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Eorzea Time
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Celene said:
Icon said:
Celene said:
Gaea said:
Our group has been going 6-7 times a week.

I knew there was a reason I was not having this character touch endgame. >.>

Yeah endgame on Asura you should be looking at twice a day 6-7 days a week for just about everything outside of things that has a time limit before doing it again. And in that case you should have your mules and Alts doing it too.

That's really sad though, to be honest. Have fun wasting your RL.

Salvage is about all I do. My girlfriend and I don't live together so I have a lot of free time. We also clear the zone in about 90 minutes. It's no different than watching an hour and a half of TV in the morning. Furthermore, she gets home about the time Salvage ends, and I get home a few hours earlier than her. Sure I can do plenty with out her, but I enjoy doing things more when I do them with her. I certainly don't want to be playing FFXI when I could be spending time with her.

Maybe you should get a life?

How am I wasting my real life by playing 8-9 hours a week of FFXI. Think before you speak.

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