Reisenjima T1/T2 Low Man Strats

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Reisenjima T1/T2 low man strats
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By lhova 2016-02-15 17:34:17
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I'm going to main Blu and was hoping for low man strats for these nm's. I tried with s party today consisting of geo whm blm pld Blu x2 and we got owned by the dark unicorn and the book. After those two loses people "had" to go. We tried melee light sc and blm burst but the timing sucked. I hate going in blind especially when people will bail if you fail. Thanks!
Serveur: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2016-02-15 17:54:06
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There is no book in Reisenjima, so idk what you're looking at. Oryx is slow no matter what from what I've seen, you can do it with magic bursts or melee setups but you want sufficient buffing. Not much point bringing a BLM if there's only one GEO and they're doing melee buffs.

PLD WHM bufferx2 meleex2 would do fine, as would PLD SCHx2 nukerx3(preferably at least 1 geo). If you go the mage route, you need to skillchain nonstop and it's preferable to stick to lower mp cost elements so you don't have mp problems. I alternate earth/water and usually kill in 6-7 min.
Serveur: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Montaeg 2016-02-15 18:02:46
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You can't use geo debuffs on oryx cause it makes him go crazy and kill you. Buffs are ok though.
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By Bismarck.Speedyjim 2016-02-15 18:56:32
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I duo Oryx with BLU and BLM, rest are trusts. CDC burn him.

Same goes for Crom Dubh (Stun Noiahionto), Sand Buaya and Selkit.
Serveur: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Ganlere 2016-02-15 20:06:19
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Done oryx, selkit, belphegor, taelmoth as blu and whm with two tank trusts, healer trust and support trust. Depends what you have and are comfortable with. Taelmoth you may want to skip the healer trust and do another tank. Generally just one shots tanks except gessho.

This is with adhemar gear, basically capped JP, etc. above avg whm gear.
Serveur: Ragnarok
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user: Afania
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By Ragnarok.Afania 2016-02-15 20:37:34
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Don't debuff it with bubbles.

DD and mage don't stand in front of it.

Don't make melee mage hybrid setup unless you are trying to clear every NM or friend wants clear. The only melee that may work well with blm buffs are magical ws DD like WAR BST COR RNG. Other Melees don't get much out of mage buffs. If doing melee buffs then BLM isn't worth bringing.

Make sure everyone in pt are not undergeared and have appropriate gear lv... some healer would join pt in full 109 gears and refuse to upgrade them, thinking they can make some easy progress by getting easier invite than DD. The result is never good because they got one shot over and over, making the nm a lot harder than they should be. Reisenjima is content designed for ilv 119 players, everyone should get ilv 119 gears in other content before doing it.
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By Asura.Saevel 2016-02-15 21:41:59
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Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Make sure everyone in pt are not undergeared and have appropriate gear lv... some healer would join pt in full 109 gears and refuse to upgrade them, thinking they can make some easy progress by getting easier invite than DD

Can't stress this enough, all support need to start idling in full 119 gear. I can't count the number of mages I've seen one shoted because they like to idle in serpentes or do stuff in non-119 gear. Everyone needs the defense, MDB, magic evasion, INT and VIT that gear offers.
Serveur: Sylph
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By Sylph.Ashiya 2016-02-15 22:45:02
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I'm curious, what would be a good setup on T1 Golden Kist?
Serveur: Bismarck
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user: Squah
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By Bismarck.Squah 2016-02-15 23:25:02
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1 SCH named Hiep or Mischief and no trusts

For srs, SCH BLM and trusts can duo it, but its sketch af. Add in a WHM or GEO for support, and utilize barthunder/barpoison and meva sets and you'll resist most of the death trap stuns/poisons, even while solo/duo. More BLMs means it dies faster (and procs faster)
Serveur: Sylph
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By Sylph.Oraen 2016-02-15 23:30:37
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Whenever I feel like being particularly masochistic, I fight Kist on SCH or BLU. Basically, it takes a lot of damage from darkness. My sure-fire win involves bursting a strong Helix 2 on it and then sitting around waiting for it to die. On BLU, I just continually apply Diamondhide to my trusts and burst Tenebral off Req > CDC chains.

Highly suggest throwing Deaths and Noctohelix at it instead, though, as it's just much less annoying.
Serveur: Ragnarok
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user: Afania
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By Ragnarok.Afania 2016-02-15 23:58:44
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Sylph.Ashiya said: »
I'm curious, what would be a good setup on T1 Golden Kist?

