going to get flamed to death when I put Covenant on now)
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18
By Remora.Simplydark 2010-03-04 00:49:27
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This is going to be pretty interesting due to the fact that we're adding another 1.5k people into another 1.5k server. To be honest, I like it empty. Gives me more time to do solo things. I can't imagine how NMs are going to work, not to think about Dynamis, Sky, Sea, Limbus, Einherjar, etc.

Reading through the forums, just seems like tensions between two linkshells of Remora. I know what happened but in the end it doesn't matter. Moping about it doesn't do anything about it.

I have no tensions between anything and have no grudges against anyone. ***happens.

I'm just curious how 3k people will get their regular stuff done while trying to still keep their same event times lol.

Anyways, I await my ventures into Leviathan and hope for the best.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18
By Remora.Simplydark 2010-03-04 00:54:14
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Remora.Aneu said:
Meh, can't really generalize him either. I only made my post to get his side, the argument between Cav and Ninian was going nowhere. Thorny is too intelligent for his own good sometimes, he's hard to figure out. I personally think it's fun to observe IdkBro in general. Everyone I know in it is quite a character.

Doesn't really concern me too much what happened before I joined Covenant but I do think there is potential in at least the core members of the ls if not more of them. I say this with no particular merits (No, not ingame merits) of my own to call myself any good. I don't doubt that some of Cov were probably rude towards IdkBro. I also can say with assurance that Will (the leader) probably tried to stop his members, he's a good guy.

Noobs and IdkBro alike are mean to any player not in league with them. I know some real noobs with attitudes who buy stuff like Nash legs without having HQ staves, Ixion capes with Philomath stoles who try to talk down to me. I think to most, it matters more when a players you know are skilled are the ones to mistreat you. So don't take anything anyone says personally.

I think everyone should make their own judgement of what Thorny is like. I'm not his friend, but for no reason he has always given me advice when I ask him questions. I respect his skill and knowledge of game mechanics. I respect his devotion to his linkshells. I used to have an ill impression of him just because I heard of stuff he had done till members of Apotheosis that I was friends with set me straight. Who knows why he does the stuff he does sometimes lol.

I may just be too happy though that he just killed an Armed Gears pop for me a few hours ago >_> Despite seemingly having already read my previous post in this thread. Yay Aurum feets for me, one slot less gimpy!

(On a side note, I'm going to get flamed to death when I put Covenant on now)

Don't worry about it Aneu. There's no point of bringing our tensions into another server. In the end it won't even matter. I'm being neutral and my ls may hate me for it but picking sides won't get us anywhere. I'm not one to talk ***. It's done and it's done.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Luz
Posts: 62
By Remora.Aneu 2010-03-04 00:56:48
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Remora.Simplydark said:
Remora.Aneu said:
Meh, can't really generalize him either. I only made my post to get his side, the argument between Cav and Ninian was going nowhere. Thorny is too intelligent for his own good sometimes, he's hard to figure out. I personally think it's fun to observe IdkBro in general. Everyone I know in it is quite a character.

Doesn't really concern me too much what happened before I joined Covenant but I do think there is potential in at least the core members of the ls if not more of them. I say this with no particular merits (No, not ingame merits) of my own to call myself any good. I don't doubt that some of Cov were probably rude towards IdkBro. I also can say with assurance that Will (the leader) probably tried to stop his members, he's a good guy.

Noobs and IdkBro alike are mean to any player not in league with them. I know some real noobs with attitudes who buy stuff like Nash legs without having HQ staves, Ixion capes with Philomath stoles who try to talk down to me. I think to most, it matters more when a players you know are skilled are the ones to mistreat you. So don't take anything anyone says personally.

I think everyone should make their own judgement of what Thorny is like. I'm not his friend, but for no reason he has always given me advice when I ask him questions. I respect his skill and knowledge of game mechanics. I respect his devotion to his linkshells. I used to have an ill impression of him just because I heard of stuff he had done till members of Apotheosis that I was friends with set me straight. Who knows why he does the stuff he does sometimes lol.

I may just be too happy though that he just killed an Armed Gears pop for me a few hours ago >_> Despite seemingly having already read my previous post in this thread. Yay Aurum feets for me, one slot less gimpy!

(On a side note, I'm going to get flamed to death when I put Covenant on now)

Don't worry about it Aneu. There's no point of bringing our tensions into another server. In the end it won't even matter. I'm being neutral and my ls may hate me for it but picking sides won't get us anywhere. I'm not one to talk ***. It's done and it's done.