SCH, COR,BLM, GEO, trust tank and healer. GEO do BoG malaise acumen, COR do Wizards roll. SCH Voidstorm2 everyone before pop, start SC for Leaden salute after pop, COR close darkness with Oracle+ soldiers drink 3k tp leaden salute for 180k to 190k total dmg, blm and SCH finish it with death mb and helix. If it's not dead then use wing then leaden salute again.

You can replace sch with any job that can open SC for leaden.

Fight takes 20 to 30 sec depending on how fast you open SC. This strat is fast and easy with pretty much 100% success rate since it dies before it can *** you with zombie aura. If you use more than 1 mb to kill it, it does one million ***moves and that's when this NM gets harder.
Posts: 284
By Titanfoo 2016-02-16 00:31:55
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blm+sch can low-man Golden Kist, Death speeds things up, it's really not that hard if you just take his aura down.
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Devrom
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By Bahamut.Vinedrius 2016-02-16 04:12:52
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The bugard is very easy. If you are using a trust for healing and no way to stona the trust, you may want to use 2 tank trust as it can petrify the healer (they don't stay far enough) and the bugard can instakill a tank with lower than certain %hp (yellow?) with one move (Tyrant Tusk iirc). Other than that, use a BLU dispel or let someone else or a trust who can dispel remove its def buff from "Scutum" and just spam CDC. No need to bother with defensive BLU buffs.

Dullahan is also not dangerous unless it successfully uses that gtfo move called "Noiahionto" which must be stunned if you don't want to bite the dust. Stunner trusts aren't reliable for this so you have to watch for it yourself (or another stunner) at all times. Other than that, attack from behind and blank gaze (or finale if you are bringing a brd) it multiple times (6 max) after each "Infernal Bulwark" to remove its buffs (dark dispel isn't reliable for this).
Posts: 60
By Zeak 2016-02-16 07:13:21
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I've duo'd quite a few T1s with a BLU friend before, and it's even possible for BLU to just straight up solo them. Two or three players is still a good number to work with, and if you can get a GEO to help, it'll definitely speed up the kills. I believe NMs like Sang, Crom, Kist and Dolores are already well-documented. In fact, since mage strats are so powerful, I actually have no idea what these NMs even do; they pretty much die the second they show up. I can, however, offer a couple tips for the melee oriented fight.

Oryx - You at least need a melee DD with a reliable crit-based WS to break his horn. Per usual, CDC is stupid strong here. Once the horn is off, his DT-50% wears off until he uses Damsel Memento, so you gotta cram some damage in. With less people, this can be a long fight. With me on RUN and a BLU partner, it took us almost 10 minutes on our first try. His attacks aren't too much of a concern, it's mostly magic/lightning based, but he LOVES to Amnesia below 50% HP, which makes the later half of the fight an absolute chore. He also likes to Silencega, which isn't a big deal, but it does make Amchuchu tanking a bit rougher since she can't pull mobs away from other Trusts. If you can bring mages, it makes the fight that much quicker, but I would still recommend some hybrid melee to actually deal and mitigate damage.

Zduhac - This guy is kind of a joke for the first 75% of the fight, but he goes crazy at the last 25%. Well, okay, every damn NM does, but this guy thinks its hilarious to Terror lock you and hit you with his weak, pathetic attacks. I'd still recommend a tank or someone with full -50PDT to hold him, though, because you never know how long you're gonna be locked into Terror. Again, mages using ice damage speed things up, but one or two melee is still fine so long as they have accuracy. My accuracy on RUN was only about 1250, and I had issues hitting him while Feather Barrier was up. My BLU friend had about 1400, and seemed to be capped, so that's what you're gonna need if you can't dispel him.

Taelmoth - This fight encompasses one of my biggest pet peeves: The Full Dispel. Seriously, screw this mechanic; it only exist to make me waste more gil on food. For the most part, magic damage isn't necessary since he puts up a Magic Shield pretty often, so this is typically a melee friendly fight. What's more, the majority of his attacks are blinkable, outside of stuff like Spectral Floe. I would recommend a RUN tank if you have other melee to keep them protected from Floe, but PLD/RNG set-ups are also pretty viable. Unfortunately, he does have high dark resist and a move that buffs his MAB (Immortal Mind), so Blank Gaze or Finale can prevent this fight from turning sour. When he uses Azure Lore, he's gonna try to perform a Typhoon > Bloodrake SC that'll pretty much OHKO whoever is hit by it, but both attacks are absorbed with shadows. I believe the RUN or PLD can generally run away from these attacks as well, but I prefer to just blink through them so as not to worry about getting back into position. And if you do bring a GEO, they'll probably give you guff about having to recast bubbles, 'cause then they can't AFK for the whole fight...

Selkit - This is another anti-magic fight: Not just because he takes less magic damage, but because it's a very, very volatile fight. My friend has solo'd him on BLU, and I have on NIN, but the main reason why that is possible is because shadows mitigate a lot of his attacks. There are three main attacks that aren't blocked by shadows: Hell Scissors, Venom Storm, and Telsonic Tempest. Hell Scissors reduces a targets HP to 5%, but it's a hate reset, so the person it hits is safe, for the most part. He uses this attack a lot for the first 25% of the fight, but begins using it less and less over time. Ulmia is an interesting trust for this very reason, as she'll start using Scherzo, which blocks a good amount of the damage, but does nothing for the hate reset. Keep her in mind if you have the room. Venom Storm isn't used often at all, but it is a 100 HP tic poison, so bring medicine if you plan on tackling him with only a few players. Telsonic Tempest puts Encumbrance on the target, which isn't a big deal on its own. However, when he uses Evasion (Brings his evasion up the about 1200, or so), he also puts up a massive Slow aura, and combined with Encumberance, puts a serious strain on recasting shadows. It's highly likely for someone to die if this happens, because he can be erratic and just throw out some crits right afterward before you can even react.

Speaking of which, those crits can deal up to 1.2k each if he uses Sharp Strike, so consider bringing some form of dispel (Koru/King/Arciela can all land it on him). Generally, the more bodies you can throw at him, the better. Don't worry a whole lot about SCs, just focus on bringing him down ASAP. Geo/indi-Haste is also nice to have here to combat his slow aura, but keep Wilt in mind if you can't keep his damage in check.

Belphegor - In case you haven't caught on by now, BLU generally walks all over these NMs, and Belph is no exception. Primarily, Blank Gaze gets rid of the major threat of this fight, Momento Mori. He likes to use this often to boost his magic damage to unsurvivable levels, and is a guaranteed wipe if left unchecked or he isn't killed fast enough. His only other gimmick is his AoE charm move, which is really the only melee-unfriendly part of the fight. General strat is to have a GEO Vex/Attunement to floor his accuracy, but if you can't get one to help, there are two alternatives I can think of. One is have Amchuchu tank and have a couple good RNG zerg him down. The other is good ol' pets jobs. Well, honestly, pet jobs can solo him pretty easily anyway, but PUP can only do so reliably with use of Overdrive. This makes it impractical to farm consecutively, but if the PUP summons Trust, you can just have 1 or 2 BLU melee him down while the auto tanks/DD. Even if the BLU(s) charmed, the Trust and Auto are still active, and hopefully charm wears off before he Momentos too much. Or I guess just solo BLU and deal with the potential charm. King/Koru/Arciela should be using Dia III anyway.

Hope that helps. There's more to these fights, but it's often hard to discern since it seems everyone except me has BLU leveled, and they typically counteract the major components of these fights. I would actually suggest just popping them yourself on BLU and testing the waters; you may be surprised how far you can get solo.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2016-02-16 07:31:00
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Zeak said: »
Oryx - You at least need a melee DD with a reliable crit-based WS to break his horn. Per usual, CDC is stupid strong here. Once the horn is off, his DT-50% wears off until he uses Damsel Memento, so you gotta cram some damage in. With less people, this can be a long fight. With me on RUN and a BLU partner, it took us almost 10 minutes on our first try. His attacks aren't too much of a concern, it's mostly magic/lightning based, but he LOVES to Amnesia below 50% HP, which makes the later half of the fight an absolute chore. He also likes to Silencega, which isn't a big deal, but it does make Amchuchu tanking a bit rougher since she can't pull mobs away from other Trusts. If you can bring mages, it makes the fight that much quicker, but I would still recommend some hybrid melee to actually deal and mitigate damage.