I agree Simp xD
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Hohenheim
Posts: 3351
By Leviathan.Hohenheim 2010-03-04 03:20:26
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The most punctual ls will win most likely. Just no need to be asshats.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7
By Remora.Ganon 2010-03-04 06:28:21
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Remora.Eriuddo said:
Remora.Ryujia said:
Remora.Eriuddo said:
I mpked them and I stole it. No justification, /shrug. They were rude as hell to us during our pops and popped before us when we were there first.. we do about one sky day every 2-3 weeks, so not very much appreciated.

Huh.. you were there first at the unknown.. yet someone popped before you, and you threw a fit and stole their mob..

Oh the irony..
Q_Q harder. I stole a Kirin, I'm not denying it or trying to justify it. You can make your cheap comments and imply I 'threw a fit', but there are a few key differences;

1. We were there, having not left the room for hours, had done plenty of pops, told them that our sky days are few and far between so we didn't intend to leave.

2. They talked ***in say for literally 90 minutes during several of our fights before the incident.

3. I warned them it wouldn't end well if they ninja popped.

***wasn't even about the Kirin, it was about the time. If they asked politely I'd give them a set, it takes all of 2 hours to solo anyway..

Really, nobody cares that your shell had to wait for our JoL. We were in sea, we knew when the ??? repopped, we spent the 15 minutes killing Prudence instead of sitting on our ***. That doesn't give you any more right than us, sorry. We got back after it was up anyway, why didn't you pop if you were in such a rush?

On top of all that, we spent the hour it took your guys to kill it doing Prudence/Justice repeatedly, which meant forced downtime for us between Love respawns later. We could have kept popping them and ended up saving time in the long run.

1.) I asked nicely, you refused and worded yourself, almost beckoning me to pop against you.

2.) We didn't.

3.) You didn't.

And then, after MPKing us (twice) you said it's fair. Why don't you just stop playing already? You have a group of very skilled players, I'll give you that. But it seems like every time you come back to Remora, your douchebag personality rubs off on people, and creates problems for other people. And now you've created a linkshell that is so rude to everyone. The sad thing is, you get away with it, too, and you shouldn't. You've been around too long doing this, and you know what you can and can't get away with. It's pathetic.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 45
By Remora.Beltenebros 2010-03-04 09:41:55
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Remora.Willoflame said:
First of all, Leviathan, I would like to apologize on my server's behalf for starting this drama on your forum. It sucks because this topic was a social greeting, and turned into an accusation-fest.

As for the linkshells on Remora, I can tell you right now that we have some rude shells. I'm sure that Leviathan does as well. So it is safe to say that there will be even more on our merged server. I apologize for this also.

All apologies aside, I am quite excited myself to meet some of you Leviathan players. I've heard there's quite a few JP players, and that Leviathan is a very kind server. If this information holds true, I am absolutely stoked to be merging with you all. While the merge does suck, at least I will be among nice, understanding people.

^This, pretty much. Every server has drama and asshat LSes, so please don't judge us by 2-3 representatives of 2-3 LSes before we even get in the door. We have goldsmiths to offer- lots of them! And idk how people decided Remora wasn't JP heavy. I'd wager that a good third, if not more, of the server is JP and are generally very polite and helpful at that.

Let's take a step back from the drama, look for bonds of friendship, and forget about stealing claims. In 6 months or so, we'll all be able to solo Kirin anyway. :P
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9
By Remora.Cavinne 2010-03-04 10:32:04
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Remora.Cavinne said:
Socomalpha said:
I'm curious if anyone has any warnings of things to come from Remora. RMT tells/bot's etc., Player and/or linkshells? No need to flame a person or group, just curious.
There is 1 endgame LS that is very rude and not pleasant to be around. They will do anything to ruin your fun to get what they want. :(

When I responded to that question, it was NOT intended to become a 3 page drama *****fest. Just a little warning about a certain LS. I apologize for bringing up the Kirin ordeal. Most ppl who know me, know I don't cause drama.
That being said, please lets drop it. It's over with, done with, gone.

I'm excited to meet everyone on Leviathan server and make new friends as that is going to be home for all of us soon.

Cavinne :)~~~
Proud member of CovenantLS
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Eriuddo
Posts: 98
By Remora.Eriuddo 2010-03-04 12:03:45
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1.) I asked nicely, you refused and worded yourself, almost beckoning me to pop against you.
A) I said we weren't leaving and we can't stop you from popping in front of us, but we aren't okay with it.

2.) We didn't.
A) Are you serious? Ask Raborn or whoever the RDM75 with INT+3 rings on was..

3.) You didn't.
A) I told you pretty clearly that if you pop in front of us and we get an opportunity we're taking it. You chose to do it anyway.

Why don't you just stop playing already?
A) I'm having fun.