If I remember correctly, you can avoid Oryx's amnesia by not standing in front of it. Crit-hit WS isn't needed, in fact I've never seen his horn break. But I guess you can always move in front of it when you WS then move away to avoid anmesia if you have cri-hit WS. August can tank it very well, in fact I think august can tank anything Amchuchu can and do it better. If your DDs are well geared and hasted you can still kill it fast enough without ever needing mage/removing DT- or w/e.

Zeak said: »
Belphegor - In case you haven't caught on by now, BLU generally walks all over these NMs, and Belph is no exception. Primarily, Blank Gaze gets rid of the major threat of this fight, Momento Mori. He likes to use this often to boost his magic damage to unsurvivable levels, and is a guaranteed wipe if left unchecked or he isn't killed fast enough. His only other gimmick is his AoE charm move, which is really the only melee-unfriendly part of the fight. General strat is to have a GEO Vex/Attunement to floor his accuracy,

GEO vex/attunement nor dispel isn't needed for this NM as long as your BLU can kill it fast enough. Just use august tank and melee/WS it until it dies. It's a 2 min fight or less with melee solo+ trusts depend on how strong your DD is, never seen a charm move goes off as long as you kill it fast enough.

Edit: Or you can use charm buffer if you're worried about charm move.
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Devrom
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By Bahamut.Vinedrius 2016-02-16 07:54:47
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Ragnarok.Afania said: »
If I remember correctly, you can avoid Oryx's amnesia by not standing in front of it. Crit-hit WS isn't needed, in fact I've never seen his horn break. But I guess you can always move in front of it when you WS then move away to avoid anmesia if you have cri-hit WS. August can tank it very well, in fact I think august can tank anything Amchuchu can and do it better. If your DDs are well geared and hasted you can still kill it fast enough without ever needing mage/removing DT- or w/e.

Horn breaking does happen but you just can't rely on it. Silencega is an annoyance but can be dealt with by subbing DNC because our lovely healer trusts don't stay far enough. You can engage and pull the NM away from Kupipi but Apururu stays at 15-16 or something like that so that she can use devotion, not sure about others. But Kupipi can't keep up anyway. Maybe Yoran-Oran can be positioned far enough since he doesn't have any JA to use on others but I haven't tried him.

Zeak said: »
Oryx - You at least need a melee DD with a reliable crit-based WS to break his horn. Per usual, CDC is stupid strong here. Once the horn is off, his DT-50% wears off until he uses Damsel Memento, so you gotta cram some damage in. With less people, this can be a long fight. With me on RUN and a BLU partner, it took us almost 10 minutes on our first try. His attacks aren't too much of a concern, it's mostly magic/lightning based, but he LOVES to Amnesia below 50% HP, which makes the later half of the fight an absolute chore. He also likes to Silencega, which isn't a big deal, but it does make Amchuchu tanking a bit rougher since she can't pull mobs away from other Trusts. If you can bring mages, it makes the fight that much quicker, but I would still recommend some hybrid melee to actually deal and mitigate damage.

August is generally better than Amchuchu against things that he can block with his shield i.e. normal auto-attack mechanic but when it comes to auto-attacks that acts as abilities, his effectiveness fades and I believe Oryx's attacks work that way. Amchuchu also brings AoE fast cast to the table which helps at least herself and other trusts. Then again, it is all situational so it is always good to try both.
Posts: 60
By Zeak 2016-02-16 08:08:05
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Ragnarok.Afania said: »
GEO vex/attunement nor dispel isn't needed for this NM as long as your BLU can kill it fast enough. Just use august tank and melee/WS it until it dies. It's a 1~2 min fight melee solo+ trusts, never seen a charm move goes off as long as you kill it fast enough.

Well, I do believe I covered the whole "Kill fast, no problems" angle, but I'm not too sure about him neglecting his charm move. I've heard similar, and have also seen him hold off on it for what seems like a 2 minute timer, but he's definitely just thrown it out there when he feels like. It might be he's less likely to use it until a certain point (Probably after chainspell), but he's used it while I've zerged him on PUP in 1-2 minutes. Well, THAT and Sleepga were the major roadblocks on my solo kills. I've heard similar from the BLU friend who also solo zergs him and he just kind deals with it on the off chance it happens. Just kind of seems like he has access to it any time below 50% and has days where he's generous or maniacal with it.

As for buffers, I've used them before out of paranoia, but I'm not actually sure what unlocks them. Most of the time when I recommend temp items, people don't have them, so I'd rather offer some alternative until I can also inform them HOW to get said items.
Serveur: Sylph
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user: Gaztastic
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By Sylph.Oraen 2016-02-16 08:08:27
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I don't know if this has been fixed, but in the past whenever August would get hit with amnesia, he would do literally nothing. His regular attacks supposedly count as WS or JAs, so he will just sit there and do nothing. Amchuchu is the better bet against anything with an amnesia.
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Devrom
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By Bahamut.Vinedrius 2016-02-16 08:10:45
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Charm also means no trusts unless it doesn't insta-aggro you before you could resummon when charm wears off. It seems to me a "be lucky and kill before it charms or take it in your face and die" fight.
Serveur: Sylph
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user: Gaztastic
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2016-02-16 08:14:37
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If he does get a charm off, it's not the end of the world. Your trusts will be desummoned, but he will not aggro you after the charm duration, so you can simply resummon them. Then it's back to smacking the crap out of him again.
Serveur: Caitsith
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By Caitsith.Mahayaya 2016-02-16 08:39:45
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For Oryx , it seems like Damsel Memento super charges its next Wrath of Zeus too, so if you don't have strong magic evasion/defense it may be better to just power through its -50% DT.
Serveur: Sylph
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user: Parshias
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By Sylph.Parshias 2016-02-16 08:43:54
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I've soloed Belphegor about a dozen times on BLU and I've never seen him use his Charm move. And these weren't exactly quick fights either, something more like 7-8 minute kills with no charm.
Serveur: Bismarck
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user: Squah
Posts: 106
By Bismarck.Squah 2016-02-16 08:57:33
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Speaking of Belphegor - I have a decent macc set that rolls over from SCH, but blank gaze still misses a bit.

Is his "stacking" Memento Mori fully dispelled from a single Blank Gaze?

i.e. stacked 6 times then dispel resets to 0, or do I need to gaze him 6 times?
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Gaztastic
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2016-02-16 08:59:35
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The buff is fully dispelled with one Gaze.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Squah
Posts: 106
By Bismarck.Squah 2016-02-16 09:33:57
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Oh, and SCH can solo most/all things that don't resist magic damage by zombie'ing it lol

i.e. Kist, Sabotender, Tonberry (can be solo'd without dying though)

Open fight with a fat helix and then do as much damage as you can before dying. Reraise, wait for helix to tick it to a low enough % that an ebullience/weather/klimaform T5 will kill it and profit lol

That was how I solo'd Khon for amalroc feet abj and Caro necklace. Pop, MB helix, turn and die to terrordoom gaze before he could Gambit the helix off and put shield up. Reraise, wait a minute or two, T5 and win
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2016-02-16 10:19:26
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How come SCH solo is being mentioned over and over again in this thread when OP is clearly BLU?

Also I believe OP is looking for efficient strat to kill NM fast and farm stuff repeatedly, not zombie everything to death on SCH which takes..... forever?

(The time you spend on solo kist on sch, you could probably kill kist more than 4 times with a party of 4)
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Squah
Posts: 106
By Bismarck.Squah 2016-02-16 11:01:27
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Because the topic title is "Reisenjima T1/T2 low man strats". Just because the OP is BLU does not exclude everyone else who may look at this topic for advice. If they wanted BLU only, they should have looked or posted in the BLU forum where you could find documentation already there on solo/lowman strategies.

They want solo or lowman strategies. If you can't round up friends, solo is your only option. I gave that option.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Azriel
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By Asura.Azriel 2016-02-16 11:26:54
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Make sure everyone in pt are not undergeared and have appropriate gear lv... some healer would join pt in full 109 gears and refuse to upgrade them, thinking they can make some easy progress by getting easier invite than DD

Can't stress this enough, all support need to start idling in full 119 gear. I can't count the number of mages I've seen one shoted because they like to idle in serpentes or do stuff in non-119 gear. Everyone needs the defense, MDB, magic evasion, INT and VIT that gear offers.

Posts: 573
By lhova 2016-02-16 15:20:39
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Yeah it's actually hard finding scholars to do this event. I know that they would help destroy this stuff. Hoping all of it could be handled via me on Blu, a blm and a whm and or geo. Cor seems pretty good too but again it's hard finding one.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Squah
Posts: 106
By Bismarck.Squah 2016-02-16 15:25:58
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With that setup you probably can take down all of T1, especially if GEO is involved. Some T2 are very easy (strophadia, ironside) and some aren't (shuck). You can get most of what you need with that group though.
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