You have a group of very skilled players, I'll give you that. But it seems like every time you come back to Remora, your douchebag personality rubs off on people, and creates problems for other people.
A) You created problems for yourself. I told you very clearly that we didn't intend to leave or want to take turns, we do sky very rarely while your shell does it multiple times a week.

And now you've created a linkshell that is so rude to everyone. The sad thing is, you get away with it, too, and you shouldn't. You've been around too long doing this, and you know what you can and can't get away with. It's pathetic.
A) If you didn't give me both reasons and opportunity to screw you over, you wouldn't have been.

If you want a Kirin set, like I said in my last post, I'll solo one and give it to you. I'm only concerned with my time and my linkshell's time, couldn't care less about your shitty shell's triggers.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Rojo
Posts: 14
By Remora.Ojor 2010-03-04 12:25:37
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*Pops The Beach Boys vinyl on the turntable, skips to Good Vibrations and uses /dance4 motion repeatedly*

I tried to say it before... The good people will far outweigh the 'bad.'

Now if Levi considers incessant /dance4 motion as 'bad' then I'll be shunned out of existence. (Beltenebros: about half of ThirteenWarriors can attest to that one :P)
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 45
By Remora.Beltenebros 2010-03-04 13:20:28
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If mashing a /dance4 motion macro is wrong, then I don't want to be right.

Looks like we may be starting our own LS on Levi, Ojor :P
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: cmm491
Posts: 1
By Remora.Epiphani 2010-03-04 13:30:24
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Talk about a bad first impression... Don't let this experience get you Levi residers thinking badly about Remora. I have called Remora home for most of my ffxi career, which is only a year and a few months. Before that, I was on bahamut but did free imigration bc I hated how packed it was...

I have never in one case had a bad experience on Remora with any other players that I would consider noteworthy. All in all, I have sone great experiences and met some very nice people. It was not until this before mentioned Kirin event that something severe happened. It is a great community all in all. even the JP players are generally nice, I've been invited to several JP parties and never had a problem.

CovenantLS is a great starting out endgame LS. We have incredible leadership and some great members. Yes, we are young. Yes, we are learning. Yes, we have a lot to learn. But the incredible thing is, the rate at which we are learning and that reflects directly through our leadership.

It is not a fair judgment for someone say this LS is **** especially since they have idea whatsoever. PERIOD. I don't give a rats behind what equipment you have. I could care less how many days you logged. I don't think twice about how easily you solo'd some NM or bow quickly you can get some pop set. To those who think they **** rose pedals, your white box equipment and skill doesn't mean a damn thing bc you are missing the most important stat of all, respect. Drop your pathetic I'm a ffxi god ego!

I apologize for not having the time put in or the means available to me to get on your throne. Sorry if my Cerberus mantle is being laughed at bc it isn't +1. The point to my rant, let us put in our time as well, let us learn, and show some god damn class.

-Epiphani, young PLD of CovenantLS on Remora
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Tepogue
Posts: 2
By Leviathan.Tepogue 2010-03-04 17:32:19
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Tuesdays are packed for Dyanmis and the leaders work together for the most part by utilizing http://www.dynamiscalendar.com/index.php to schedule areas.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1
By Remora.Zagyg 2010-03-04 22:06:39
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Ya know, I already moved away from this server once. I want my $25 back SE...
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Natsuchii
Posts: 66
By Leviathan.Natsuchii 2010-03-04 22:11:07
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Remora.Kindle said:
Ya but no snazzy name for it like Ro'mart!

I always used to call it the Batallia Downs Black Market.
Leviathan.Tepogue said:
Tuesdays are packed for Dyanmis and the leaders work together for the most part by utilizing http://www.dynamiscalendar.com/index.php to schedule areas.

For the most part is right. Guyle loves stealing zones from AltTab.
Leviathan.Erang said:
to the ladies of remora: hit me up if you have facebook that has no reference to ffxi whatsoever. :P
Not from Remora (obviously) but I like befriending people to talk about non FFXI stuff anyways. facebook.com/Natsuchii roffle
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
Posts: 16
By Remora.Willoflame 2010-03-04 22:28:25
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Leviathan.Tepogue said:
Tuesdays are packed for Dyanmis and the leaders work together for the most part by utilizing http://www.dynamiscalendar.com/index.php to schedule areas.

Looks like you guys are pretty packed on Tues/Sat (the days that we go in) so we're going to change to Thurs/Sun. Thanks for that website, didn't even know it exist.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Arkimedes
Posts: 5
By Remora.Arkimedes 2010-03-04 23:02:06
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Hello Everybody!

Is there already a turf war between remora and leviathan starting even before the merge?

Cant we all just get along? lol :P
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